Chapter 12: Feelings And Fights

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It had been a two months after Duncan's death, and you were happy. After seeing you back at work only a short while after the incident the crew gained massive respect for you and finally started treating you like one of the crew, they let you gamble with them, drink with them and even share stories and jokes. Life on the ship was eventful, you had encountered a few storms and an attack from another  pirate ship. But your favourite thing was when you would all go to the Food hall, after a long days work and listen to the many legends and stories the crew had to tell.

Sometimes if the Captain was in a good mood he would tell stories as well, after your incident with Duncan he had been very watchful of you maybe it was because of the deal you two made, you still needed to find the other half of the note otherwise we had no idea were the treasure was hidden. You smiled as you remembered when you had to give his coat back you had liked it, was very big and soft, and a sense of secureness always enveloped you when you were inside that coat. But you merely told him, it was a nice coat and he replied with 'Your not the first woman to wear my coat in the early hours  of the morning saying it looks nice' he then gave you a mischievous wink, which you couldn't help but laugh at. But the captain had been very nice to you, during the first week of the incident the captain would call you up to his cabin everyday to make sure you weren't being attacked by other member of the crew, which usually ended up with you two being slightly tipsy on rum and telling each other random stories.

He even told you about his family history how he came from a pirate family and when he turned sixteen he was sent away from his parents home to live on a pirate ship with his brothers, how he got this ship and became Captain he never told you. "Land Ho!" Matthew managed to shout, all of the crew abandoned their posts to see land they had not seen in well over three and a half months. You scrambled to see the land as well, you could already see a big city, which was bound to be bustling of life and full of
pockets to steal. "Woah" you breathed, "I said the same thing when I first saw Athens" a voice said and you were met with the flaming red hair of Sheamus, "You've been here before?" "Oh yes" Sheamus said, but then turned his face as if he was remembering something painful "On the old ship we used to serve on" he then shook his head vigorously, "Anyway, were in Greece it's a beautiful country, full of good food, great drinks and beautiful woman" he said excitedly, you rolled your eyes.

He then looked slyly at you "So we're going to be here for a two days" he paused for dramatic effect "And me wee brother is going to be out drinking, hooking up with some of the locals" you felt a twinge inside you as he said that last part, why? You two weren't an item, he could do whatever the hell he liked, 'he only needs you for the deal' you thought 'nothing more, nothing less'. "So, I was just wondering if you were going to hang around me wee brother while we dock" he said causally, but with a hint of mischief and their was that sly gleam in his eyes. You gave him a suspicious look, "I'm planning n-" "Your always planning something" Sheamus jumped and you laughed at his small a shriek, Arthur had managed sneak up behind his older brother and scare him.

"I'm offended you would even think such a thing" Sheamus said clutching his heart in fake hurt. The boat docked into one of the harbours but the Captain called for everyone's attention before he set foot onto land "Alright listen up, we are only here for two days no more no less, you can do whatever you like as long as it won't affect your work on this ship, besides alcohol" The captain stated everyone 'aye'd' and started to make their way off the ship and down the gangplank, you were walking down with Tommy, "Ever been here before?" You asked, "A few times, I plan on making a couple of trades for some rare fruits and spices, don't want the crew getting scurvy now, you can come along" he said cheerfully, it amused you how Tommy could talk about such dark subjects very lightheartedly, "Actually Tommy, ____ is going to be coming with me" a British voice said placing his hand on your forearm, "Aye captain" Tommy said quickly, walking off the gangplank and into the city.

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