Chapter 5

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We entered the ice cream shop and Kim was going crazy. I can imagine, I can't remember the last time Kim had ice-cream."Lyly! Look!" she pointed to a small playground they had for little kids.

"Lyly?" Styles asked. "That's what she calls me" I said a little embarrassed. "It's cute, I like it" he said while placing his large hand on the small on my back and led me to a table. He held his hand out to kimmy and she held it tightly running next to his long strides.

We sat down on a small table near the window. The ice cream shop was full of color. They had pictures of candy and ice-cream everywhere. The walls were baby blue while the tables were pink. They had rows of different kinds of ice cream and toppings all long the wide wall of divine treats to our right.

Styles cleared his throat "So I'm afraid we haven't met..." he reached out his hand and I look it. "I'm Harry Styles. May I ask for your name Lyly?" he said with a to die for smile. His green eyes literally made my heart stop. "Kylie, Kylie Summers" He raised my hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "Kylie Summers" ugh I loved how he said my name, his accent making it sound beautiful.

"What a beautiful name." he was still holding my hand so I gently began pulling away. Damn were his hands and so comfortable, but whatever, the sooner this is over the better. He laughed when I pulled away and looked right in my eyes and said " Your eyes are so beautiful, what color are they?"

"I don't know, they're always changing" I replied with a shrug as if his words had no affect on me.

"Hello and welcome to Build It! would you be having ice cream or frozen yogurt?" "Ice cream" Harry told the waitress still staring at me, but the waitress couldn't take her eyes off harry.

She never even noticed me or Kim. She had blonde hair and light blue eyes; she was slim and tall; very beautiful. "Okay, how many?" she asked trying to get his attention by flipping her hair. "Three" he replied still staring at me.

"Would you like to build it or order?" she said getting a bit desperate. "Build" he said smiling at me barely giving her a glance, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Okay I will bring your cups" she said walking away a bit upset, she came back and placed our cups on the table and left without another word.

"Come on. Let's go get some ice cream" Harry said. Kim looked at me, when I nodded she took off before us; all her clothes slowing her down enough for us to catch up. Kim got practically everything that could fit.

Harry got chocolate, whipped cream, strawberries, and a cherry on top. I got the chocolate and vanilla swirl, whipped cream, chocolate chips, nuts, chocolate syrup, and a cherry on top. We all sat down again. Harry sat in front of me and Kim sat next to him.

"So did you guys just move here?" harry asked. "Yeah, today actually. So much for making new friends" I replied through spoons of ice cream."What are you talking about, you have me remember Lyly?" he said laughing as i shook my head trying to cover my smile with more spoons of ice cream. "Oh and thank you for the ice cream. It's very sweet of you" "No problem, we can come back if you want" he said smiling at Kim and added "Alone maybe" and licked his lips.

I felt his long legs rub against mine. I practically jumped in surprise, and covered it up with a cough. It felt so good I wanted to melt in my seat, of course in my head where he had no access of knowing; what am I even thinking? He obviously liked my reaction and laughed then took in his lip and bit it. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Kim, climbing up and down the seat, trying to watch the kids play. I sighed and took another spoonful of ice cream.

"Do you like your ice cream?" harry asked. "Yeah, it's really great." I replied evenly, picking up another spoonful, trying to keep my mouth too full . "Want to try mine?"

"Kylie can I go play?" Kim asked after she 'finished' her full cup of ice cream. "Umm.. I'm not sure it's safe for you to-" I stuttered, my attention was focused on harry too much that I couldn't even form words. There was a lot of kids and didn't want her to get lost or hurt.

"Sure sweetie, just be careful, okay?" Harry said. "Okay!" Kim said nodding then running off. "Now what was I saying? Oh yes the ice cream! Would you like some?" harry asked. I was so surprised at how well he handled Kim I couldn't trust my voice to speak so I nodded my head and reached for his ice cream.

"Nuh ugh" harry said. He picked up his spoon and filled it with ice cream then raised it to my mouth. "I'm not a baby, I can feed myself" "Then stop being a baby and eat it" he challenged me. I frowned then opened my mouth and ate the spoon full. Just an hour Kylie, just an hour.

He watched me closely so I nodded my head and put my thumbs up letting him know I liked it. Some time had passed as we talked about everything from weather to movies when I checked to see the time, it was getting late. Kim already fell asleep on Harrys lap as he stroked her hair; I wish that was me. Crap; no I don't.

"It's getting late" I said "We should get going"

"Your right" Harry said "We should get going" Harry picked up Kim as if she weighed nothing and pulled out his wallet and paid before I could even protest.

"You didn't have to do that you know" I said getting out of my seat. "I know, but I wanted to" Harry replied grabbing my hand and led us to his shinny black car.

We arrived home around 15 minutes later with our laughter spilling out of the car. Harry carried Kim to her bed "She's so beautiful, kind of like her sister" harry said under his breath, I didn't say anything and we walked out of Kim's room.

Dave and Jake were still at work, so the whole house was quiet and empty besides us. The hall was quiet, and as we walked to the front door the silence was deafening. I walked him out, holding the door when he turned to me and said "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah I guess" I said and shrugged my shoulders.

"You guess?" harry said closing the space between us. I suddenly forgot what language I spoke because I just nodded my head stupidly. Why does he always have to use his hotness to intimidate me? He looked at my lips then lowered his head to kiss me but I turned my head last minute and he kissed my cheek.

He laughed into my ear and lowered his head even lower until he reached my neck. He licked the sensitive area and then began to kiss it deeply. I stayed still reminding myself not to enjoy it which was extremely hard with his soft lips touching my warm neck. I pushed him off with little force, making him laugh again.

"Come with me tomorrow" he said. "I will pick you up at 8. where something nice."

"No thank you" I said coming to my senses.

He began biting the sensitive area and licked the sore spot; I groaned and pulled him closer to me without thinking before pushing him away again making him laugh at my internal fight. "Tomorrow at 8" he said then turned and walked into the elevator, and right before the doors closed he winked.

Ugh. I hate him.


Hey guys!!

Hope you guys are really liking the story!!

I will try to post later or tomorrow!

You can follow me on twitter @Jessenia1D

Thanks guys!! XOXO



Miley Cyrus -> Kylie summers (when she had long hair)

Madison Pettis-> Kim (when she was younger)

Victoria justice-> Madison

Liam Hemsworth-> Luke

Dylan o'brien-> Jake

Emma Roberts-> becca

Tyler posey-> Alex

Brenda song-> Olivia

Zac Efron-> Ethan

Alex Pettyfer-> Isacc

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