Flashback and More

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Kelleys P.O.V

We are all flying back to our home country because it is Christmas in like 4 days. We are at the airport saying goodbye to the 1D boys. They left and went on there plan and we are arriving to our gate there are heaps of fans scramming and shouting its very over whelming but we get through the crowed and get onto the plan. We are taking of and that's when I see that Luke is staring at Em who is basically making out with Tom and Andrew cant keep his eyes off Belle who is talking to Calum and Ashton. I think he still likes her but I cant be sure but I feel really sorry for Luke like he has to see Em and Tom sucking each other's faces off, its really gross and that's me saying I don't know what is going through Lukes head but it cant be good. After about a 36 hour flight we end up back home in Australia I see all of our families and they look really happy to see all of us we went back to our house the one that all of us girls share. We all just fall onto the couch and watch a Christmas movie. I look around and see Belle Tonia Alise Niki Luke Calum Ashton Michael Andrew Harrison and Cameron, but there was no Em or Tom. I say to the group "Where's Em and Tom?" "Oh yeah they went to Ems room" said Andrew with a smile. " What do you mean what are they doing up there" asked Luke looking really worried "Tom was in the mood for something and they went to have fun and satisfy Tom" said Andrew the next minuet Luke runs up to Ems room and before Luke could open the door Belle jumps in front of him and tells him to leave her and if she is smart she won't do anything. Luke did what Belle said and we all went back to the tv where Cameron Andrew and Harrison were still. "Hey why are you guys f**k tards" asked Belle looking at Cameron Andrew and Harrison. "What do you mean says Andrew standing up and looking at Belle who is still sitting on the couch next to Luke and Calum. "Well you guys only care about yourselves and people close to you" "No we care about other people I care about you Belle" said Andrew right then Belle got up and smacked Andrew in the face, and said "I WILL NEVER LIKE YOU WHAT YOU DID WAS WRONG AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!!" Right then I wanted to know what happened between Andrew and Belle. I knew that was the Andrew she use to date but then after a while they never talked and I guess she was hurt and none of us ever asked what happened.

Belles P.O.V

What Andrew did was so wrong I can never forgive him and he thinks he can come in and take control but NO that's not the case and he is not going to ruin my Christmas. This Christmas is going to be full of people there is going to be my adoptive family they are coming around and it's going to be fun I don't care that Andrew and Harrison will be there like they might have ruined my life of the past but not now I have great family and friends around me and that all that matters. I am looking forward to this Christmas.

Ems P.O.V

I was in my room with Tom and I can hear yelling I decide to go out and see what is happening. As I am walking down the stairs to see what is happening I realised that Tom is behind me. We got to the bottom of the star case and everyone is looking at us strangely. "What are you all looking at?" I ask the rest of the group, "well you and Tom have really messy hair and your faces are all red and you are kinda panting" said Michael. "Oh yeah Em and I had a pillow fight in her room" said Tom smirking, "It doesn't look like you had a pillow fight" said Calum looking at Belle. "Well we came here to ask what all the yelling was about and not to get criticised on how we look" I said looking at everyone. "Well it was Belle and Andrew they are arguing about their past" said Niki. "Hey Belle what actually did Andrew do to you that makes you so mad at him?" I ask Belle sitting on one of the seats in the lounge.

Belles P.O.V

I really didn't want to share what happened between Andrew and I because it makes me sick just thinking about it, but they are my friends and family so I guess I should tell them. Well I am probably going to regret telling you this but what he did was so wrong on many levels but I am going to tell you as you are all my friends and family you deserve to know. "In what category do I fit into that" ask Cal looking and hugging me. "Um you are in the middle" I say looking at Cal and embracing him before I tell my backstory of me and Andrew. Ok so what happened was...


