Chapter 4: We Meet Again

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You groaned as you opened your eyes, to see nothing but darkness. Where were you? You defiantly weren't in the town that's for sure, you couldn't smell any smoke or blood, but what you could smell however, was sea salt. This was understandable since the town was by the sea, but it was extremely strong.

You groaned as your tried to sit up, your bones aching, slowly you managed sit up against a solid wooden wall, by now your eyes had slowly started to adjust to the light. You could see you were in some kind of cell, you faintly made out rusted iron bars, if you looked hard enough you could see past  a few barrels, the room was very scarcely lit up by a fading lantern.

You tried to stand but we're only stopped by a force on your wrists, you looked down to see your wrists shackled to the wall. You gave a couple of hard tugs before letting out a annoyed sigh and slumping against  the wall.

That's when you heard the creaking, as if something was slowly rocking from side to side. Also, you noticed the muffled sobs that were coming from some of the other cells, you noticed the majority of them were young men about your age, some of them were young boys about thirteen or fourteen others were women. There were a lot of women. You looked around about to call out to see if anyone could tell you where you were.

But then a hatch slide open revealing  bright sunshine, and someone walking down a wide wooden set of steps, with some keys in their hand. All heads turned towards, the man who held the keys, some started to whimper in fear and murmur "The jailer". Others shuffled further back into their cells others glared at him with pure hatred. You however just sat their, curiously.

Your heart however sped up as he stopped at your cell door, and unlocked it. " Come on Sweetheart" he said, with a deep voice. He was very tall easily six and a half foot, bulky, dark brown skin and black dreadlocks tied back into a ponytail. He unshackled you and grabbed your forearm, and dragged or more like carried you towards the stairs.

He was so tall, your feet were practically skimming the ground "Don't  Sweetheart me" you growled at him, he merely chuckled "You'll get a lot more than that" he stopped briefly as you came up the stairs. Blinded, temporarily by the blinding light, but when you opened them you could see .You were on the deck of a ship " On a pirate ship" he finished 'Fuck, so that man knocked me out brought back here' you thought, "Son of a bitch" you muttered to yourself.

As you were brought onto the deck you could see nothing but crystal blue sea for miles. So swimming for land was out of the question then. A couple of crewman noticed you and whistled "Eh, Tommy" he called to the man carrying you. "Don't be greedy let us have a piece of that pretty little ass" a man with a missing tooth called out, looking you up and down. "Captain told me to bring her straight to his Cabin, when she woke up" Tommy said monotonously back to him.

But the man with a missing tooth didn't listen, and tried to smack your ass. Tried being key word here. Because before he could do so, you grabbed his hands between your feet and twisted it sharply causing a snap to sound from his hand. He yelled in pain and staggered back clutching his hand. "Don't touch me you disgusting dog" you spat

Tommy gave you a approving smirk before going up another set of stairs leading to a single door, with a latch onto it, Tommy knocked before "Enter" was heard from the other side. The Jailer opened the door to relieve a dark wood cabin, with a queen sized bed in the corner, a bookshelf, various chests scattered around the room as well as many swords and guns of all varieties , and a cabinet full of rum. A lot of rum. But the thing that caught your eye was a large desk in the centre of the room, with many maps and parchment on it as well as a globe next to it.

A man was sitting at said desk studying something not bothering to look up when, The Jailer entered "The girl, captain" he said briefly, the man lifted his head. It was the same man you fought in the town. You scowled at him, he lifted his head to look at you a small smile twitching at the corners of his lips, "Leave us Tommy" he said and Tommy left closing the door behind him.

"Hello love"


Hey there!

Sorry again for extremely long chapter, I wanted all of this in one Chapter. Pleasedonthurtme

Also so if it's slightly rushed I'm typing this at 10:21 at night so I'm a tad tired,

No reference this Chapter :0

The Treasure Of The Last Dragon Queen (Pirate! England X reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