Chapter 25: Sacrifices for Treasure

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You peered inside the jungle but you couldn't see much, it was dark and very thick only being able to see a couple of feet in front of yourself, it would take along time to search the island.

"___" Arthur called, and you walked over to him, he was with the other captains, Tommy, Felicano, Ludwig, Lucille, Sheamus and Dylan, "___, Tommy, do you have any idea were the treasure could be hidden?" Francis asked, you hadn't a clue you were only six and left during the siege on your mothers castle which was on the main island. This was one of the smaller islands 'Salthazar' you believed it was called after the dragon.

Ludwig swung his sword again and again as the eleven of you plus a few crew members trudged through the forest, most of the men had taken their shirts of due to the sheer humidity. The jungle was lush and full of life so many sounds of insects and birds filled the air like a choir, but the mass of plantlife was making it very difficult to walk through and the dim lighting that the jungle canopy was letting through only made things harder. "Are we there yet?" Gilbert whined to his brother "No" he responded gruffly. Gilbert and Ludwig had been going like this for half an hour and it was driving you mad.

Ludwig swung his sword a couple more times before stopping completely "Are we there yet?" Gilbert asked, as he bumped into his brothers back, "Yes" he replied distantly. We all rushed to line up with Ludwig, a vast plain of molten rock and settled ash was all you could see, this must of been here awhile since the smell of smoke was long gone yet white ash still dusted the black rock. However, small pools of turquoise water were dotted throughout the plain. Cautiously, you all slowly walked through the plain no one breathing a word. "Why would this be here?" Sheamus asked, "Dragon fire caused this I can tell you that" Tommy said "But why it's here I don't know" Why would Dragon fire be here? Salthazar and Leonis were killed on the main island.

Feliciano let out a small whimper of fear and you nudged his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled back "Your so nice to me Bella~" he chirped "Much more nicer than we first met", "I agree to that" Ludwig said. You had grown very fond of Ludwig and Feliciano, the big strong and gruff German and the small weak cowardly Italian made you laugh. They were like a comedy pair. "Amigos, I see something over their" Antonio pointed towards something but before you could see what it was. A loud boom sounded, "Antonio!" You heard Lucille shout as his foot had sunk into the ground, he lifted it up, "Oops" he said innocently.

A shockwave rippled across the plain and made everyone stumble, you all drew put your weapons ready for a fight but nothing happened. This worried you more, "Maybe the trap wore out its been some years since this was set up" Arthur reasoned, but you had a feeling, a feeling in your gut that something was about to go horribly wrong. Suddenly a light hearted giggle cut through the air like a knife and everyone turned to see a girl, leaning against the edge of one of the pools, her wet hair stuck to her frame she was pretty, but what was she doing out here?

All the men seemed transfixed by her and a few crew members walked towards her in a trance, she kept on giggling and winking at them, one got on his hands and knees and went towards the edge of the of the pool, Francis was about to follow them but you grabbed his arm and shook your head. The girl rose and put her hands on either side of the mans head she leaned forward to kiss him but stopped. "Never trust strangers, human" she said but her voice was horrible raspy like nails on a chalkboard. The man screamed and she let out a high pitched shout, she opened her mouth to reveal pointed fangs as she bite into his neck and dove into the pool of water.

But time seemed to slow as the dove back down with the man, because one thing caught your eye, her shimmering, scaly fish like tail. "Mermaids!" Arthur shouted and everyone went into a panic they started to jump out of the pools of water and land on men taking them down with them, some tried to fight them others were running with Antonio towards the object he saw, you saw Arthur get attacked by a mermaid, he tried shooting her but she dodged and bit into his shoulder and started to drag him towards a pool. You ran over and stabbed her in the neck, dragging Arthur to his feet you both ran for the door.

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