Chapter 22: Deals & Gun Fights

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The next morning, you awake when a loud bang sounded causing the ship to rock. You instantly jolted awake, shaking wildly in your restraints if you stayed still you new you were going to die. Suddenly a tall, heavily built man you heard through Feliciano that his name was Ludwig, he rushed down the stairs and started untying your restraints. When he was finished he grabbed your arm roughly "Come on, Fraulien we don't have time to lose" he said hurriedly, as he rushed you up the stairs and across the deck. Now you could see who's ship had shot at El Tres Diablo, it was the Lady Grey.

But the Lady Grey was currently fighting The Legendary Eagle, it must of shot El Tres Diablo on a fluke, you could see familiar faces boarding and fighting in the Legendary Eagle, Sheamus and Dylan you could see them fighting "Sheamus, Dylan he-mmph!" You tried to call out of them but Ludwig covered your mouth, you screamed into his mouth and kicked out trying to make him let you go and someone notice you. But alas it failed,

However now the big ship was fighting Noir Rose, they must of shot El Tres Diablo on a fluke when their main target was The Legendary Eagle. Ludwig came to the ease of the ship, and what surprised is that below you was a row boat, "I've got the girl, tell mein Bruder that I'm going to help fight on the Legendary Eagle" Ludwig ordered drawing out his sword, but one of the towers stopped him "You can't Ludwig, your brothers orders your coming with us to the island" he told him, Ludwig gaped in disbelief before reluctantly sitting in the boat as we rowed away from the boats and towards an island.

As you approached said Island even you could tell it was quite big, tall trees visible so you assumed there was jungle. All the while Ludwig was grumbling to himself, you knew what he was grumbling about " I know how you feel" you stated, looking at the wooden floor of the boat, Ludwig raised his head "What do you mean?" He asked "I mean I know how it feels to want to fight to protect those you love but not being able to because others have plans of their own" you told him, he nodded his head. "Yao told all of us your story after we kidnapped you" he said, you looked up at him "My deepest regards for the loss of your mother, she sounded like a good person" he said you smiled weakly at him "She was the best kind of person". Just then the boat lurched forward and stopped moving, it must if run aground.

You stepped out of it and into the surprisingly warm water, it wasn't high at all, just covering your ankles, the wind was blowing through your hair and the sun was bright and the scenery of the jungle before you was amazing. In fact you would of loved this moment if it wasn't for the fact you were a hostage. As you walked up the sandy beach the three captains were their without a care in the world, "Mind telling me what going on" you spat out, they were up to something. "Well Princesse, your going to be a bargaining chip" Francis said "To help us get the second half of the note" your eyes widened, Arthur wouldn't trade you for the note. We're they mad?!

You were about to protest, but two men grabbed you and bound your wrists behind your back, they forced you onto your knees and one punched you in the stomach, you doubled over and groaned, Gilbert turned around "I believe I only told you to tie her up not beat her up" he spat, "But we just thought-"  one of them tried to sputter out a excuse. "Exactly you thought you know, you know thinking isn't good for you" he then shot one of the in the arm. "Think again and I'll put that bullet between your eyes" he hissed, mouthing a 'sorry' you didn't understand why he was apologising to you, but you simply shrugged in response. By the time that small escape was over enough was rowing across the sea, and this time you knew who was in it.

As the boat grounded, you saw Arthur and Allistor step out of it. He chose somone who knows pirate etiquette well, good choice on his behalf. The three captains were in a straight one infront of you two of Gilbert's men holding you back a couple of meters away. "I assume you know why we called you out here" Antonio spoke, in a formal tone but underneath it you could tell it was laced with hatred. "I do, what do I get in return for giving the other half of the note" he said sternly, Gilbert turned to his men and jerked his head, they suddenly brought you forward placing you next to Antonio's feet, he grabbed your hair and forcefully pulled your face upwards. "You get a valued crew member back" Francis said, Arthur looked down at you with eyes which you couldn't read. That scared you. "Where is your half of the note?" Arthur questioned, Antonio walked face to face with Arthur a small black chest in his hands, he flipped open the latch and inside was half of the note.

