Chapter 24: The Isles

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You awoke to a blinding light only, groaning you fluttered your eyes until they adjusted to the bright sunlight that was gushing through the cabin window. You felt the sheets rub against your naked skin and you let out a content sigh. Last night was amazing. You leaned up on your elbows, careful not to disturb a peacefully sleeping Arthur who's arm was lazily wrapped around you. You smiled at him, he looked like a peaceful baby and not a feared pirate you kissed his forehead and got out of the bed.

Stretching your aching muscles you looked around the room for something to put on, finding Arthurs coat which he had carelessly tossed last night you picked it up and put it on, doing up the buttons. You gently clicked open the door and stepped into the first fiery rays of the morning. You gently closed the door behind you and walked up forward so you were in front of the wheel, age the breeze blew through your hair and you clasped the handles of the wheel and gentle turned the wheel. You couldn't go anywhere since you had the anchor down.

"Yo ho, Yo ho a pirates life for me" you sing quietly, it was a small melodic tune your mother used to sing to you when you were a baby.  "I would be worried if it wasn't" a voice purred in your ear, as two arms snaked around your waist, you smiled "I thought you were asleep" you said and kissed his chin, "I was, until you got out of bed" he said and you let him guide you back inside the cabin, "You can't be seen outside in my coat" he chided "I know" "But" he purred "It does look very nice on you" you smirked and he went to kiss you again but you put your finger on his lips before he could kiss you "I should get dressed and head back to the cabin" you said and took of his coat, he shook his head as he got dressed, you dressed as well neither of you talking to each other but as you got to the door you turned around and smiled at him.

The sun was rising the following day when the call came, the call that got everyone racing off their hammocks and onto the deck in an excited frenzy, the Isles were in view. You were the first to rush into the deck and climb the rigging so you could see two small islands. You felt nervously calm. It was a feeling you can't describe unless you feel it for yourself, all the captains were on Noir Rose discussing wether they needed to search around the islands more since their were four small islands surrounding the main one. However, this was risky since they risked being spotted and captured by the Kings fleet. It was getting light, and a mixture of orange and purple hues mixed in the sky like a artists pallet.

But their was one star left, one star that seemed to shine directly over one island, you could see the green lumps of trees from where the ship was, that must be the island! The captains must of noticed too since all the ships turned towards that one island. This was it you were going to find the Treasure, you impatiently jumped off the rigging and began to pace. Matthew ran up to and paced with you "This is it eh, we're going to find your treasure" he said excitedly "It's not my treasure" you corrected "It's my mothers, the dragon Queen" "Wrong" he said, you stopped and looked at him quizzically "Your a dragon by spirit and temper, but you act like a queen" he said blushing, "Also your as beautiful as a queen" he muttered under his breathe, you kissed him on the cheek "Only friends" you said, "I know" he sighed, obviously disappointed.

"Land Ho" someone called and boats began to lower into the slightly choppy, turquoise sea. You eagerly ran over to the railing all guilty thoughts of Matthew vanishing from your mind, it was time. You jumped in and once the boat was full you began to row with the others, it seemed like eternity before you reached the shore line. What was on the island? What traps waited for you? Nobody knew and that was had your heart racing in the most excited way possible. You jerked forwards as the boat run aground, you helped dragged the boat up the shore but hesitated where the wet sand met with the dry sand. This would be your first proper step onto the group of isles your grew up on. Your home.

You were scared no denying, scared of what might happen but it was now or never. So you confidently sunk your boat into the sandy white beach, and walked up the shore to the edge of the jungle.


Sorry I haven't been updating as much photography. That's all I need to say {You'll understand if you follow my tumblr}

I'm sad to say it but this story is near its end

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