Shit its Andrew

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Belles P.O.V

The next minuet there is a knock at the door I get up to answer the door and there is Luke standing in the door way. I let him come in and he sits in one of the chairs in mine and Cal's hotel room. "Hey Belle I was thinking what do you mean you know how I feel? Luke asks looking at me. I sit down on a couch opposite the seat Luke was sitting in and Cal comes down and sits next to me, looking and waiting for me to answer Luke's question. "Well I dated another guy before I meet you guys and I had a fight with him and we never really broke up but we kinda just stopped talking and yeah I was Em and Luke in the situation it hurt for ages but then I meet you guys and all the pain went away" I say looking at the ground. "Who was the guy?" Cal asked. "Um well he is one of Toms friends his name is Andrew and him and Tom are in a band also with Andrews brother Harrison that's why when we went to the pub that night to see them perform I left early because I didn't want to see Andrew". I say walking out if the hotel room. Thinking about Andrew was too much I never told any of the girls that it was this Andrew that Tom knows all the girls think it's a different Andrew but it wasn't. I think I have to tell the girls this. I text all the girls to meet me at the Ice Cream shop that was around the corner from the hotel. I also said that no boys are allowed to come. 10 minutes later all the girls are here and are wondering why I asked them to come her and why I looked upset. I explained the whole thing they were shocked that it was the same boy. I said that I told Luke and Cal because they asked but I don't want to talk about that piece of shit any more I have a much better boyfriend and I love Cal so much and that will never change. We are all sitting and talking and catching up with Niki when Tom walks in with 2 other tall human figures standing behind him the walk out and say hi. It was Harrison and ANDREW I get up and run out of the ice cream shop and head back to my hotel room and I run straight into Cal's arms not caring who was around but no one was around Cal pulled away looking at me and asking "hey babe what's wrong what happened?" I'm fine it's just that Harrison and Andrew are here Tom being an asshole bought that piece of shit and now I want to go home. "hey it's alright I'm here for you babe you don't need to go home yet not until 2 weeks when we all go home for Christmas". Said Cal. My phone starts to ring and I look at it, its Alise I answer the phone and put it on loud speaker "HEY BELLE COME BACK TO THE ICE CREAM SHOP WE ALL WANT YOU HERE AND THERE ARE SOME CUTE GUYS HERE LOOKING FOR YOU" said Alise. "nah im good thanks I'm with Cal at the moment and I don't want to see pieces of shit so no thanks" I say and hang up the phone. I never want to Andrew again. "Hey you should go and see the girls just ignore the boys" said Cal looking at me and pouting I cant say no to the pout "Ok fine I will go see you later" I leave and head back to the ice cream shop.

Andrews P.O.V

I see Belle walk into the shop and all my feelings and memories come back to me I think I still like her like I never dated anyone after what happened between us. I see she is pregnant but oh well at least she has found someone to make her happy something I couldn't do. Belle walks in and sits next to Tonia she whispers something into Tonia's ear and it get spread around to all the girls. I am always looking at Belle and I don't mean to its just something that has come back to me like it was natural, but Belle wont lay ad eye on me I don't blame her what I did was so wrong and I can never say sorry enough to get her back, but I will try. We all headed back to Toms hotel room and we played truth or dear all the girls weren't up for anything to do with kissing so it was kinda lame but we did more truths so I learnt somethings about Belle which was nice, I have realised that I have feeling for Belle and I sooo want her to be mine I'm going to try.

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