Chapter 21: Three Bad Friends

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Slowly your eyes started to adjust to the dark and damp room you were in but after a few minutes you realised you were on a ship. You were defiantly in the cells since iron bars were in front of you and the air was damp. Maybe you were on Arthurs ship? No after you lied to him he would never take you back. But that was also when you realised you were tied to a chair. You struggled trying to get out of your restraints.

All you managed to do was move the chair a couple of centimetres forward when you heard footsteps. You grunted and struggled madly trying to get out of the restraints. "Ciao Bella" said a friendly voice, a man with short auburn hair, amber eyes and a strange curl on the left side of his head. He almost skipped towards you, "My very nice Captain, wants to see you now" he said as he untied your restraints completely, he gently grabbed your shoulders but you shoved him away and he fell hard, but what shocked you the most was the fact he was crying! "Bella, why are you so mean I only wanted to help you, please don't hurt me anymore I'll do anything" he rambled on. How was he a pirate?.

The ship rocked from side to side so you could tell you were on the sea again no chance of escape, you sighed "Fine, come on then" you sighed and he jumped up making a happy 'Ve' noise. He hurriedly tugged you up the stairs and onto a huge deck this ship was big, very big it looked Spanish. When you were a thief you arrived at many ports and had seen many different kinds of ships.

As the man lead you up the stairs the crew looked at you whispering to each other, everyone must of known who you are now. The man knocked on a fancy cabin door, and a olive skinned man came out he had dark brown hair and hazel eyes with the same strange curl but on the right side of his head. "Fratello, I see you brought the prisoner" he said and glared at you, you glared back. The auburn haired man tilted his head "But Lovino, I thought we don't call each other brother in front of new people" he said tilting his head like a confused puppy. "Shut up Feliciano, damn it" Lovino shouted and ran after his brother who was wailing in fear.

Now you were the one who was confused. You took this opportunity to notice that you were sailing alongside two other ships. French and Prussian. "Come on in chica don't be shy" purred a voice, you turned around Lovino obviously hadn't shut the door before he went chasing after his brother so you walked in. The cabin looked very fancy, decorated with many things. But sat infront of you were three men, captains obviously by their uniform. On the left side of the desk was a man wearing a long turquoise coat with white trousers and black boots, his shoulder length blonde was very wavy and he had amazing blue eyes, you recognised him as Captain Francis Bonnefoy, the one on the right side was an albino with a dark blue coat and a white shirt which was in unbuttoned slightly and a brown sash tied around his waist, with a Iron cross hanging from his neck he was Captain Gilbert Beilschmidt and the one in the middle was a man that you were told to avoid by all of Arthurs crew.

He had olive skin and short brown hair but dazzling green eyes, he wore a red coat like Arthurs but a much darker shade as well as light green trousers and a white shirt. He was Captain Antonio Fernadez Carriedo, and he and Arthur hated eachother. Why you didn't know. "Don't be shy, liebe come take a seat" said Gilbert as he gestured to the chair infront of the three men. You were having deja vu and it made your heart ache. You sat down "Can you tell me why you kidnapped me" you stated, "Now what makes you think we would do such a thing, fleur we could of saved you" Francis purred tilting you chin with his finger, but you slapped his hand away, " I don't believe you, now tell me why" you ordered. "Because you can read this" Antonio said and passed you a note which read:

'of o et revelabit o symvolo of o ouranós serpentibus, einai ubi eseís voluntas evrima o thesaurum of o ultima drákon Regina'

It was the second half of the note! "Why should I help you?" You asked slyly, "Well Princesse, look through the window" Francis said, you got up and walked toward a small rounded window, on the sill was a spyglass you drew it out and looked through it. You saw the Lady Grey! You slowly lowered the spyglass as Antonio came up behind you "As you can see Princesa, the lady Grey is within reach and it would be a shame to hurt dear Tommy and Matthew" The Spaniard chided, placing a hand on your back as he guided you to your chair again, "What have you done with them you adulteri!" You shouted. You had slipped back into your native tongue. Gilbert gave a low whistle, "Calm down Liebe we haven't done anything to the cowardly man and the burly beast"  he said calmly, "Oui, we haven't" Francis said, pausing "However we would like to know what was on the other half of the note" he spoke confidently and you felt three pairs of eyes on you. "I can't remember" you said confidently " I may of translated it but I only saw it once" you spoke, you weren't intimidated by these three. They lacked the dangerous aura that Arthur had.

The all sighed in fustration, and then a lightbulb went off in Antonio's head "How about we make a deal, if you translate the note then we promise to not do the Lady grey any harm" he spoke, "How do I know your not lying?" You questioned "Because I never break a deal with a useful man" Antonio spoke folding his arms behind his head, a warm yet dangerous smile on his face. You thought it through if it could help save the Lady Grey, Matthew, Tommy and Arthur. What choice did you have? You sighed "Fine it says 'of the exiled, and reveal the symbol of the sky serpents, which is where you will find the treasure of the last dragon queen' " you spoke he nodded before he called for Lovino, "Good, Lovino throw Señorita Drakkine back in the cells we attack the Lady Grey at dawn" you gaped and the three of them burst into laughter.

"Good one mein fruende" Gilbert laughed, "You promised you-" Antonio then placed his finger over your lips "I said I made deals with useful men, I said nothing about dragons" he snickered. Your mouth was kept agape as Lovino threw you back into the cell with a apologetic look. So now you were stuck with the Captains of The Legendary Eagle, El Tres Diablo and Noir rose. What were you going to do?


I'm still ill but I need to do stuff to keep me occupied, so this became a thing. Introducing Feliciano (N. Italy) and Antonio (Spain)

Adulteri = Bastards {Latin}
Liebe = Love {German}
Mein Freunde = My friend {German}
Fleur = Flower {French}
Oui = Yes {French}
Princesse = Princess {French}
Si = Yes {Spainish}
Princesa = Princess {Spainish}
Senorita = Miss {Spanish}
Ciao = Hello {Italian}
Bella = Beautiful/Beauty {Italian}

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