Chapter 16: Shanghai

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You were roughly shaken awake, you turned over and glared angrily at Allistor, "Lass, ye have tae get up we've arrived" he said quickly, you shot up, and quickly pulled on a boot, pulling up the second one when you reached the deck. Which was in an unusual silence, and you could see why. The ship was traveling through Shanghai on a narrow piece of water that the ship only just got through. But at the end we came across and unusually open space of water, we were back on the sea. "We've gone around in a circle" You stated, "No we haven't" Sheamus said and pointed at the cliff face. Their was a door, you had gone in through Shanghai's main port and followed a series of routes to get to here. The ship started to approach this door which you could see was made out of solid gold. It was beautiful.

A loud creaking noise emitted from the door as it was pulled open, revealing a much broader tunnel easily being able to fit three ships side by side. Which then led to a huge pool of water with many ships surrounding its edge. You were in a giant underground dock. An thought struck you, the huge globe of water represented the earth and each ship represented a country, how odd. You slowly started to get off the ship in a single file, other crew members from other ships lingering around giving you confused and dangerous looks. You had been told to go to the back of the line, it was were the 'newbies' had to go.

You were led through the stone passages, until a set of double doors were two Chinese guards opened them. Revealing a giant building, you couldn't really call this building a house. But their were many floors the ones on the bottom were dark, gritty and simple the ones at the top very intricate and grand, they must be based on rank.
Newbies at the bottom, Captains at the top.  "Ah, Arthur Kirkland" came a friendly feminine voice, and walking towards him was Mei, captain of the Striking Lotus. "Xiao, what a pleasure it is to see you again" he said politely, kissing her hand.

That annoyed you a bit. "As always" she replied, her attention then turned to you "Is she the newbie you were bragging about when we met?" She asked coming towards you, she circled  you, inspecting you, your posture and your weapons she was analysing you. "Hm, she may just survive the fighting pits" she said "I'll tell my brother we have enough girls to have a female only match" she said informatively, and placed a hand on your shoulder "She may just win" she spoke to him, but by her tone of voice it was directed to you, that comforting squeeze on the shoulder confirming that.

"Honda" Mei said in a authoritative tone, a young dark haired man who you hadn't even notice was their bowed, "Yes Miss Xiao?" He asked, "Show, this newbie her room" she instructed, he bowed "Yes Miss Xiao I shall show her at once" he walked towards you, for a full grown man he was quite short, everyone dispersed Arthur looking over his shoulder and giving you a reassuring smile. "This way Miss Drakkine" 'Honda' said before leading across the room, as you walked you noticed other crew members were talking drinking, flirting with the Chinese woman who walked here and practicing their fighting techniques. You looked up at this hexagonal building you were in, and the ceiling had the most beautifully intricate carvings on its dark oak base, as well as the laterns that hung off every corner. How can somewhere be filthy yet beautiful at the same time.

"Excuse me Miss Drakkine but I must show you to your room" he said formally, "What's your name?" You asked, "Hond-" "No your first name, like my is ____" you explained, he bowed "Forgive Miss ___, my name is Kuro. Kuro Honda" You nodded your head, and climbed up the first long set of wooden stairs, each room had a door carved into it, odd characters engraved into them, but most noticeably their was a animal above each set of characters. "This is your room, Miss ___" Kuro said the good thing about your room is that is was the closet to the stairs that led up a floor. Kuro turned and climbed up the stairs to the second to top floor, he must be Mei's second in command, you turned to open your door but something on it made your blood run cold. Your animal on your door was a dragon. How painfully ironic.

You walked into your room, it was pretty much your sleeping quarters on the ship, but on land and except their was a solid bed instead off a hastily tied up hammock. You sighed as you flopped onto it, big enough to fit to people, just. Even though it must of been early hours of the morning, you couldn't sleep. You got up and went outside your door, leaning agonist the railing that guarded of the hallway from the fall to the ground. "Feeling uneasy Sweetheart?" A voice from above called, you looked up and leaning over you from his railing was Tommy. "How glad am I to see you" you said happily as he came down the stairs. "Same here Sweetheart but you need to get your head in the game" he said as he leant on the railing next to you.

"I presume you know who I'm up against" you said looking down at the crowd, trying to figure who you would be up against, other females were certain. "One of the most dangerous people you have to look out for is Natasha Alvroskaya" He said pointing to a girl with long blonde hair who was destroying a dummy with a dagger. "Adopted sister to Ivan Braginsky, Captain of the Polar Star, she is a fierce and hostile opponent I've also heard she has a slight obsession over her brother so be careful" he stated just as she finished, her torture on the dummy she looked at you, and licked her dagger, you shuddered defiantly not sane. "Next we have Lucille Bonnefoy" he said, scanning the crowd as if looking for her, Tommy then leaned in "She's staring you down" he whispered you followed his gaze, to see a small woman leaning against one of the walls watching you intently.

She had long brown-blonde hair into a pretty side braid, her bangs tucked behind her ear neatly, but you would never of guessed by her clothing that she was a newbie. She looked like some sort of grand duchess. "Sister to Francis Bonnefoy, Captain of the Noir Rose, she may not look like it but you should keep out of her way at all times, she's very smart, able to find your weaknesses quicker than a flash" Tommy warned, you made a mental note to avoid her in the fight to come. "Last but not least Elizabeta Héderváry" he laughed as a angry brunette, holding frying pan chased after what seemed to be one of the captains, screaming obscenities as she did so. "She will probably be your greatest threat she thinks like you do, and fights just as good as you it will be a very even much even between the two of you" Tommy warned.

You felt reassured knowing who you were now fighting, but the bad things was you were in for one hell of a fight.

So many new characters were introduced mien gott!!

Introducing Mei (Taiwan), Kuro (Japan), Natasha (Belarus), Lucille (Monaco) and Elizabeta (Hungary)

Beware readers........ The truth will be revealed.

The Treasure Of The Last Dragon Queen (Pirate! England X reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя