Chapter 23: Forgiving Passion

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Warning!!: Their is a lemon in this chapter which means sexual content, you should read up to the 10th paragraph or so since it's quite important

Slowly, both you and Arthur made your way down the rock face and back on land, Gilbert wouldn't look at you and kept grumbling how 'his beautiful arm was ruined' which always earned a tsk from you or Arthur. It was quite quiet as you walked through the jungle, apart from Gilbert's murmurings and Francis trying to flirt with you. Even though you weren't with Arthur you felt bad that Francis was flirting with you, naturally you didn't like him and his perverseness but the angry glares Arthur was making at Francis wasn't help your comfort with the situation, and you weren't comfortable in this situation at all.

"Say Princesse, why don't I treat you to some wine after we've sorted this out, we can get comfy in my cabin and th-" He was interrupted by Arthur punching him in the face. He fell to the ground a angry Arthur breathing heavily above him "Mon dieu! What was that for?" Francis cried out, blood dripping from his nose. "Do not flirt with my crew members" he growled simply. The rest of the trek through the jungle and the boat ride back was in silence. When you climbed the ship and onto the Lady Grey the entire ship exploded into applause, "____!" someone shouted and Matthew made his way through the crowd and gave you the strongest hug you've ever had, "Matthew....can't breathe" you wheezed he apologised and let you go. "Sweetheart!" Someone shouted and you were enveloped into the arms of Tommy, "Thought I lost you for a second, didn't want to go  looking for you again" he whispered, you only laughed in response.

Arthur had made his way through the crowd and stood by the Ship wheel "Listen up lads" Allistor called "Capn's about to make a speech" the crowd hushed. "Men, as you know we went to the island to sort out terms of bargaining with Bonnefoy, Beilschmidt and Fernadez Carriedo" he paused " The bargain was that we gave them our half of the note in exchange for ___ Drakkine" he then gestured to you "However things changed and there was a small fight" some of the men sniggered, "But we have agreed to work together to find the treasure". Outbursts of protest were the only thing you could hear, the crew were in disbelief, Arthur fired his pistol twice to settle them down "Make no mistake we will take the biggest portion of this treasure and after this we will not be working with those three dogs ever again, I would rather die then work with Carriedo but if this is what it takes to find this treasure so be it" he declared. Crew members were slowly nodding their heads in agreement still vey unsure of what to make of the whole situation, "But forget all because tonight men, we drink we feast and we dance because now we have the whole note and can find the Treasure of the last Dragon Queen" he cheered and so did the crew. That was risky speech, how he managed to pull it off you didn't know. That man had a way with words.

In the evening the Captains had called you to Captain Fernadez Carriedo's cabin were you pieced the note together it read:
'Pote o noctes ultima ta cheria capto gia o caelum adversum o superuenientibus solis, o teleftaio asteri tou noctes tha luceat epano se o insulae of o et revelabit o symvolo of o ouranós serpentibus, einai ubi eseís voluntas evrima o thesaurum of o ultima drákon Regina'

That jumble of words, was infact a intricate language, a language which was your mother tongue and in English it said:

'When the nights last hands grab for the sky against the oncoming sun, the last star of night shall shine upon the Isles of the exiled, and reveal the symbol of the sky serpents, which is where you will find the treasure of the last dragon queen'

Which confirmed most people's suspicions that the Treasure was hidden on one of the Abiectio Isles, probably one of the smaller isles off the main one since the King had searched high and low on the main island. But here you were clapping along as men drank and danced on the deck of the Lady Grey. Matthew, Feliciano, Roderich and Ludwig were dancing in the middle of a huddle. Ludwig and Roderich looking like they want to be somewhere else. Lovino, Allistor, Sheamus and Dylan were having a drinking contest and the others where either talking or listening to Tommy telling stories. You were content with swinging your legs on the side of the Lady Grey, earlier you had been hanging out with Lucille and Elizabeta, surprisingly they didn't judge you at all infact they were fascinated by you and your heritage.

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