Chapter 13

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Running, was the only thing I could do at this point.

My legs ran as fast as they could but it seemed like they weren't moving at all. "Harry!" I tried to scream but it came out as a whisper. I tried again with no success "Help me!"

I could feel his breath on my neck and he grabbed me. "Miss me? My sweet" The cold blade against my neck, slowly cuting. Any warmth had left my body. "Harry" I tried again, choking on my own  blood.

I sat up gasping for air, holding my hand over my heart as if to keep it from popping out of my chest. "It was just a dream" I said to myself trying to calm down. My harsh breathing scarring my throat.

But everything felt so real, I could still smell him, I could still hear him. Something about his voice.... I don't know, seemed familiar.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand and reached for my phone. 'Had a bad dream' I sent to harry. I felt bad, I've been having them for a few days now and Harry has been having to deal with me almost every night.

Almost a minute later he replied 'On my way love' I got up to put some sleeping pants on since I never sleep with them. I rebrushed my teeth and wet my face. When I sat back down on my soft warm bed, Jake walked in.

Jake looked extra sleepy, he must have got home not that long ago. He moved aside and harry stepped in with a small smile, his eyes focused on me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys up..." "It's all good little sis, don't stay up too late" Jake said with a wink before yawning and heading back to his room.

Harry closed the door behind him and swiftly walked towards me. He moved so smoothly, so confident, almost perfectly without even trying.

His green eyes were bright as ever, and his curls messy from sleep, just the way I liked them.

"Are you okay love?" Harry whispered taking off his shoes and picking me up and placing me on his lap. I sat between his legs, with my knees pulled in. Being in his arms made me so safe, but I knew what could happen; and I won't fall in love ever again.

"I had a nightmare..." "The same one?" Harry asked wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"Yes..." I said putting my face at the crook of his neck. He stayed quite, lost in thought. "And..." I started saying remembering something I should have mentioned a long time ago.

"And what?" harry said looking down at me. His beautiful green eyes and dark full eye lashes filled with worry; why is it that guys always have to die for eye lashes?

So not fair.

"At school... I kind of smelled him. And then when I was in cooking I saw someone staring at me from the window outside." "What? You saw him?" He whispered surprised.

"Well not his face, it was hidden, I just saw a figure" I said as his body tensed. He took some deep breathes and said "I won't let anyone hurt you"

"I know..." I said cuddling up to his chest "But you can't be there all the time"

"I can and I will" harry said with a stern voice so I shut up and just breathed in his sent.

He smells like his cologne he wears all the time; it smells so dark, clean, and manly. I left my hand on his hard stomach feeling every hard muscle hidden beneath his soft shirt.

He laughed as I ran my hand up down around his chest and paced his hand on mine and rested it on his lower stomach.

I glanced at the clock and it read 2:45 am, my eyes, realizing it was late, began closing into a blissful sleep.

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