Chapter 9: Respect

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You had been on the Lady Grey for two weeks now, you had stopped at one port, Saint-Malo a large busy sea town in the South of France. After you had left Saint-Malo the crew had been told by The Captain that we were headed East to China, although you didn't know why. Currently you were in The North Atlantic Ocean, or so Allistor told you, and you were going past a continent called Africa.

The sea was a beautiful turquoise, you had never seen a sea so blue and the animals were spectacular, large turtles which sometimes the crew hunted down and turned into a amazing stew, sometimes you helped with both the hunting and the cooking. Large, smooth fish like creatures called Dolphins which would swim and jump around the boat making peculiar clicking noises.

While, Tommy, Dylan and Matthew the shy soft spoken man with a very unusual accent, they were your allies while most of the crew still weren't that keen on you. However, things were getting better slightly, since you had arrived on the pirate ship you hadn't had in skirmishes with other ships and the weather had been good. Some men thought of you now as a good luck charm Sheamus included, but others still saw you as a weak women who they could push around. This had caused you to get into a lot of fights with other crewmates, it got so bad that you were once locked back in the cells under deck for a few days.

A lot of fights had broken out recently, probably due to the scorching heat were facing, most of the men had their shirts off, which was quite sight. Even the captain had forgotten his red coat and hat in the insufferable heat. Speaking of the Captain you had seen a lot of the blonde English man. Tommy had told you he asked about you to make sure you were doing your job properly and weren't getting into any more fights.

At the moment you had just fed the entirety of the crew, you had sat down with Matthew, Tommy, Sheamus and Dylan ate your dinner of tortoise meat with some root vegetables, and retreated to the ships railings. This was a ritual that you did, you dangled your legs over the side just swishing them back and forth like a child sitting on the edge of a pier. You watched the setting sun wondering if you could ever chase the sun and touch it. You heard footsteps approaching and you turned your head to see the captain, "May I?" He asked gesturing to the spot next to you, you nodded and he sat down, "Why do you keep fighting with the crew?" He asked after a short silence.

You have an agitated sigh and stood up "I'm not anyone's little princess, I'm not something anyone can toss and pull around and I sure as hell don't want to be treated like some slave for their pleasure" you growled out the last part. You plucked a knife out of the captains coat pocket and threw it at the mast in agitation, unfortunately it landed handle up and fell on to the deck with a dull thud. You sighed, you bent down to pick it up and tossed it back to the captain who was staring at you with a mixed look of curiosity and admiration.

You say back down on the railing sighing, "Your a curious woman" Arthur said all of a sudden you faced him, "Pardon?" "Your a curious girl" he repeated, "Why are you even talking to me?, surely you should be talking to Allistor or Matthew they are your first mate and navigator" you said bitterly, crossing your arms you were acting like a child. He smiled at you "I'm talking to you because your not a man" he stated, you glared at him, "I'm talking to you because your an unusual woman" he said but the way he said made it sound like it was a honour to be called that.

"You are a interesting woman you don't let the others push you around yet you don't act like a complete bitch either, you've made friends within my crew and you've also gained respect from some of my men, and myself" he explained, "I've gained your respect?" You asked startled, as far as you knew you had been a complete pain in the backside to him. He hummed as confirmation "Indeed you have, we've had woman on this ship before and they've either been complete witches to the crew or pathetic whiny excuses for human beings" he stated "Others whored around with the men" he then quickly added "But your not a whore I assure you" rubbing the back of his head. It was strange seeing the captain like this, not as a figure of authority but as another human being. "You have a fire in you, a rebellious spirit that is reared you seen now a days" he complimented. He then smirked "You know I like my-"

You cut him off "-your woman feisty" you finished, you gave him a sly look, "You told me before" a small chuckle escaped his lips, as they twitched up into a side smile, "So I did, we need people with good memories on this ship" he said, seemingly pleased, he then stood up from the railing, and walked towards his cabin "Goodnight ___" he said "Night captain" you shouted to him as he closed the door to his cabin.

You just had a real conversation with the notorious Arthur Kirkland, one of the most wanted men in the Seven seas and allegedly he's the Pirate King. But that thought alone made you smile.


AHHHHHHH I'm so sorry that these chapters are so long, I tried to condense this one and it failed D:

I'm sorry

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