Bad News

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Still Ems P.O.V

Ok so we all look at Ashton and his mum really confused except for Calum he was still saying sorry to Belle, Ann-Marie walked over to Ashton and gave him a hug then she turned and looked at Belle who was lying in a massive hospital bed with the machines keeping her alive. Ann-Marie started to cry while walking around and hugging all of us that were in the room, she made her way over to Calum and all Calum could say was "I'm so sorry its all my fault I didn't think at what people would write and how Belle would react to all the hate, but don't worry I have taken down the picture" you could tell that he was feeling really bad just as Ann-Marie was about to say something to Calum the doctor walked in and said "Hi everyone could I just have close family members in here and any friends could you please leave for a few minutes" We all looked at him and we all agreed and all of us girls left Luke, Michael, Harry, Niall, Louis and Liam left as well. Calum asked the doctor if he could stay and the doctor asked "are you her brother as well" "No I'm Belles boyfriend and I would like to know what's going on with her" said Calum. The doctor let Calum stay as well as Ashton of course.

Calums P.O.V

"Ok so as you can see Belle is living off of machines and we can have that for much longer so if she doesn't pull through soon we will have to take her off of life support" said the doctor as he is talking I am feeling worse about myself and I start to feel really sad and I just wish that Belle was at least awake so I could talk to her.  He walked out and everyone else walked back in and Belle and Ash's mum was crying and Ash was comforting her as I was telling everyone what the doctor had to say by the end of me telling everyone all the girls are crying and the boys are trying to be strong. After a few minutes of everyone looking at Belle Michaels phone goes off and all we hear is him saying "We will be there in 5 I promise" we all look at Michael and asked who was it and he says "That was our manager and he wants us at the arena ASAP no matter what we are doing" We all say good bye to the girls and Belle before leaving, I felt really bad leaving Belle the way she is but I have to do my job and I know Belle would tell me the show must go on.

Alises P.O.V

So all the boys have gone off to the arena where they will be playing tonight and us girls are still with Belle but we will be leaving soon to go see the boys play tonight we all are hoping for the best for Belle I know I can't imagine life without her and I don't think Calum could or any of us could.

During the show

All the boys are on stage 5SOS and 1D, and they all look really sad, when Calum starts to talk "Hey guys as you may or may not know but Belle is in the hospital and she isn't doing so good so we would like to sing a song that isn't ours but it's for Belle, it's called See You Again". As all the boys are singing it they are crying and us girls are hugging each other crying our eyes out.  

At the hospital 

Calums P.O.V

Everyone else has gone back to the hotel but I decided that I want to beside Belle incase anything happens. I'm sitting in the hospital chair in the room opposite from Belles bed and I am slowly falling asleep. I hear my name being called really softly I thought I was dreaming till I look over at Belle and see her smiling I felt really happy and walked over to her and said hi. She just smiles and asked if she was ok and I said that she is now that she is awake and then she asked where everyone else was I told her that they were all at the hotel and that her mum is here as well. Once I mentioned her mum she smiled and sked if I could call her and tell Ann-Marie that Belle is awake. I called Ann-Marie and as soon as I said that Belle would like to see her she hung up the phone and before you knew it she was at the door of the hospital walking in and hugging Belle. I called everyone else and told them the good news about Belle. The doctor came in and asked if he could talk to Belle by herself so all of us had to leave the room.

Belles P.O.V

So the doctor was telling me that I can't travel for at least 3 months, when he said that I felt really upset that I can't travel with the boys. Once the doctor left everyone came back inside and I had to tell them the bad news about me not being able to travel with them. "Ok so I have to tell you all something and its bad news" I said looking at everyone, they all look really concern "I'm not allowed to travel for at least 3 months once I get back to Australia said the doctor", as I am saying this I am looking at Calum and he is looking really sad, as I am looking around Amie says "Oh I have to tell you all something to and its bad news as well, umm all of us girls have to go back to school for 4 months and we cant get put of it so we can't travel with you guys I'm really sorry to tell you all". Once Amie had finished talking all the boys looked really pissed off and all stormed out of the hospital room and slammed the door behind them. "When are we flying out" asked Tonia "Tomorrow" said Amie. "Ok looks like we have to go to the hotel and pack then" said Niki. I can come to mum is signing me out now. We got to the hotel and packed and went to bed ready for a day of traveling tomorrow. 

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