Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I sat patiently in the car with my finger's drumming along my legs. Harry was driving the way home mute, blank, and blocked off. I shook my legs trying to keep myself distracted as I glanced back at the black tracking device that still blinked green.

My palms were sweaty as I wiped them on my light jeans. What was happening, I had no idea. One second i'm Harry's girlfriend, next i'm falling to my death, then harry pulls the tracking device off his car. Finally he looks at me all dramatically and says he has to tell me 'the truth'. I didnt even know he was lying!

And now the car is silent and I'm freaking out in my own little bubble while harry looks like he's perfectly calm. I wanted to say something, to ask him anything so he could talk; but the look on his face told me he wouldn't answer me.

My phone buzzed and then chirped as I pulled it out of my pocket, cracked. Harry never flinched as I looked at him and glanced back at the screen. 'Turn right on First Street'

"Umm Harry?" "Hm" he replied with his lips pressed tightly together and his eyes still as he drove quietly "I got a message from an unknown number telling me to turn right on First Street, isn't that coming up?" I stared at him waiting for a reaction, but his face stayed blank as he drove quietly

"Should i..?" I said trying to get him to talk, to say something. My phone chirped again, finally harry looked at my phone with a cold expression. "Are we going?" I said shyly, afraid to anger him out of his cold blank state. "No" he said passing through First Street.

He picked up his speed passing through the honks "Kylie get the TDR"

"The what?" I said looking around the car. "The tracker, get it quickly" I turned in my seat to grab the device when my phone chirped again. I grabbed the tracker and opened the message

'Big mistake my sweet, you can run but you can't hide forever. See you soon! Kisses'

"Oh my.." I said looking around "What did it say?" Harry asked with what sounded like panic filling his voice. "I got a message saying 'Big mistake my sweet" I mumbled over the sweet part and continued quickly, not letting harry comment "You can run but you can't hide forever. See you soon. Kisses'

Harry immedently looked into his mirror and cursed under his breath "I thought we would have more time. Okay listen closely Kylie" I nodded my head and looked at the two car's closely behind us "Rip off the top of the tracker and get the knife out of the glove compartment. The code is 8163B22" "8163B22" I said fumbling with the lock.

Harry took a swift turn into an ally, the cars still following. "Don't worry about them, just keep doing what im telling you" I nodded and tried to open the glove compartment with shaky hands and sharp turns harry was making made me have to focus my fingers. They were on us now, hitting the tail of the car as harry shifted gears, making the car jerk and race forward. Punching in the last two, the glove compartment popped open easily .

When I pulled it down the first thing I saw was a hand gun, two knives, a taser, rope, and what seemed to be a tablet "What the hell is this?" I said as harry turned again entering a closed area, breaking through the fence. "Rip off the top and pull out the wire" he said shifting the gears faster making the car roar louder in excitement.

Harry was swift with turns and navigating easily; like he knows the sharp turns and has done it a thousand times before. I looked at the gun and then back to harry. I turned around to see the car's chasing us.

They looked similar, tinted windows, silent engine, black paint, they were the same cars the pulled up at the lake and put on the tracking device on Harry's car. Of course they did! They were waiting, and followed us. They knew harry wouldn't have turned on First Street, and when he didn't they began their little car chase. I snapped my attention back on the tracker and searched for any openings.

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