Chapter 17

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Harry opened Kylie's car door without making eye contact. "So are you going to tell me? "

Kylie stood on her toes trying to size up to Harry's tall frame. "Do you want me to get Kim?"

Harry asked already unbuckling her; she fell asleep rather quickly. Harry reached in and picked up her small body as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

She yawned before sleepily adding "Where are we hazy?" slurring her words. "Home" harry said, he glanced down but she was fast asleep.

He brushed his lips on her forehead before turning to Kylie again "Are you coming?" "Hpm" she said walking to the large shinny doors.

The glass was cool to her touch as she held the door for harry and Kim sleeping soundlessly on his shoulder. A bell man greeted them upon entering.

"Hello Mr. Styles, would you like dinner up?" he asked with a smile. He had a crisp uniform, black and white, and had his arms placed neatly behind him waiting for Harry's reply.

"Yes, thank you Edward. But send for two more mouths, I'm having company."

"Of course sir, it will be up momentarily" Harry noded and the bell man walked towards what looked like kitchen doors.

"Come on" harry said gently pushing Kylies shoulder to walk. "Before our food beats us, they are quick"

Kylie walked towards the elevator and pressed the button and waited patiently, letting a few moments pass watching the lights flash across the number of floors the elevator was passing. Kylie began to think, 'why won't harry talk to me?'.

She glanced at harry, he was staring straight, lost in thought with Kim limply in his arms. He rocked her softly resting his cheek on her head.

'Kim's birthday is coming up 'kylie thought 'what am I going to do?'. Kylie's thoughts were interrupted when the elevator doors opened up, some elderly women with fur coats walked out placing on their white gloves.

They looked like something you would see in an old film, for some reason Kylie didn't like it.

"Harry! Darling! How have you been?" one women asked with bright red lips and some lip stick on her teeth "Well Margret, and yourself?" harry asked getting into the elevator.

"Oh! Just wonderful thank you" she said walking away with a wave of her slim hand. "Who was that?" Kylie asked stepping into the elevator.

The doors shut silently behind her,"Mrs. Willow, she lives below me" harry said still not looking at Kylie.

Harry reached over and pressed a button for his floor. "Shouldn't we put Kim down first" Kylie asked.

"She can sleep in my room" harry said calmly, still not making eye contact. "So are you going to tell me?" Kylie asked again.

Her curiosity getting the best of her, "Do you like stake?" harry asked stepping out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened.

A different bell boy was standing by the wooden door smiling with a rolling table and a white table cloth and what seemed like a huge pile of food.

"Good afternoon Mr. Styles, long day?"

"Very" harry said unlocking the front door. "Could you prepare the table?" harry asked entering his home, Kylie behind him and the bell boy last pushing in the table of food; woah they are fast.

"Certainly sir, would you like candles? Or maybe some Champaign?" "Sure, whatever you have; thank you" harry said walking towards a long hallway.

Harry's house was very large, larger than Kylies. But something seemed... off to Kylie. She glanced around the room. Everything was so clean, so untouched, not a mess in sight. Not even a pillow out of place, almost like no one lived here.

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