Arthur rummaged inside his coat pocket and took his half out and put it inside. Antonio smirked and flicked the lid down latching the chest shut "Pleasure doing business with you, Kirkland" Antonio smirked, but it quickly fell from his face when Arthur didn't let go of the box when he tried to tug it out of his hands, "I don't intend on letting go of the Treasure that quickly" Arthur hissed, Antonio growled throwing the chest to the side and drawing out his sword, Arthur doing the same Francis and Gilbert ran over when Arthur and Antonio's swords started to clash.

Gilbert and Francis resided there swords at Arthur but were blocked by Allistor wielding dual blades "Now which one o' ye filthy sea dogs wants tae die first" Allistor challenged. While this was going on you took your chance. You had been working on freeing your wrists for awhile and you were just about done. You harshly pulled your wrists, the rope snapping you instantly grabbed a dagger of one of the men and stabbed them both in the stomach. Luckily, the men were still fighting and hadn't noticed you, seeing a pistol on one of them you took and both of the men and ammunition. Quickly you rushed for the chest grabbed and sprinted into the jungle.

However you heard a shout and someone chase after you, the jungle echoed with sounds of various animals, and the green debris only slowed you down. You held one of the chests handles with one hand and pulled out your pistol with the other. Quickly you turned around and shot at whoever had been following you, he screamed in pain and you saw that you had shot Gilbert in the arm. You continued to run now hearing more voices approach you, you ran as fast as you could seeing a glimpse of a person now and again and running in the opposite direction, your lungs grave sand your bones burned but you couldn't stop.

You reached a huge rock face, quickly but carefully you climbed up it where there was flat ground and a couple of smaller rocks to take cover behind. You crouched behind one of the rocks and dropped the box, no one could get this people had died stopping this from getting into the wrong hands and died saving you. You couldn't afford to let it go. Not only that since Arthur was very much still angry with you, you had no allies. You were sheep amongst a pack of wolves.

You peeked your head over the top and two men noticed you, you held the pistol with both hands and shot at them. One shot hit one of the men causing him to fall over, but missed the other one but it most of been close enough for him to dive for cover in the debris. Soon the Captains including Gilbert arrived, you shit at them all of your shots missing. "Stay away" you yelled at them, "Princesse, we don't want to cause you any harm just give us the notes" Francis tried to bargain, you shot repeatedly at his spot "I'm not fucking around, this treasure is mine by right like hell in going to let it all go now" you spat at him. "Jesus Christ she's more angry than a Latin women" Antonio said. "Listen, we've all come to an agreement that we will split the treasure between us maybe you can can join in on this arrangement liebe" Gilbert shouted to you, hissing half way through due to his injured arm.

You were shaken, behind you cover and tears started to spill out of yours eyes as you quietly sobbed. You were scared of them betraying you or using, you tired of lying and most of all you hated this empty hole inside you ever since you left the Lady grey. "Love" a gentle voice said, you instantly stood up and pointed the pistol at Arthur. He had Agee injuries from his sword fight earlier but nothing else apart from that. "S-stay back" you stuttered, "____, love give me the pistol" you shook your head pulled the trigger......... But only the click of the firing pin went off, you had run out of ammo but you had more if you bent down and picked it up.

"_____ your scared, and I understand this treasure is yours by right" Arthur said "And I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was being arrogant and thinking of my own needs and not taking into consideration that you've had it hard to" he said sympathetically, he stretched out his hand and you placed the pistol in it both rushing into his chest and enveloping it in a hug. He hugged you back with a grip so strong it felt like you were the last person on earth.


I finally got this chapter up and I'm happy about that!!

Also would anyone be interested in seeing a lemon between reader and Arthur??

Mein Bruder = My brother (German)

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