Chapter 13: Midnight Thieves

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It was your last day in Athens, and to be honest you had enjoyed your stay here, it was a beautiful city and the locals were very nice. You had spent your time pickpocketing, drinking with Sheamus and Allistor, gambling with Dylan and trying to teach Matthew how to gamble but that failed miserably, you hadn't seen Arthur since he thanked you for fixing him up and that was this morning, the sun was setting and you were buying some herbs with Tommy, "I told you already thirteen gold coins and no more" the stall owner argued, "Yes, they may have been imported from Italy but their not in their best condition luckily for you I know how to work with these, eight gold coins and that my final offer" Tommy bargained, a smug grin stretching his face when the stall holder agreed.

"If your done, Tommy we need to go" a voice said behind you, you turned around to see Arthur, "What are you doing here?" You asked, none of the crew had seen him for the entire day so it was a mystery as to why he would suddenly appear now. Tommy's expression suddenly changed to a serious one, "Aye" he said and Tommy nudged you forward as if to tell you to follow Arthur. Arthur took you down many alleys and multiple streets, you stumbling behind them trying to weave yourself through the crowds of people as quickly as possible. "Anyone mind telling me where we're going" you asked as you turned into an alley "I came into contact with someone who has the second half of the note" Arthur said, not looking at you too focused on we're you both had to be. "Who is this guy? Can we trust him?" You questioned, "Aye, one of the two people who guard it I know, his name's Sadik Adnan he's an old friend of mine" Tommy explained "He and a friend of his guard a box that holds the other half of the note".

"Can you be sure it's the actual note?and how come he's giving it to us with no problem" you asked, "Aye, Sadik never lies to his friends and besides he trusts me" Tommy said nonchalantly. You were suspicious of Tommy's answer but you shrugged it off as you came to a stop in front of a small house, Tommy knocked on the door and a couple minutes later a tall, olive skinned man, with black hair and olive green eyes opened the door with a cheery smile. "Ah, Tommy my old friend come in" he gestured, seemingly in a good mood, "Quickly" he whispered.

You and Arthur looked at each other before quickly walking in, the room was beautiful having elaborate silks, jewels and paintings, you whistled in adoration "You like it" it was a question but he said it like a statement, "Yeah never seen so many lootable things in one room" you said absentmindedly, Tommy gave you a look that said 'What are you doing!' while Arthur and Sadik just laughed, "If it wasn't for me, Heracles would of let this place be covered in cat hair!" Sadik said, laughing at his own joke. "So you have the note" Arthur said in a business like manner, Sadik nodded and lifted up a floorboard, the floorboard had a large rectangular hole underneath it which was filled with straw, Sadik dug through the straw until his elbows were covered before lifting out a black box, with silver engravings on it you, Arthur and Tommy crowded around him in awe. The engravings were of dragons and if you didn't know any better by the way they were engraved you would of said they were dancing.

"The note is inside here" Sadik said seriously, "Buried under blank parchment, it's tied up into a scroll" "Thank you" Arthur said taking the box out of Sadik's hands "We will be on our way now" Arthur said politely you all turned around to leave but were stopped by Sadik suddenly standing up "Wait!" He called "You need the key" "What key?" You asked "The key to open the box" you then felt a bump of a keyhole on one side of the box, "Well give it to us then" Arthur ordered, you could tell he was slightly fed up. "I can't Captain Kirkland" Sadik saidly hastily "Heracles has it, we split up one goes out and gets everyday essentials taking the key with them, the other stays here with the box" Tommy let out a agitated sigh, "Well where is he?" "At this time of day, probably sleeping on the water fountain in the centre of the city" Sadik said thoughtfully, the three of you were about to walk out of the door, "I wouldn't normally ask of this" Sadik mumbled "But can someone stay with me, I fear me and Heracles are being watched" You all looked at eachother, Tommy automatically walked over to Sadik without being told to, you shrugged it off and walked out of the door.

"Don't you find it odd, that he's just giving the note to us?" You asked Arthur as you both headed into the city centre, "I do, but as long as we get it I won't complain" Arthur said, but you zoned out half way through feeling eyes on the back of your neck, you turned around and saw a figure in a white hood, you quickened your pace. "Where being followed aren't we" Arthur asked you, as if he already knew the answer "Yes" you anxiously breathed out. Fortunately, you both arrived in the city centre, "Please don't tell that's our guy" You said as you saw, a olive skinned man, with brown hair sleeping on the water fountain, a small cat sleeping on his chest.

Arthur muttered curses and something along the lines off 'I don't have time for this', as we stalked over to the sleeping man shaking his shoulders, which caused the man to open one eye, "Can I help you" he asked tiredly, "Are you Heracles?" Arthur asked hurriedly, the man nodded "Now let me sleep" he mumbled before closing his eye again, "Hercales, your friend Sadik is giving us the note we need the key" you said urgently, he sat up making you jump in surprise. "We better be quick then, were being watched" he whispered gruffly, his eyes flickering to your right. You turned around to see the man in the white hood, you froze as he raised his hand and waved at you. Arthur reached for his pistol, but you grabbed his hand "Not here! We'll get in trouble with the soilders" you hissed, he reluctantly put his pistol away and grabbed your hand dragging you back to Sadik's place, Hercales right behind you, "I'm only helping you because the pretty lady said so" Hercales yawned.

When you reached Sadik's place, the cat that had been sleeping on Sadik's chest, leaped out of his arms and ran. Sensing something off, you walked down the alley way to see the door to Sadik's house busted wide open, the door hanging off its hinges. "Oh no" you breathed and ran in, to see utter chaos. The house looked like it had been ransacked, Tommy was unconscious on a broken table, it looked like he had been slammed through it. You walked up the stairs to see, Sadik laying in the hallway, a pool of blood surrounding him. You rushed over to him, but before you could say anything , he pulled you close and whispered to you " Demir Hac, genc ejderha sakinin" before falling limp to the ground.

You heard a creak and whipped your head up to see a tall figure wearing a red hood, was half way out the window at the end of the hallway, "Don't move" you shouted at him, whipping out your pistol and aiming at him. He froze, suddenly a bang went off and the gun flew out of your hand. Someone with amazing aim had shot your gun out of your hand, you turned around and out of the shadows. Emerged the figure in the White hood. Now it was your time to freeze, he pulled the trigger and you prepared yourself to be hit by the bullet. But what shocked you was that, Heracles, ran in front of you taking the bullet for you, and falling straight to ground. Dead on impact.

You being so stunned he took the opportunity, and climbed out of the window with the other figure. Arthur came running up the stairs and looked out of the window trying to find them. You looked behind you, and saw the box wide open, it's papers scattered across the floor, you slowly walked towards it dread filling you, as you searched through the papers. "Arthur" you said nervously, he turned to you "The note" you said voice full of dread "It's gone".


Introducing and killing off, Heracles (Greece) and Sadik (Turkey)

Tension building!!!

Comment who you think stole the note

The Treasure Of The Last Dragon Queen (Pirate! England X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin