Packing for Home (Chapter 16)

Start from the beginning

"Leah it Umbridge the only time she wants to know you is when she want something and it's never normally good" I said as I leaned back up trying to stretch to get rid of my stitch.

"I'm sorry dear could you please repeat that?" I heard Umbridge high squeaky voice say making me gulp. I turned to see Umbridge standing right behind me smiling.

"Miss Gray I would like a word please" Umbridge said as Leah raised an eyebrow confused. She looked over at me as I shrugged making Umbridge follow Leah's gaze to me. She glared as I stood there not knowing what to do.

"Now run along Miss Lynch you need to study" Umbridge said as she waved me off with her hand. I cursed under my breath and I walked away from the two and made my down to my class to see that everyone was already standing there listening to Grubbly-plank.

"Now what so fascinating about these creatures is....ah Miss Lynch so glad you could make it to my lesson care to explain why you are late?" Grubbly-plank asked as I walked past him and stood next to a tall Hufflepuff boy whose name I always forgot.

"Um professor Umbridge wanted to know something" I said as he nodded his head and carried on with his lesson. Whilst he was talking I kept zoning out and began to wonder what Leah and Umbridge were talking about. They had been having little meetings a lot recently and every time I asked Leah she would simply shrug me off and say it was to do with her dad's work. I suddenly felt a hand intertwine with mine making me jump. I looked up to see George for once focusing on the lesson and not on me.

"Right then you know the rules, people must stay together lowest is two highest is 4 and you are only allowed on the outskirts of the forest" I heard professor Grubbly-plank say as students around me began to create groups and walk off together. Fred suddenly walked over to me and George and began looking around.

"So where Leah?" Fred asked casually as I looked up at him.

"Umbridge wanted to see her again and why do you care so much" I said as Fred stared at me.

"No I do not fancy her I've known Leah to long I just can't stand to be in a group with two lovebirds who constantly show affection when I have no one to talk to" Fred said pouting making me chuckle.

"I could help" I heard Angelina say as she walked over to our group.

"Gasp guys Angelina's on her own" I said sarcastically as i covered my mouth to show a pretend shock making Angelina glare at me. She shrugged the comment off and carried on talking.

"sorry to intrude but I overheard Fred saying about he wanted someone to talk to whilst the lovebirds showed their affection well how about we work as a 4" Angelina said as she gestured towards us. She lingered on me for a moment glaring at me before she carried on going round our little group. Fred face beamed.

"Yeah that would be wicked" Fred said as he linked mine and Angelina's arm with his and started to skip down into the forest. I groaned as I dragged George along to who smiled at the situation.

"So what are we looking for?" I asked as we walked into the forbidden forest and began looking at the ground for tracks. I could feel the cold atmosphere coming towards me from the forest making me shudder and wanting this task over and done with.

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