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If she could escape the rain, she would have left that part behind her. But rain nor water itself was the inevitable. If she wanted to die, drown in all her sorrows, she would have done it long ago. At least she would have ended all her pain and suffering.

Her death would be peaceful that way; to end her own life that is.

But for Juvia Lockser, there is nothing more proud and noble, than to die for the people she loves. She would most definitely sacrifice herself for the sake of others.

But if she has love in her life, than she must live for the ones she love.

But that one she holds dear in her heart is gone.

He is not gone from existence. Or gone as in "Gone away". But Gray Fullbuster is simply gone from Juvia's heart.

Yes, it's all true that once you fall in love with someone, you will always still love them. But that love will be different.

"You will never fall in love the same way, twice."

This is the story of how two unlikely people to fall in love for all the WRONG reasons.

A/n: HELLO my fellow Wattpad'ers...? Well I have to say that I'm back! Its been a very hard few months for me... I've lost someone that was very dare to me and my family, so I'm still grieving. But writing essentially is my only outlet in coping. So please forgive me I'm still very rough around the edges on my writing so I apologize for that, also if I get any HATE for this ship.... I'm sorry. This "ship" isn't so much of a Romantic ship... Its more of friends way....ish...I still am debating on that. But I like to just upload and just see where it goes from there! Godbless everybody and...let me.know what you think! :)

Song: Poisoned With Love
by Neon Hitch

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