Chapter 17: Fighting Pits

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It was time. You were nervously sitting on a table, drumming your hands against the table. In a few moments you were going to be thrown into a pit with three over females to fight to the death or until one of them submits. You had seen the pit earlier, a huge sand covered while with stone walls to high to climb, and elevated seats surrounding it so everyone could watch. On one end of the pit was a long, elevated platform were the captains seated they had food, drink and comfortable seats while their crew fought, and if a valued crew member was fighting a captain could pull them out of the fight. However they could only do this twice.

You had chosen your weapon earlier, a simple long sword and a small dagger to hide just incase things got ugly. You heard footsteps, you looked up just as Matthew and Tommy came in, Matthew rushed over to you and hugged you, squeezing you so tight it was almost suffocating "Your going to be fine, eh you will win, you have to your one of my closest friends!" Matthew said close to tears, you patted his head, feeling tears well up in your own "Come on Mattie it isn't manly to cry" you whispered, you throat burning, Matthew had been so good to you, and now you may never see him again. He pulled away from you, he stood up and offered you his hand, you took it. You and Tommy stared at each other before you ran into his chest, a few tears streaming down your face "I don't want to die" you whispered "You won't, I'll pull you out of that pit even if it means getting myself killed" he said in a hoarse voice. He pulled away from you "Come on Sweetheart you need to dry those eyes" he said cheerfully, although tears did run down his face. "You can't let them think your weak" Matthew added.

The three of you walked towards your entrance into the pit, you could already hear the roar of the crowd as each fighter came into the pit and stood in front of the Captains table. In the middle were the weapons that each contestant chose, all splayed out gently as if waiting to be grabbed. You stood outside the entrance to the arena waiting for your name to be called, you could see and smell the blood of the other contestants. This was is it, you were going to die. No, this could be it. You were going to do something you had done your entire life. Fight.

"_____ Drakkine" shouted a voice, with your head held high eyes dry you walked in. The crowd cheered, most of the crowd had placed bets, with Elizabeta in the lead and you in bottom place. Nice to know people had faith in you. You stood infront of the Captains table, next to the other three females in the pit with you, while the others conversed among themselves your eyes locked with Arthur's and his showed one emotion you thought you would never see. Fear. He was scared that you were going to die, you gave him a small smile and he smiled back. There was an eerie silence before Arthur lifted his hands, the four of you tense, ready to run when he clapped his hands, he clapped.

You instantly sprinted towards the centre the crowd in uproar, you ran as fast as you could sneaking in a glance behind you to see Elizabeta and Lucille rolling in the sand in a brawl by the Captains table, but Natasha was gone. You reached the table and grabbed your sword, pocketing your dagger into your waistband. You looked around feverishly trying to find her, a shout from behind you caused you too move to the side just as Natasha swiped with a Hatchet at were you previously stood.

She growled at you and you readied your sword, she stalked around you slowly, you watched her like a hawk. Suddenly, she rushed forward and swung her hatchet you blocked, she swung again and you blocked, "Why don't you just give up already?!" She yelled. Was she that feared that people gave up instantly to her? "Then what would be the fun in that" you sneered as you swung, she jumped back and and swung her hatchet downwards towards you you blocked in time, the screeching of metal against metal was deafening as your weapons struggled against each other. "Do you even know who I am?" She hissed, "Your Natasha Alvroskaya and I'm not afraid of you" you hissed as you kicked her in the stomach causing her to break her hold.

You lifted your sword and swung downwards, she blocked, knocking the hatchet out of her hand. You held your sword at her, she put her hands up in surrender but you weren't expecting her to pull out a dagger and charge into you knocking you both to the ground. Her on top of you, she swung the dagger towards your throat but you caught her wrist. She was screaming in frustration and so were you. However, you remembered you still had your dagger, you sneakily reached behind you and took it out, you smashed the hilt against Natsha's temple, you rolled over while she was stunned so you were on top of her and pressed the dagger to her throat.

The crowd roared, but her gaze wasn't focused on you it was on the Captains table, you followed her gaze to Captain Ivan Braginsky, "I-Ivan Help" she shouted he looked at her and then turned away, shaking his head and continued to talk with the other captains, "I-Ivan.." Natasha stuttered out, tears falling down her face. That look of betrayal and heat break in her eyes, she was in love with her Captain and he didn't care. You felt a hand over yours you looked back at Natasha "Kill me" she said, you nodded your head, not wanting to do it to win but you could tell that this would kill her if she didn't die here and now. In a sense you were saving her of future pain, you lifted the dagger and stabbed her in the heart.

The crowd roared as you stood over Natasha's dead body, her blue eyes glazed over, dagger embedded in her heart. You sighed and shook your head, you picked up your sword just as a series of boos were heard, Captain Francis Bonnefoy was stood up ordering his men as they dragged a seriously injured Lucille out of the arena, Captain Bonnefoy must of pulled her out. But that meant only you and Elizebeta were left. You both looked at each other both still for a split second before you both charged at each other, when you met you swiped your swords at each other the metallic clang was so loud it made you flinch, but the crowd loved it, as they cheered enthusiastically, all the Captains were on the edge of their seats.

You both fought ferociously, "How come you fight so well, pirate" Elizabeta spat, you swords clashed, "Pirate?! I'm a thief and technically aren't you one too" you stated, you drew your swords away "I come from a land of nomads I was a warlords daughter, I was too become one of the most fiercest nomads alive and take over all the clans in my land until he took me away" she shouted, glaring at an Albino captain who just merely laughed "And a thief is nothing more than a pirate on land!" she hissed. You fought more, she managed to get a few slashes on you and you managed too as well.

Both of your swords had clashed for what felt like the hundredth time. You both fell to the ground you had a gash in your side and bloody lip, Elizabeta had a deep slash on her forehead and a limp. You managed to get into a kneeling position "You fight well for a land pirate" she panted both of you out of breathe, "So do you for a nomad" you countered, you then both looked away from eachother before raising both of your swords, your sword was praised against her throat and so was hers to your throat. "You going to submit?" You asked, "Never" she said breathlessly.

You both stayed like that, staring each other down, you couldn't tell if she was going to submit first or if you were. Tommy was right when he said she was just like you. You put your hand up in submission and so she did at the same time. The crowd booed in disappointment as you were both walked out the arena by various crew members. You had survived the pits.

Well that was one adrenaline rushing chapter, but believe me things will get turned around. Hopefully next cheater if I manage to fit it in 😅

I feel bad for killing of Belarus the way I did ;-;

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