Chapter 10

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Ugh, why my head is killing me?

I picked up my head lightly and tried to turn off of my side, but my back pressed firmly against Harry's chest. His arm was wrapped around my lower stomach, and his face was on the crook of my neck with his legs tangled in mine.

I smiled remembering falling asleep on him, but memories of the last night popped in my head causing me to moan in pain and lay on my sore back. Harry released me and woke up with alert "What's wrong?" he asked picking himself up and resting his weight on his arm glancing around the room.

I didn't reply, I just stared at him; and really looked at him. His green eyes, full plump lips, beautiful curly locks, made me feel- dizzy of happiness, real happiness. Not the kind you get from eating your favorite food, but from hugging a family member.

He looked at me and smiled a goofy smile, while rubbing my cheek gently. He saved me. "False alarm? Sorry, I'm a little paranoid"

I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down to my face. Instead of kissing me like I planned, he turned his head so his soft lips were to my ear barley brushing it "I'm so sorry Kylie" "Shhh" I said hugging him, his body fitting over me.

He looked up at me then my lips; he licked his and slowly began to move closer. Time seemed to stand still as his lips moved closer to me, I waited; anticipating.

We were nose to nose just frozen, breathing each other in; he moved slightly closer and placed his large hand on my side and put a bit of pressure when I cried out in pain causing harry to pull back surprised.

He looked at me to explain but I couldn't speak, afraid I would cry out again. Harry sat up in front of me moving my legs gently and raised my shirt, or his shirt, to show my stomach. I blushed, trying to cover myself. "Stop. your beautiful" I blushed even more, moving my hands. He never even noticed my stretch marks, or lack of curves.

Harry raised it all the way up and stopped where my breast started and winced at the huge purple and blue bruise on my side. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes holding in what ever was built up.

"I'm going to find out who did this to you" "It's not that bad" I said touching the sore area, but pulling away quickly and biting my lip to keep from crying.

He checked my arms and legs for more bruises; he gently kissed all the visible damage, giving me shivers as his soft lips ran across my skin. I layed with Harry for a few minutes before he requested his shirt back to go back to his place to get cleaned up so I got up and showered away all the dirt and dried blood that stuck to my skin. The hot water doing wonders to my sore body.

It only took a few minutes to clean up but I stood there thinking about life and how much it's changed for about thirty minutes. I felt sore and tired, and as much as I hate it admit it; I'm scared. Scared of all that might happen to me or anyone that's around me like Harry.We should tell the police, or someone. Harry didn't seem to want to tell the police though or anyone really, he seemed to have wanted control over what's happening. I shut off the water along with my worries and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel.

My closet was connected to the bathroom as I picked out a nice outfit. My good jeans, a loose top, and mismatching socks because well, who wears matching socks?

I got dressed and walked into my bedroom to find a clean and dressed harry. He smiled at me and finished cleaning up and rested on my bed with his arms behind his head. My room was clean and my bed was neatly made. "You're the best" I said smiling "Anything for you babe" he said with a wink.

I sat down on my bed and sighed "I'm so tired" I said. He sat up next to me and placed my head on his lap. He began stroking my hair and twisting my wavy hair in his hand through his fingers, combing my damp hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed for once, loving the feel of his touch.

"So... um... Are you going to tell me what happened?" There was a pause and then I spoke "It wasn't Isacc" I said answering his unasked question.

"What? How do you know" "I knocked him to the floor, and when he fell he grunted. His voice was much deeper than Isacc's"

Harry smiled and said "You knocked him to the floor love?" "Well it didn't keep them down, so it didn't hurt that much" Harry laughed.

"What happened after that??" He was looking at me, still stroking my hair and stopping when he was deep in thought.

"Well after I knocked him down I jumped over him to run but he grabbed my leg and tripped me. And that's how I got most of my cuts and bruises" I said showing him my scrapped hands from when I slid to catch myself.

He got up gently placing a pillow for my head and grabbed my first aid kit from under the sink and began cleaning them. They stung every time he wiped them with alcohol that made me want to grab the damn wipe from him and do it myself , even though I wouldn't have done it personally, but still.

After he finished most of the cleaning I continued "I fell and I fell hard so I didn't get up fast enough, I rolled over on my back and he still held my ankle so I kick him in the face. He let go and I got up to run when he grabbed my hair and threw me to the floor."

Harry tensed at my words, but I continued to speak "he kicked me on my side" I touched the now bruised area and harry put his hand over mine. "And when he went to kick me again I heard you call my name and so did he. I took the opportunity and punched him in the, well..."

I looked at him and he didn't seem to get it until I laughed and said "down there and ran" I blushed saying the words and he laughed finally catching on. "And that's when I ran to you,...You saved me" I said smiling.

He smiled and said "So, someone random did this? Maybe a robber?"

"Well..." I said avoiding his eye contact, which was really hard when all I wanted to do is look at him.

"Well... what?" harry said. "He called me by my name..." "He what?"

"When I was walking, he called me kylie" I said again. "So he knows you" harry said upset. "Or knows of me" I said

"Unlock your phone" harry said suddenly, "What? Why?" I asked confused.Why do I need to unlock my phone? It's not like I took some pictures or anything.

"Just do it, for me" harry said pouting. I grabbed my phone and said the code out loud for him to hear. "1149" and he smiled at me with relief.

I handed him my phone as he began typing away. He showed me the screen and said "Here's my number" and he showed it to me again

"Who's this?" harry asked. I looked at my screen and read the message: 'Meet me at the lake-xharry'.

"I don't know" I said still confused on what he was trying to prove. "That's Isaccs's number" harry said turning the screen back at him very upset.

"Now who sent this" harry said even more pissed and showed me the screen: 'Hope you had fun tonight my sweet! I will see you again soon, oh! And tell harry I said goodnight! :)'.

I looked at harry and blushed, who sent that? I didn't even know I had a message, or how Harry knew I had it. On bigger problems, what the freak! Why am I suddenly everyone's freaken target?! "Who ever this is, i'm going to kill him" harry said with a deep frown; his voice holding promise.




Miley Cyrus -> Kylie summers (when she had long hair)

Madison Pettis-> Kim (when she was younger)

Victoria justice-> Madison

Liam Hemsworth-> Luke

Dylan o'brien-> Jake

Emma Roberts-> becca

Tyler posey-> Alex

Brenda song-> Olivia

Zac Efron-> Ethan

Alex Pettyfer-> Isacc

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