I was home late at night and my foster parents were out they went for a weekend away I ddint go. Andrew was at a party and I was asked to come but I didn't feel like it. I was slowly falling asleep when I noticed a medium height figure standing in my bedroom door way. I was scared until Andrew talked then I knew it was my boyfriend, he came over and pushed me over in my bed so he could sit down, he smelt of alcohol, he was smashed. He started getting a little to close and feely for my liking so I pushed him away and told he to go home, he didn't listen and he kept going till he was all over me and I couldn't get out from under him. I was knocked out and the next thing I remember was waking up the next morning completely naked and saw my clothes and Andrews cloths on the floor, I looked around my room and got up and went to my bathroom to get into some cloths. I was getting dressed when I saw a used condom in the bin I fished getting dressed and push Andrew off my bed and he landed on the floor with a thud he woke up and started cursing me and saying how much fun he had last night with me I started crying and told him that I didn't want to see his face again and that we were over and we were never getting back together he left and I never saw him for over a year.

*End Of Flashback*

So that's what happened im sorry I didn't tell you earlier girls it just hurt to much. That's why I hate that piece of shit over there. "You are such a dickhead why the f**k would you do that to your GIRLFRIEND at the time" said Ashton. "I wasn't thinking I was smashed and I can barely remember that but I know I stuffed up and im sorry Belle I was wrong and I never should of done that but I would like to start our relationship again if you want" said Andrew walking closer to me "No way in shit am I going back to you I have a wonderful boyfriend and I am expecting a baby soon so I am as happy as ever" I say looking at Andrew. See this is why I hate Andrew I say looking around the room. The next minuet the door bell rings and we all head to the door. Tonia opens the door and we all see Amie standing on the door step crying her eyes out. "What do you want?" asked Tonia looking at Amie. "I need help I need some friends to talk to, I have made a big mistake and I need help and advice please can you help me?" asked Amie in between her sobs. "Whats wrong?" Alise askes. "You see I while I was dating Zayn I had a one night thing with Louis and we kinda forgot to do something and now im 4 months pregnant and Zayn just found out it wasn't his and now he is pissed and he broke up with me but that part I don't mind cause I can date Louis now" said Amie. "Oh um Amie we cant do much to help because you created this problem in the first place" said Kelley. "Oh ok can i have my old room back here?" asked Amie looking desperate, I know what its like being pregnant but I had the farther from the start and a good place to live so I say "sure you can" all the girls looked at me like I was growing a second head. I think they knew why though Amie looked really happy and she went to her room while the rest of us went back to the lounge and started to fight again. It was Me, Kelley, Tonia, Alise, Calum, Luke, Ashton and Michael vs Andrew, Harrison, Tom, and Cameron. Niki and Em didn't know what side to go to after a while Niki came over to the opposite side that Cameron was on, Em on the other hand was torn in two, she wanted to go on Andrews side to be with Tom but then she wanted to be on the side I was on because her friends were there, she made the decision to be on no one's side. After that everyone was yelling at everyone, then we all heard "WILL EVERYONE SHUT THE F**K UP!" it was Tonia. "can we all stop this the only people that should be discussing this is Belle and Andrew not the rest of us it didn't happen to us so we all should let it go" I get up and go the garage and bring in the Christmas tree, "for us all to get along and have fun we should decorate this tree and considering Christmas is in like 4 days we need to do it anyways. We all are singing Christmas carols and we were all getting along well most of us. It was fun to be a group of people and having fun even Amie joined in decorating the tree. After about an hour we finished the tree and Michael ordered Pizza. It was a fun night we watched movies and ate pizza. After about 3 movies we all decided to sleep out in the lounge so we moved all the furniture out of the room and we got our stuff set up and I was fun we also played truth or dear but that turned bad after a few questions making people mad and jealous. The next morning all of us girls went out and did some Christmas shopping and so did the boys but we went to different shops so we could bye things for each other. When we all got home a few minuets later the door bell goes and Alise answers the door and we all see our family walking in that's when we all freaked out because the house was not clean and we were all being lazy and watching tv plus the pizza boxes from last night were still all over the place. Mums being mums started cleaning the house which was nice. Cal and I left for a doctors appointment and we found out that we are expecting...

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