Chapter 14: Seduction of a Captain

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It had been a couple of weeks since Athens, and to be honest you were still shaken from the killings, why would someone sacrifice themselves for you like that someone you didn't even know, and what had Sadik said to you, ' Demir Hac, genc ejderha sakinin' what did that mean? It was probably in Turkish but as far as you knew you no one on the ship knew how to speak it.

As soon as the two thieves had left you and the Captain had left the house Tommy's arms slung around both you and the captains shoulders, you both escorted him too the ship were Dylan was guarding the ship, were he instantly gathered the crew, and set sail as soon as possible. The captain had changed, since you started on the ship first he had been distant and cold but now he was kind, gentlemanly even go as far as to say flirtatious. It  had only a week after Athens when you were checking the cannons with Sheamus when he asked what type of men you liked, when you finished explaining he said you just described the captain in every single detail. That's when it hit you, you were in love with him. You didn't understand how he made you feel like this, or how it just happened. But it could never happen between the two of you he was a captain and you a faithful crew member.

You found yourself again sitting on the Ships railings, thinking your situation over. Why, you thought their were plenty of other men in the world some even more attractive or better than him, but they weren't him and that was the problem. Someone sat down next to you, you didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. "Evening, captain" you said formally, while swinging your legs over the side like a child, "Oh come on now ___ I thought we were on a first name basis" he joked, a small smile formed on your lips.

"You want to know what I'm going to do with you, don't you" Arthur said, the tension between you two was thick with questions and worries. You nodded, he sighed "Well I'm going to keep you on the ship, I have a rough guess who stole the last piece of the note but I won't be sure until we reach Shanghai" "Shanghai?" You repeated "Aye. Every year all of the most notorious pirates from each country gather at Shanghai for a peace meeting for three days" he explained, "It's like a celebration for doing so well", you hummed in interest. Arthur shook his head "But anyway that's not why I'm here" Arthur stood up offering you his hand, you took it and he pulled you up. "When we were at Athens and what happened with Duncan you need to learn how to defend yourself, because someone might not be able to save you" Arthur said informatively as he tossed you a sword out of his scabbard and bent down and collected another one.

"I can fight very well thank you" you said curtly, getting into stance. A mischievous smirk on your lips, "I'll be the judge of that" Arthur challenged before your swords clashed, you were both very good and parried each others blows very well, it surprised you that none of the crew had come up to see what the noise was all about. You knocked Arthur's sword out of his hand a victorious grin on your face. He clapped and chuckled "Well maybe I underestimated you" he admitted. "But what about knife throwing, we can't use guns on the ship incase any of the crew wake up" Arthur said tossing the small, aerodynamic knife. You caught it to be truthful you were bad at long range combat, hand to hand was more your style. "Try making the knife stay in the mast" he said, and leaned against the ships railing.

You swallowed nervously and flimsily threw the knife only for it to clatter onto the deck, he chuckled and came up from behind "How did you live as a thief and not know how to throw a knife" he said into your ear, the close proximity made you blush slightly, "You don't really need to use long distance as a thief, you only need to get rid of whatever's in front of you" you said nervously, your back was pressed against his chest, you could tell he was probably well toned. "First of all, your stance is all wrong" he put a hand on your waist and adjusted your standing position, "Secondly, your hands are all wrong" he changed the knife in your grip and gently held your wrist, his cheek was now brushing against yours. He pulled your arm back "Now throw" he murmured, you threw the knife and with a satisfying thunk stayed in the wood. You grinned and let out a small 'woop' of joy.

Arthur lifted his face away from you and looked at you, with half lidded eyes "Your different from any girl I've ever met" you turned to him "Your strong, hardworking, brave" he moved a strand of hair out of your face "And undeniably attractive" you blushed, "Your any unusual man" you started, he quirked an eyebrow "Your a notorious pirate, who's developed a soft spot for one of his crew members, most people would say I could do better, but I love myself a dangerous man" you smirked at the end, he leaned close just so your lips were centimetres apart, "Well that a good thing, because you aren't going anywhere anytime soon" he purred, and both of your lips locked in a passionate kiss, you turned around in his arms so he could kiss you better, he snaked his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his shoulders.

You broke away when you started struggling to breathe, "The crew can't now about this just yet" he panted out, you weren't concerned about the crew right now "Shut up and kiss me again" your lips met. But standing at the stairs that led to the kitchens was Tommy a proud smile on his face, he shook his head and looked up at the sky "Oh Naemala, if only you could see what your Daughter is up to"

Finally Arthur and reader have kissed :3........ But who killed Sadik and Hercules? And who's Naemala (Na-may-la)? Theorise in the comments

Also thank you all so much for 600 reads on his story, WHAT??? it's an insane number so thank you all. ILYSM <3

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