Chapter 6: A Deal Is Made

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'Pote o noctes ultima ta cheria capto gia o caelum adversum o superuenientibus solis, o teleftaio asteri tou noctes tha luceat epano se o insulae-'

The message was cut off their, ripped as if somone had been in a struggle to read it, anyone reading that would of thought it was gibberish complete nonsense but you, you knew it wasn't, to you it was as clear as the sky, but how he knew you understood this language baffled you. He couldn't of known about your family history, you were young back then. To young for anyone to recognise you now.

You felt uneasy you had no idea what his man was planning as Arthur looked at you inquisitively, or more like a cat staring down a mouse challenging it to move first. You placed the paper down on the table, your hands shaking slightly "I- I don't know what that says" you said as confidentially as you could. He hummed in interest before picking up the note and twiddling between his fingers. "Funny thing is love" he paused , turning to you giving you a cold glare "One of my men heard you say something which sounded very familiar to this language 'Sanguinum Kolasi' I believe it was, while you were playing cards" you froze that meant: Allistor and Alfred the men you had been playing cards with were pirates, not only that they had sold you out.

You kept opening and closing your mouth like a fish you couldn't tell him the truth, he would only use you to his benefits and once he had the treasure, he would throw you away like a rag doll. "I'm getting impatient, ___ Drakkine" he hissed, great and they had also told him your name. "I can't read it" you said affirmatively, Arthur got up and marched over to you mumbling curses as he did, you tried to stand up and run but he placed a hand on your shoulder forcing you to sit back down, he then put his arms either side of you effectively trapping you against the chair.

"I know, it has to do with the treasure of the last dragon queen and so do you, why are you so afraid?" You gulped, "Because I know your only going to need me until you find the treasure, then afterwards you will have no use for me" you explained, in a quiet voice this man was threatening. Arthur smirked, " I tell you what" he stated leaning away from you and pouring more rum into the two glasses "You help me find the treasure by translating that, and you will get some of the treasure when this is over" he wagered, finished pouring the drinks, he passed you a glass "And what do you ask in return" you asked cautiously "I only ask for you to join my crew, you will have food, water, clothes and I'll make sure my men don't harm you" he offered, it was a tempting bargain a good offer on both sides.

"What if I refuse?" You asked, "It's quite simple my dear" he said coldly "I'll kill you" "And how do I know your not lying to me? That your just going to kill me as soon as you've heard what's on the paper" you argued back you didn't want anyone going after the treasure, it would be dangerous getting there since the King now inhabited the Isles, and what traps the last queen put up to protect her treasure, Who knows? "You don't" Arthur said cooly, you looked at him, directly into his emerald eyes to see what he was thinking, but only a mischievous look was in his eyes.

You felt like you were making a deal with the devil, hell being in the same room as him made you feel as if you were dancing with the devil. But you hated the King and if you got this treasure you would have leverage over him, and leverage is what you wanted. Maybe you were wanted adventure or maybe you had an addiction to danger.

"Then we have a deal, Captain" you said and lifted up your glass, he smirked at you and lifted his glass as well "Welcome aboard the Lady Grey then, ___" you clinked your glasses together, but as you were both drinking Arthur gave you a sly wink.


Bloody hell this chapter was tense

Can anyone spot the Krewella song reference?

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