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Were at home and as mum pulls up at the house and I see a sign that says 'WELCOME HOME AFI AND ILI' I look at Ash and I see a smile on his face. We walk in and see everyone there meaning all the boys and the girls, except Luke because we were surprising him with a birthday party, as he is turning 19 when the boys go back to work but then he won't be home and with his family so we all decided to do it a bit earlier. We all hide and see Em and Luke walking into the house all we hear is "Em why the heck are you brining me to Ash and Belles house I thought we were going to dinner" from Luke, "Trust me you will want to be here now shut up and follow me" said Em and from the way see was talking you could tell she was trying not to laugh. "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE!!!" everyone yells and Liz (Luke's mum) ran over to Luke and gave him a hug. We all smile and walk over to the lounge and one by one we hand Luke his birthday presents. It was around 1:30am and all the parents are gone and there is just us girls and the boys but all the boys are drunk, I have to say that they are really funny when they are drunk. We take the boys and lay them on our beds for them to sleep because we all know that they will have a headache in the morning from this. While the boys were sleeping us girls were just hanging around watching TV.

The Next Morning

I wake up seeing all the girls sleeping I walk up to my bedroom where Cal was, I walk in to see him still sleeping he is really cute when he is sleeping. I sit at my desk that was on the other side of my room and I see the door opening slightly, I noticed that it was Em and I walk over, she asked me to come to her room. I follow Em to her room and see Luke bent over throwing up into a bucket, Em looked really concerned and didn't know what to do. I asked Luke how he felt and all he could do was do a thumbs down. As I was trying to ask questions to Luke I feel hands around my waist and I turn to see Cal. He told Em and I to leave and said that him and the boys will look after Luke, as Em and I were walking to the stairs I see Ash head in the toilet doing the same thing Luke was I went in to see if he was ok and all he said was "get out I don't want you to see me like this" All I could do was leave him to do his thing. I felt sorry for all the boys but it was their fault that the got drunk all of us girls told them to stop but they didn't listen. All of us girls decided to leave the boys and we all went to the local park. We were at the park and I saw my lil bro and lil sis with Ems lil sis they looked happy, we walked over and started to hang with them and decided to take them out for ice-cream.

Later That Night

After a day out with family all of us girls decided to go home we all walked in and saw them all asleep on the couch and the credits from the movie Lion King. We all walk to our rooms as quite as possible and it didn't work. As we were walking past the couch Michael wakes up and nudges the boys and they all wake up and follow us to our rooms and we all fall asleep peaceful.

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