Chapter 8

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

It can't be the morning already. Nope,it can't be.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

Damn it. I uncovered my head and searched the sheets for my phone.

I unlocked my phone and turned off my alarm that rang loudly. I took a few seconds to lay there and remember all that we did last night. I moved a few strands of curls from my face and looked for my dress that i threw in the corner as evidence it wasn't just a dream. A smile spread on my lips as I tried to shake the memories away.

Sunday morning; the weather was starting to get nice and the clouds starting to fade for what seemed like a second before rain came back tomorrow with plenty of wind.

I walked into the kitchen to cook some breakfast. Ten minutes later I finished cooking eggs, pancakes, hash browns, and bacon and everyone is suddenly awake. I served Kim and sat down on one of the large seats at the table. No one really said anything, we all ate quietly waiting for someone to break the silence.

It wasn't until everyone finished Dave began to speak and I found my eggs much more fascinating "So I talked to the school board and I found a school for you Kylie." "Joy" I said rolling my eyes.

"It's a couple blocks from here actually" he said as I started chocking on my food. He frowned at me and continued." They have an elementary school across the street so you and... Kim" he cleared his throat." Will walk together..."

"That's... fine." I said. Crap. Well maybe it's not the same school where I punched Isaac. It could be a really good and completely different school! Who am I kidding, only I would have this kind of luck. I will tell harry, he will know what to do. Why am I turning to him? I don't even like him!

Oh my god that was the worst lie I have ever told myself. I'm screwed! I'm so screwed. Ha! Ha. Ha...

"Kim go get dressed I have a surprise for you" Jake said smiling as Kim squealed in delight and ran to her room with a crashing noise I'm guessing is her throwing her clothes around.

"I will be out so don't wait up for me" Jake said rising picking up the dishes "Oh and thanks for the food Kylie"

"First times free" I said sticking my tongue at him. He laughed and shook his head before leaving into the hall calling Kim's name.

I sat alone with Dave finishing the rest of my breakfast. It was awkward and very unsettling.

I stood up dumping my now cold food and left feeling a bit sad but pushed it away.

It's jakes day off and is taking Kim to a super fun house thingy. So I'm off to look for a job.

Putting my hair up I threw on a descent outfit, meaning a sweater and jeans, and grabbed the local paper circling job openings.

This is great! It's a huge city and there has to be a job for me somewhere here.

Hours passed, and I looked everywhere and took plenty of applications but nothing felt good enough. There was always a creepy owner or crappy hours. I was walking for what seemed like forever and my feet were beginning to ache. I started dragging my feet back home when I came across a boxing gym.

Now this is exactly what I'm talking about. And just my luck, finally some good, outside on the door it said now hiring. I took a deep breath and walked in with a fake smile to the front desk, my hands shook as I tightly gripped them entwining my fingers in front of me .

The room was fresh and very clean; everything was so quiet. I looked at the lady at the front desk and said "Hi I'm wondering if I could get a job application?" I said nicely with my voice soft and she smiled at me giving me a quick up and down glance.

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