Chapter 26: Legends Live On

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You managed to avoid the dragons flames but you could feel the heat radiate off it as you scrambled up the piles of jewels and coins, a lot of the men followed you, you looked back briefly to see one get snapped up in the dragons jaws, the poor mans legs dangling out of its scaly lips.

You staggered up to the top of coin hill, you desperately looked around trying to something or somewhere to hide, you noticed that jutted across these hills of jewels were odd green pillared structures which did provide a roof so you were willing to take that than nothing. Your ran towards it, the dragons heavy footsteps rumbling the ground but it sounded some distance away.

You slammed yourself against a pillar when you got into the structure, you peered around it looking for anyone else and spotted Arthur and Tommy sprinting up the coin hill "Tommy, Arthur!" You screamed at them hoping they would hear you and luckily they did as the ran towards, Arthur crushed you into a hug and held you tightly, you broke away and kissed his jaw "God, I saw someone get eaten and I couldn't bare the thought it might of been you" your throat had choked up. "I'm not leaving you yet" he soothed and kissed your forehead.

The jingle of coins let you know someone else was running towards you as Dylan skidded to halt briefly, "Hide" he shouted as a loud clash of coins was heard. The dragon was approaching. A jet of fire flooded the front of the structure as Sheamus sprinted through, he screamed in agony and fell to the floor clutching his arm. He didn't manage to pull his arm away from the fire in time and his arm was burnt and blistering.

We all froze as a deep grumble was heard from above us a loud thud accompanying it small particles of dust coming of the roof. The dragon stuck it's muzzle through the gap and inhaled deeply, flashing its long serrated teeth and that's when a thought occurred to you. The blue frills and eyes, the black scales, Salthazar?! But that was impossible you saw him die, you saw him surrounded by enemy forces. That was it, you saw him surrounds by enemy forces you never saw him killed.

Salthazar pulled his muzzle out and whipped his head around as shout was heard, he let out a snarl and walked towards it, you let out a shaky breathe "Tommy, what's Salthazar doing here" you asked him, your voice shaking. "It was on your mothers orders, she wanted someone down here to protect the treasure" he paused and placed a hand on your shoulder "The real treasure" So your mother did find them.

"We need tae find a way to kill that bloody thing!" Allistor shouted as he stumbled into the structure, his face blacked from ash. "Antonio, Gilbert and Francis got out, apparently there's a pool right at the back of the cave, must be how the dragon eats but the dragon is guarding the pool ferociously it will be one hell of a task to get past" he panted. "We can't take any chances" Dylan piped up, Sheamus groaning and leaning agonist him for support "Sheamus's arm is in critical condition we need to find another way" "There is no other way" Arthur shouted, "The door to the jungle shut on us, Sheamus will just have to bare through it".

While the brothers had been arguing you had found a shield, you couldn't kill Salthazar you had practically grown up with the dragon, he was the last remaining thing you had left of your mother, of the life you were supposed to have. You grabbed the shield, and strapped it to your arm and walked out of the structure, Sheamus noticed you were walking away but called after you, you turned back and smiled before you continued to walk down the coin hill.

You found an old sword and banged it agonist your shield, the dragon snarling and hissing walked own the hill towards you, his face always facing directly at you, "It's me" you started you held up your shield defensively "I grew up with you we used to play together" Salthazar snarled and whipped his tail at the shield. "You used to snuggle into me when I was a child and you would always purr against my chin" Salthazar let out a curious humming noise before roaring in your face, your hair blowing wildly around you.

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