A Christmas To Remember

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Calums P.O.V

When we arrived at the hospital they took Belle off to an operating room and I tried my best in going with her but I got pushed back by a security guard. I got taken into a waiting room and soon Belles mum brothers and sister plus my family were there. Ann-Marie had some paperwork to do and I couldn't sit still I was walking up and down the room. After a while I could hear yelling I poked my head out the door way of the waiting room and saw Luke Michael Em Tonia Niki Elise Kelley and Amie. The nurse was telling them that they couldn't come into the waiting room if they weren't family so I walked over and told them that they are like her family so they can come with me to the waiting room, the nurse let them in and I showed them where we were. After about an hour of waiting a doctor came out telling us that Belle is in critical condition but she is stable at the moment. Ann-Marie asked about the babies and he said that they are fine and that they are healthy and they are in the nursery if we wanted to see them. WAIT WHAT THEY ARE BORN? I asked kinda yelling at the doctor. "Yes they are I'm guessing you are the farter?" Yeah how did you know? "Well your son looks just like you, congratulations Mr Hood" I ask where the nursery is and I walked/ran there. I see two gorgeous babies with the name tags saying girl Hood and boy Hood. I am so happy that they are fine and cute as ever, but now I have to see Belle. I go back to the waiting room and tell everyone about the babies. About 5 minutes later another doctor comes out and says only one person at a time can go in. I really wanted to go in right then and there but I thought Ann-Marie should go in first like she gave birth to Belle. I get pushed into Belles room by my mum and Belles. I walked in and all I could see was Belle with tubes sticking into her and machines are beeping constantly.

Ems P.O.V

While Calum was gone the mums asked how this happened so we decided to tell them what Andrew did and why, and how they all had been planning it for ages. Everyone was shocked and Ashton was clenching his fist so tight his knuckles were going white. "Wow and I thought my plan that I was going to do ages ago but never did was bad" said Amie. "Yeah Amie we know what your plan was let's just say a little birdy told us" said Kelley. "Wait what how did you who told you WHAT you weren't meant to know but at least I didn't do it" said Amie looking really uncomfortable. Soon there was a knock on the door and Kelley opened it, by the look on Kelley's face it wasn't good "What are you doing here you sure have a nerve at coming here you dick head, like everything you and your friends have done piss off no one likes you" said Kelley shutting the door but someone's foot stopped it from closing fully. That's when he walks in its Tom shit I don't want to see him and I told him that he was not to see me again. I squeezed Luke's hand tighter at the sight of him. "listen he dick you heard Kelley piss off!" said Luke getting up and standing in front of me like he was my shield. "Please I want to talk to Em for a minuet I need to" I agreed and tried to get past Luke but it wasn't possible so I looked at Michael and he pulled Luke by the arm so now Luke was on top of Michael before I left the room I couldn't help it but say MUKE IS REAL! Tom took me over to a bench and he told me "Em I'm so sorry for what my friends have done and for what I have done. Yes at first you were just part of a plan but then I did start to get feelings for you and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend and we can forget about all of this and all the little things, please" he grabbed my hand and said "see your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me, this is why we should be" I pulled away saying NO TOM WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND WHAT YOUR FRIENDS HAVE DONE I COULD NEVER FORGET I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN PLUS I ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND WELL HE STILL IS MY BOYFRIEND WE NEVER REALLY BROKE UP WE JUST HAD A LONG FIGHT AND DON'T QUOTE A ONE DIRECTION SONG EVER AGAIN. I turned around and walked off I could see Luke standing in the corner so I walked over to him as soon as I got close enough he said "are we still really together? I thought I lost you forever, I'm glad we have always been together" Oh Luke you will always have me, I say giving a small kiss on Luke's cheek. When we got back to the waiting room no one was there. Then a doctor came around telling us everyone had gone to see Belle because they think that she might only have a few hours because of where he stabbed and how far he when in. I couldn't help but cry and walk into the room where Belle was, with Luke trailing behind me. I saw Belle sitting there and Calum holding her hand and crying. Everyone was crying so that made me feel not as embarrassed, I noticed that Ashton wasn't there so I asked where he had gone. Ann-Marie said that he went to go find Andrew, right then I knew something bad was going to happen so I left without telling anyone I felt a tug on my arm it was Kelley she said "Hey your not going to beat this son of a b***h by yourself" I laughed and we both got into the car and drove off to the house that, that group lived in.

*At The House*

As Kelley and I pulled up we could see Ashtons car and I could hear yelling coming from inside the house. The front door was opened so Kelley and I walked in. We got to the middle of the house and you could hear the yelling even louder now Kelley opened one of the doors and there was Ashton, Tom, Harrison and Andrew, Andrew was on the floor with a black eye and he was black and blue all over he also had a gash above his eyebrow. Tom and Harrison looked shocked that we were here, Ashton just had a smile on his face. "Where is Cameron?" asked Kelley looking at Tom and Harrison. "Um well he went to go find Niki and explain some stuff to her so he is probably at the hospital by now. "Do you know what you have done to Belle like the doctors don't think she isn't going to make it, and this is all your fault Andrew" I said looking down at Andrew.


Reality  *Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें