A Very Un-Merry Christmas

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I got to my room and flopped onto my bed and I was balling my eyes out. There was a knock on door but I didn't bother answering it. I felt a hand on my back I roll over and open my eyes to see Cal, Ash and bloody Andrew. "Hey are you ok babe?" asked Cal sitting next to me, "yeah im fine I just hate that ass hole so much and for him to kiss me was just so off and he tasted disgusting plus he bit my lip!" "Ok as long as you are fine I'm going" said Ash leaving the room. After Ash left it was really awkward having Cal and Andrew in the same room. Cal and I started talking and Andrew just sat there until Cal asked if I wanted to go back down stairs where everyone else is, I agreed but then Andrew said that we weren't leaving and something about if he can't have me then no one can, the next thing I felt a slight jab in my chest that hurt so bad I heard screaming, swarming and crying and not just from me. I open my eyes seeing Andrew standing up with a knife in his hand with blood dripping off it and I look around and see Cal crying and telling me to hang in there, I started losing sight and everything got really blurry then I must have blacked out.

Andrews P.O.V

I am sick of seeing Belle with Calum! I told Harrison, Tom and Cam what I was going to do and they didn't care they thought it was a fine idea. You see when Belle and I broke up I was heartbroken and I can't think of being with anyone but Belle. When Cam said that he made friends with one of Belles besties I knew I had a chance of seeing Belle again. That's when Cam told me the good news that he has been into the house that all the girls share and that he can get Tom with one of the other girls (Em). A few months later Tom brings Harrison and myself into the picture and Belle goes A-wall seeing me, just what I wanted. You see this whole thing is plan, a plan to ruin 5sos and the girls. Little did we know that some of the girls are with 1D boys so we will just have to drag 1D down as well. As soon as I saw that Belle had blacked out I made a run for it out the front door. Tom, Cam and Harrison knew what was going on but everyone else was clueless. This is the best Christmas present I have ever had.

Calums P.O.V

Belle is laying on her bedroom floor unconscious, I start yelling for at least someone to come to her room to help me. With me yelling and crying but also trying to get Belle awake it is challenging. Soon I see a few pair of feet I look up and see Ash, Luke, Michael, Kelley, Alise and Amie standing and walking over, Kelley ran to go get Belles mum and Michael was on the phone to the cops and the ambulance. I could hear yelling from downstairs but I didn't really want to know what was going on I had other things to deal with. Ash and Luke came running besides Belle trying to help me stop the bleeding. I knew when Ann-Marie walked in because she started screaming and crying, Ash got up and hugged his mum.

A Few Minutes Later

The ambulance arrived and they put Belle on a gurney and they were going to take her to the hospital. They asked who was going to go in the ambulance with Belle I looked up and said her mum, with that Ann-Marie said "No Belles boyfriend will be going" I smiled and said she needs her mother at a time like this. "Thanks Cal but she really needs you, you are the only one that knows everything about her and you know how to make her smile when she wakes up plus you're the father of the kids she's caring so you need to go" I said thanks and jumped into the back of the ambulance. The hole ride I was holding Belles hand. I am so going to get Andrew for this.

Ems P.O.V

I saw Andrew bolt out of the house and Tom, Harrison and Cameron looked really happy. The next thing I heard was scramming from Calum and most of the guys left and some of the girls did too. I got told to stay down here and so did Niki and Tonia. I asked Tom why he looked happy and he said "Because Andrew did what he had to do and know we can go onto phase two" I looked really confused I had no idea what he was talking about so I asked him. "What the heck are you talking about Tom?" "Well you see Em we have had this plan together me, Andrew, Harrison and Cam and now we are half way through it, sorry about Belle hope she dies" said Tom. "Listening to the last part about Tom hoping Belle will die got me really scared I got up and so did Niki and Tonia. You guys are scaring us what are you talking about hoping Belle will dye, and having a plan? "Well when Cam told us that he was a thing with one of Belles friends Andrew was so happy, and then we planned about Tom coming and then when Em fell for Tom and that made Em and Luke have a fight that was another part of the plan then when Tom bought me and Andrew into the picture that was the next part then we had to hang out with you girls and then Belle and Calum will be no longer then you will have to wait to see the next part of the plan" said Harrison. I was so shocked I went to go find everyone else but before I could leave I got pulled on the arm it was Tom, "Em I'm sorry at first you were just a part of a plan but then I did start liking you" said Tom. No leave me alone Tom I don't ever want to see you again and if I do you will wish you didn't do any of this shit. I was so pissed at Tom I ran off crying I bumped into someone who stopped me I look up through my tears and I see a tall blond headed boy with the bluest eyes ever. "oh sorry Luke I didn't mean to bump into you I was just going to" Luke cuts me off saying "Em what happened what did that ass whole say I'm here for you I will always be hear for you" "I'm fine Luke don't even talk about Tom, he is such a jerk"

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