Chapter 11: Aftermath

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When the splash of Duncan's body hitting the water reached everyone's ears their was a stony silence, no one wanted to move or do anything, you noticed a couple of men glance your way just to see if you were alright, sympathetic looks in their eyes. "Let this be a warning to you all" The captain stated but with a tone that sounded so cold and authoritative it sent chills up your spine. Allistor was the one to break the silence "Right everyone back to work, we can't have anymore slacking" Allistor barked and everyone went their ways, you walked over to the railing were Duncan had fallen, and you saw his body getting ravaged by sharks, you gulped and backed away. You jumped when a hand was placed on your shoulder, you yelped and turned around to see Dylan "It's alright, darlin' I just need to give you a check up" he said and you followed him down to were the food room was but instead of taking the left door you took the right one, which led to his medical room.

You nervously sat down on the wooden bench, "_____ I need to see if Duncan injured you" he said nervously, you unbuttoned Arthur's coat, far enough that it covered your breasts still but enough that Dylan could see if you were injured, after a few minutes of him examining you, "Well you have nothing seriously wrong with you, just a bruised shoulder and a red mark on your throat" he said in a business like manner, he then sat down next to you and placed a hand on your back "Are you okay?" He asked, not as a doctor to his crew, but one friend to another, you nodded your head meekly before Dylan hugged you. You two didn't say anything else but you both just stayed like that for awhile.

Until he saw a rat scurry across the floor, when string of angry curses in Welsh left his mouth as he chased the creature across the room with a pan. Dylan wasn't a cowardly person, but he hated rats theorising that they were the main cause of illness on the ship. A small smile left your lips, you were scared after what had happened to you, and to be honest you didn't know how to cope with this sort of thing you decided you shouldn't blame the other crew members, even though some may have been mean to you they had nothing to do with it even Duncan had bullied the other male crew members. You also decided that sitting around moping wasn't going to help you, you needed to do something to help you get your mind off things, and then maybe in a couple of months time, you would look back on it and it wouldn't bother you as much anymore. Yes, that was a good plan you thought.

The door opened, you lifted your head and Matthew rushed towards you with a big bowl of (favourite soup) and some crusty bread on the side. "___ you alright, eh? Are you hurt? If he wasn't dead already I would give him a piece of mind" Matthew said quickly his face reddening in anger. Matthew was adorable, no two ways about it, but he was good friend. " I would o' gladly given that scumbag a piece o' my mind tae, but a'm glad that he git dealt wi', he's bin a pain in a' body's ass sin day one, bit a' body was too much o' a pansy tae say so" you recognised the Scottish accent immediately, "Hi Ally" that was your nickname for him. He despised it. He let out a angry sigh before giving you a glass of whiskey, "Wait, how did you get that?" Dylan asked, Allistor only held his finger to his lips "Only if ye dinnae tell wee brother" he said mischievously, Dylan chuckled "You sly dog". You took the glass, and knocked it back the warm liquid was welcome, you hadn't realised how dry your throat had become.

"Good lass, see that's how ye drink whiskey" he said proudly, giving a accusing look at Matthew, "It's not my fault, I'm not used to that sort of stuff" he said defiantly, clearly embarrassed. You couldn't help but laugh at the three men's antics. Allistor's attention turned to you, "Anyway back tae' th' reason I came down ere" he paused and, lowered himself to your eye level, " Look, I had a word with th' cap'n 'n' he said ye could have th' week off after whit happened, tae help ye git over things" he explained.

"I'm very grateful for the offer, but I would like to get back to work as quickly as possible" you said, determination and a sure look in your eyes. The boys looked shocked, "Are you sure?" Dylan asked, you nodded. "Alright" Matthew said quietly as if he was thinking, "I'm pretty sure Tommy could use help with cutting up that Tuna we caught the other day" he said, you nodded and rushed out the door. As you left the three men looked at eachother "She's a brave and strong girl" Dylan stated, "More so then most of people on this ship" Matthew added "Aye, ah kin see why Arthur's taken an interest in her" Allistor commented.

Before you went to the Kitchen to help Tommy, you quickly went to your room, to get a shirt, you slipped it on but still kept the Captains coat on, feeling warm and safe in its red and gold fabric.

Yeah, sorry this chapter isn't very interesting I plan to make the next one more interesting ;)

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