Chapter 9

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Kylies POV

I kicked and tried screaming, but my screams came out muffled.

I can't panic, not now. Whoever this is, is about to get their ass kicked.

The person was pulling me deeper in the ally while walking backwards; as if making sure no one could see us. I took the advantage and remembered my lessons, I stopped moving, bent over while grabbing their hand, twisted it and used their body weight against them.

My attacker fell to the floor with a grunt. Whoever it was, was blocking my only way out, so I jumped over them; right when my foot hit the ground I picked up my leg to run but something caught hold of my leg. I began to fall, and I put out my hands to catch myself when I heard something pop.

Next my face hit the floor, hard.

Harrys POV

I looked at Jake who was still standing at the door way "Well come on!" he was about to leave when he stopped at turned "I can't... Kim. Go find her!"

I turned and started for the stairs not even wanting to wait. "Styles!" I turned and looked at Jake "Kick their ass for me!"

"Oh trust me, I will do far worse" I said and I meant it. I ran down the stairs barley catching a breath. I reached the lobby and ran out the door; I didn't have time to find my car or check if I had my keys so I ran.

Bumping plenty of people but I didn't have the mind to say sorry; I couldn't relax until she's in my arms. So I kept running, looking everywhere and shouting Kylie's name. "Kylie!" everyone turned looking at me like I was crazy.

I kept running until most of the people left home and the side walk ran empty "Kylie!!"I shouted again making dogs bark. I kept running until my lungs were on fire. I slowed down until I was walking when I saw an ally coming up, my breath coming out in puffs in the cold air.

I heard something so I stopped walking and stood still when someone ran to me, and knocked the air out of me. The girl almost fell when I caught her.

She looked up at me and said "Styles?!" Kylie began crying into my arms. I picked her up and hugged her when I saw someone run out of the ally and run the other direction.

I put her down and want to beat the shit out of whoever hurt her when she pulled my arm "NO! Harry please! Don't leave me!" she begged still crying.

I looked at her face and saw her cheek bone slightly swollen and lip busted and felt like killing someone. But I wasn't going to leave her side anymore, not again.

I picked her up bride style as she cried into my chest. After a few minutes she was asleep and all I could think about was keeping her safe and warm. After about 10 minutes we got to the penthouse.

Everyone was starring but all I could give a damn. When I got to her floor I had to kick the door to knock, and as soon as my foot made contact with the door it opened. Jake saw her and said "Oh god what happened?!"

"She's sleeping, don't worry" I said assuring him she wasn't out cold. I stepped inside and when he tried taking her she stirred and moaned "Harry?" she said.

"I'm here love" I said softly. "I think she should get some rest" I said to Jake "Yeah, this way" he started walking into their hallway and led me to Kylie's room.

I placed her on her bed and turned to Jake who was staring at his sister "Whoever did this got away, when I found her she ran to me crying and didn't want me to leave her, and I certainly wasn't" I said looking down.

"Thank You" Jake said. "What? But I didn't find who did it?" "But you found her, and that's all I could ever ask for" "I'm going got find them" I said

"I know, that's why I know for sure I can trust you with Kylie. But I must warn you, she's a bit of a fighter" he said smiling at his sister and then turning serious "That's how I know who did this looks twice as bad as her and Is pretty beat up. I haven't won a wrestling match with her since Luke- I mean... um since forever"

"Since who?" I asked. "No one" Jake said too quickly avoiding my eye contact. "I should go" I said turning to her door. "Harry?" Kylie said sleepily.

I turned and she held out her hand and I took it and kissed her swollen knuckles. "Can you stay?" I turned and looked at Jake and back to her "I'm sorry love I-"

"Styles why don't you go get some clothes to stay the night. It would make Kylie feel a lot safer if you would." "I.. uh.. Okay" I stood up a little shocked. "I will be back" I said and left to grab my clothes.

I came back with a night bag and Jake was talking to Kylie and she was drinking what smelled like tea. She looked half asleep and tired; when I walked in she held out her arms. I dropped my bag and walked to her and held her hands.

Jake rose from her bed and smiled "I'm going to bed now, try and sleep both of you. Sleep good Lyly" he said and kissed her forehead. "Night Styles" he said and started walking to the door. "Night" we both called out. He closed the door and his footsteps faded and we heard him close his door.

"Can you help me?" she said holding out her arms barley murmuring the words. "Sure love" I said taking off her jacket and then her shoes. I took off her first shirt and she had an undershirt under so I took off mine and put it on her, with a muscle shirt still under.

"Um do you want me to leave so you can change your bottoms?" I asked a bit shy.

"I can't, can you help me?" she said a bit more awake now. "Do you want me to call your brother?" I asked. "Noooo!" she said laughing lightly.

"That would be more embarrassing!" I blushed a bit at my question realizing how awkward it would be, and she laughed even more.

"Okay" I said and stood her up and helped her to her drawers and she picked out her sleeping bottoms. I walked her back to her bed and she stood in front of it and unbuckled her pants and I looked away.

"Harry" "yes?" "Can you help pull the jeans off my legs?" she was sitting down on her bed and covered herself with her blanket and held out one of her legs.

Her jeans were up to her knees and I crouched down, grabbed her slim legs and pulled them off. I picked up her bottoms and put in each leg as softly as I could and stood her up and looked away while she pulled the remainder of her bottoms on.

When she sat down I looked at her again. Her small beautiful face had cuts and scratches all over her nose and cheek bones; I reached down and kissed every single one of them.

"Come lay down, I'm tired." She said patting the bed. I sat down and picked her up easily and laid her down on me. I laid down and placed her head on my chest while she wrapped her arms around me, her legs stretched next to mine. I began to sing a quiet melody and soon her breathing slowed into a calming beat.

I'm so tired but I can't sleep knowing someone did this to Kylie and is still out there. I want to hold her forever, and keep her safe and warm.

Just the scent of her drives me crazy; no matter how close I am to her I want to get closer. My thoughts began drifting as my eyes closed when Kylie's phone went off, and I reached to grab it.

A sign popped up and I read: 'Hope you had fun tonight my swe...'.

I'm going to kill who ever sent this; I copied the number into my phone to check it out later. Ideas were already forming, trying to figure out who might have done it. Information i gathered already trying to make sense in the mystery. My eyes were struggling to keep open, and I soon drifted off to sleep.


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