Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Isacc looked like he might kill me with his eyes narrowed and his chest heaving up and down quickly. At least all his friends stopped laughing and were finally silent with stupid blank faces.

"Come on Isacc! We were just joking right?!" I said a little breathless with my sudden energy. Isacc looked even more pissed and I'm guessing this Styles kid noticed because he began pulling me and Kim away with a swift turn to the left. "Lyly?" Oh crap. Kim! I looked over and she looked like she just might have a panic attack at any second."Come on" Styles said dragging me over to where he was standing before.

He walked us to the car he was leaning on; as the group of shocked kids got in their cars and left whispering with shocked expressions, and almost amusement; and I don't know. Fear? Isaccs stare never left mine, he looked extremely mad, throwing open his car door and slamming it shut. He sped away quickly with loud music blasting from his windows. I looked to the spot where we were standing and saw a few drops of blood and frowned at it.

Remembering I was being dragged away, I glanced to see Kim still on my hip. This styles kid stopped in front of the car he was leaning on, as I pulled my hand from his grip, which he released.

I really looked at the car, and it took my breath away! It was a shining new black Lamborghini that I saw on tv and sweat shop I visited plenty of times. It had so many upgrades it was ridiculous! The wheels were shinny new with the nicest rims you could buy. My fingers twitched to touch the fresh paint and smooth engine it was known to have for a shift gear, damn that's a hot car.

"I know I just got it" Styles said with a wink. My face got hot and he began to laugh. Crap. I hate when I do that.

I looked around the other cars parked and noticed they were all shining new, this must be some kind of rich school, well considering the area."Get in." he said opening the door.

"No thanks." I said with Kim stuck to my hip. He looked at Kim and knelt down to face her. "Hey cutie, what's your name?"

"Don't say anything Kim." I said quickly. Crap, im the biggest dummy here. I shut my eyes and looked up trying to get over how stupid I must look.

"So your names Kim?" he asked laughing lightly. Damn that sounds so smooth and silky, like how does your voice sound hot? How is that even possible? He looked at me and smiled one his killer smiles and winked. I hate him, hes so cocky.

Kim nodded and smiled shyly. "Come on Kim let's go home" I said while grabbing her thick arm full of clothes to lead her.

"Home? Well, let me give you guys a ride." Styles said a little surprised. He probably doesn't get rejected often. Well not wonder, he's freaking hot! But i don't intend to fall for that bull, hes just another pretty face, keep walking Kylie.

"NO thanks" I said more firmly. His smile deepened into a sexy smirk.

I started back to the penthouse without a glance back at him while Kim couldn't stop looking back, stumbling over her feet. Me and Kim started walking on the sidewalk near the street walking as fast as Kim's legs could keep up. He got into his fancy car and quickly pulled up next to us in the street. He rolled down his window while keeping in pace with us. By then Kim was breathing heavy and jogging next to me.

"So your house is this way?" he said smiling a cheesy grin. Ugh I hate him for being so damn cute.

Styles POV

As soon as she punched him I moved to step I front of her, maybe to make sure Issac didn't punch her back or maybe to save Issac's face, either one I had to stop it. She tried punching him again but I stood my grounds blocking her as she screamed for me to move.

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