Chapter 18

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Kylies POV

My mind is swarming with thoughts to the point it hurt. Kim's small body rested on my lap, and I can feel her body heat increasing "Faster" I said finally turning to Harry.

"I'm already going 70" Harry said shaking his head letting his curls fall into his eyes which he quickly pushed away. I didn't say anything, looking down at Kim to see her fighting her eyes, struggling to stay open.

"Come on Kimmy, count to twenty for me" I said shaking her lightly to wake her up. "One, two, three.." She said lowly and began mummering the rest before going silent. "Kimmy, wake up please"

Harry sighed and pressed the gas further passing every car that got in our way. The car ride was quiet, it seemed like just yesterday harry picked me up for school.

When it had only been hours ago I almost died...again. I could feel my tired legs tingle and my shoulders sink with regret. My neck felt on fire and my arms could barely support Kim's head.

I still smelled like ash and probably looked like shit. I turned to steal a glance at harry while he was focused on driving. He had a smear of what looked like dirt across his smooth cheek and what looked like a bruise on his right cheek bone.

His knuckles were scrapped slightly too. I opened my mouth to say something when harry turned suddenly.

Swerving off the freeway with horns honking as we exited "You're staring at me, why are you staring?" Harry asked still staring straight "You're knuckles, and you cheek..." I started to say "You never told me how you found me"

"You never told me how the fire started, why i couldn't see you in the patient room, how Kim showed up, how you won't say what you know, shall I continue?" Harry snapped back at me. "Your to talk, wheres your legendary brother?" "Don't start" I shut my mouth quickly at his tone. He sighed again and said lowly "I'm sorry...just.." he never finished and I never replied.

A few more bumping turns we arrived. My head seemed light when harry parked in the emergency parking lot. I opened my door and harry hurried around and took Kim out of my arms.

As soon as her weight left my arms they felt empty but sore as hell, I rubbed them gently as I took a few steps forward.

"This way" I said running towards the emergency doors. I walked in recognizing the basic hospital rooms. The painting and animal cut outs made the walls look a bit nicer than regular hospitals, but none the less it still gave me the shivers.

I walked to the desk and said loudly "Help! Someone! I need Doctor Summers, it's an emergency!" the man at the front dest stood out of his chair and picked up the phone "We have an emergency, code 1"

He moved the phone from his mouth and told us "Come closer so I can take a look at her" harry brushed past me with Kim still in his arms and held her gently to the man.

He brought the phone back to his mouth and began speaking again "She looks unconscious, high fever, and is none responsive" he paused before saying "Right away doctor... Nurse!" he yelled down the hall.

"Bring a hospital bed please" a few moments later a nurse came with a rolling bed her eyes wide but calm "Place her down please" the pretty older nurse said taking Kim and placing her on the bed.

"Is she allergic to anything?" she said pushing her down the hall. She was walking fast and harry by her side while I had to jog to keep up with their pace.

"No, but she has a heart defect she was born with" "Does she take medication for it?" "Yes, she took it this morning"

"Alright, wait in the waiting room and the doctor will be right with you" "No, I want to be with her" I said as she turned to the nurse next to her.

Hidden (Harry Styles fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang