Chapter 20: Flashbacks

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The door creaked open, you stood up quickly not wanting to be seen curled up as you feverishly wiped tears out of your eyes. You saw none over than captain Wang, you glared at him "What do you want" you growled, "Please young dragon, I'm sorry it all came to me at once" he explained, he then stroked your cheek, "Your mother was loved by her people but feared by her enemies, an admirable woman" he said in admiration, you grabbed his hand and threw it away from you "I can see you also inherited her temper" he added under his breathe.

Unfortunately for him you heard and you were about to yell at him but the door opened again, and Tommy came in "Tommy" you whimpered, he held out his arms and you ran into them, holding onto him like you never wanted to let go. "I got you sweetheart" he soothed, when you pulled away he cupped your cheek with his big hand, "You may have your fathers hair and eyes, but you have her face and spirit" he smiled you smiled back. "How are you alive?" Wang asked in bewilderment, you sighed "Well Wan-" "Yao"  "Well Yao, you might want to sit down its a long story" you spoke as you sat down by the fire Tommy and Wang.

- Eleven years ago -

You creeped down the corridor of the grand palace you lived in, your small feet flinching at the cold stone your messy (hair colour) everywhere, you clutched a small teddy to you as you tried to find your mother. You heard voices from the Grand hall and gently pushed the door open "The King will be here within a couple of days, we must prepare" spoke a Chinese man you sneaked through the shadows carefully slinking towards your mother's throne. It was a beautiful throne made of silver, where the headrest should of been was a silver dragon with ruby eyes, the silver dragon curled itself around the throne, sometimes you thought it was real, but your mother always reassured you it wasn't.

"Yes I realise Yao, but the soilders are very under prepared not only that they have fear within them, fear for the man that destroyed their lives" Your mother said rubbing her eyes. "Tommy what do you think, your with them most of the time" you liked Tommy he was always nice and fun to play with, "With your dragons help we may win this, if the men see them flying around and maybe take down a ship or two we may win this yet" he said positively, "Well let's hope Leonis and Salthazar are in a good mood tomorrow" she joked and the rest laughed.

You laughed as well and your tiny giggle caused all the members of the meeting to turn around, you shyly stepped out of the shadows, "____" Your mother spoke, "I had a bad dream" you sniffled rubbing your eyes tiredly, she gave you a look, the kind of look that made all your troubles vanish. "Come here" she said as she got off her throne and went to you, picking you up.  "Meeting dismissed" she said as she walked with you out the hall door, "But Naemala, your majesty we need to prepare more we need t-" "Meeting dismissed" she hissed and you stuck your tongue out at him. She smiled at you, her sandals clicked against the stone floor. "Did you have fun playing with Salthazar today?" Naemala asked, you nodded eagerly, "He let me on his back, he's so warm and scaly I don't understand why people are afraid of him" you said happily, she laughed. Naemala had been very scared to introduce you too her dragons, but when you wondered off towards the dragons den when you a toddler, she was surprised to see that the both of the fifteen foot dragons were nuzzling and playing with you as if you were their own.

Naemala opened your bedroom door and placed you on the bed, you crawled under the sheets and she tucked you in, "What was your dream about?" She asked, you swallowed nervously "Papa" her face fell, she sighed "Why is papa a bad man? Why does he want to kill us?" You asked sitting up, "Your farther goes from a house of Scorpians, deadly and vain creatures who stop at nothing to get what they want destroying everything and everyone" She looked down at the floor. You hated seeing your mother sad. So you jumped up and grabbed the dagger that she always hid in her waistband, and started swinging the dagger around "Well I'll slay everyone of them Skorpia's, until there's none left and honour the name Drakkine" your leg get got caught in the duvet and you fell on your bottom with a 'omph', Naemala laughed and cupped your face "Oh my sweet, brave little dragon your going to be great someday" she soothed as she tucked you back in, "When you become Queen, every one will bow to a (eye colour) winged dragon, because everyone fears dragons" she then kissed your forehead and left the room and you peacefully drifted asleep.

You tiredly opened your eyes as you were roughly shaken awake, "Quick, young dragon we must get you out of here!" Spoke a voice you opened your eyes to see three guards two with swords ready the other being the one that shook you awake. "W-What's happening" you stuttered nervously, he grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door, "We're being attacked" he explained you could taste the smoke even from inside the roar of men fighting and the clashing of swords so loud, shouts of "Their nearing the castle" and "Protect the princess and the Queen, were painfully loud. "Come on just through his-" but he was cut off as a canon ball crashed through the wall, you fell of the walkway and onto the cold stone floor underneath, you coughed as you stood up the smoke from the cannonball intoxicating, "There breaking through!" A man shouted and you looked around despartly trying to find somone to hide, you saw a crack in the wall the one that lead to the kitchens where you liked to steal food. You squeezed your way through just as the doors burst down and that was the first time you saw fighting and killing. A hand grabbed you from behind and you screamed thrashing in its grasp trying to get free "Hush sweetheart its me" "Tommy?" You turned around to see the tall man in amour and covered in blood. "What's happening? Why is everyone dying?" You sobbed, "Your father that's why" he said and grabbed your hand.

He kicked open the back kitchen door that lead to the outside and all you could see was smoke and flames, everything was ten times louder, you didn't even realised Tommy had put you on a horse until it jerked forward, you having to wrap your small arms around his waist. You knew where you were going towards the coast, suddenly and animalistic screech echoed and everything seemed to stop as you saw a white and orange shape slowly fall out of the sky, "Leonis!" You shouted "We have to help him!" "No time, he's already gone" you started to tear up, everything you knew was burning right in front if your eyes. You both reached the coast were most of the fighting was taking place, Tommy had to fight off a couple of men but one ran towards you, you took a dagger out of Tommy's waistband, he swung for you, you dogeded and stabbed him in the stomach. You froze, their was blood on your hands as you watched the man bleed out, you let out a terrified whimper. You then saw a black and blue shape land on the coast and start breathing jets of fire. Salthazar. You ran towards him, but he was overpowered the enemy had thrown chains over him pinning him to the ground and when he saw you he let out a heart breaking screech as if he was saying 'Help me!' Tommy grabbed you and lifted you off the ground "Salthazar!" You screamed, as Tommy ran away with you and he let out another heartbreaking screech as more men surrounded him.

Tommy had reached the water and put you in a boat but he didn't come on. "Tommy?" You sad curiously, "I'm not coming with you Sweetheart" he said drawing his sword, you knew what he was doing "But you can't stay you'll die"  you pleaded, "I promise you Sweetheart one day I will find you again and when I do I'll bring you back here" he said to you and kissed your forehead as he signalled for the rowers to row away from the shore. As the boat rowed away, you weren't to far from the shore to see your mother fighting someone a man "Mama!" You shouted and she turned towards you but the man grabbed her so she faced you as stabbed her in the back his sword going through her stomach entirely, you screamed and tried to jump of the boat but the towers held you back, and he stabbed her again and his eyes met yours, the man who had killed your mother. He was your father. You fell back into the boat and screamed your heart out.


You were near tearing up by the time you finished your story, you mumbled an excuse me as you ran out of the library and down the corridor climbing up the stairs to your room, however an odd noise caught your attention and stopped and walked back down the stairs, when you reached the bottom you paused and were about to go back up. When a hand was clasped around your mouth, you screamed into the mouth and tried to push the attacker off you "Stop squirming will you!" He hissed, his accent sounded a lot like Gilbert's and that's when you saw a iron cross bouncing in his chest, "Ludwig, don't hurt the young lady" another voice chided "Shut up Roderich!" Ludwig shouted, you managed to wriggle out of the mans grip and you ran only to get hit in the head by a large object that made you fall to the ground. But all you heard before you passed out was "That is how you get a kidnapping done you idiota bastardos".


Long ass chapter because why not?

Introducing Ludwig (Germany), Roderich (Austria) and Romano (S. Italy)

I decided to write this today because I'm ill at home with a lost voice and a fever and I ran out of MiniLadd videos to watch.

The Treasure Of The Last Dragon Queen (Pirate! England X reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora