Chapter 31

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Kylie's POV

It's so dark, so cold, and so empty when I dream. But now I know the difference, and I'm not dreaming, not anymore; I woke up to the real nightmare.

The first thing I do when I open my eyes is scream out harrys name. I try to get up but find myself in restraints and tied to the hospital bed. The room I'm in is dark and full of shadows. The only noise in the room is my harsh breathing that echoes, coming back from the corners of the room.

"Harry?" I speak out again, my dry throat cracking. I try to fight my restraints and find myself only getting weaker. "Help me!" I cry out with my salty tears tracing my face "Harry! Please help me!" I try peeling my hands out but the leather burns against my skin where it bleeds from my previous attempts. I slump back to the bed and try not to freak out but my chest is puffing up and down too quickly without getting any real air and my tears won't stop that I just scream.

I scream until I can't anymore and I just sob alone. After about thirty minutes my eyes are swelling and my face itches from the salty tears. I sleep through most of the day, no one visits.

At night the room has extra darkness that is chilling, and stupidly I wait for Nate and Harry to climb into my window; but they never do.

It's been about three days before a strange noise wakes me up in a shock. Light creeps into the room that burns my eyes so painfully that I have to look away.

I hear footsteps stumbling around, frozen in fear I stayed quiet. The footsteps moved away from me for a moment but came back with soft smooth footsteps getting harder to track.

And then I felt it.

A hand hand gently touched my stomach and quickly pulled back surprised, both of us gasping. The hand reached again and felt the restraints on my hand and begun to pull them loosen"Har-" a hand covered my mouth hushing me softly.

When the hand moved I didn't try to speak again as the person untied the leather. I rubbed at my sore hands as I stood up a bit weak, reaching out to the person. My hands waved at free air until the tip of my finger met a hard chest.

I spread my palm against him and stepped forward. His chest was a steady calming rhythm but his heart raced as I raised my hands to his neck and traced his lips. They were soft and shaped in a small smile. I traced my fingers down his chest and felt him shiver. I ran them to his flat hard stomach and back up over his thick shoulders.

I followed the lean muscles in his arms to his ruff, but gentle hands. I cupped the side of his face and traced his jaw line as my stomach grew warm. Next i gently ran my fingers over his eyes that fluttered under my touch and his eye lashes that softly brushed against my finger. I didn't realize that slowly I had drew myself closer to him and that his hands hovered over my hips unsure.

I ran my fingers through his soft hair as he lowly moaned in his throat that shook his chest. I threw my arms around him as he gently caught me with my legs tightly around his slim waist, crying into his neck. His scent filled my lungs and I felt my heart break in my chest. I sobbed as memories of his leaving came to me and how he returned to me to save me, how he risked his entire life to come get me even if it meant his death.

I saw him scream and kick at the windows until the broke and he pushed past the snow to save me. I saw him holding me just like this as I cried to him many times before. He put his face into my hair and whispered so softy I almost missed it "I'll never let you go again, I promise" I pulled away only enough to face him and let my mouth full his.

He hugged me so tightly as I shaped my mouth around his and pulled him closer to me. There was a noise that pulled us apart, breathless. Someone was unlocking the door. Harry put me back on the bed and slid my hands and legs into the restraints, slipping a knife under my hand and ran behind the door just as it swung open.

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