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Alises P.O.V.

It has been a week since Harry broke up with me and I'm feeling ok I thought I would be more upset but I'm not but I have to say that Liam has been really nice and I think I kind of have a crush on him. I have noticed that Kelley has been getting really close with Harry and I'm ok with that, as long as they are both happy it's all good with me. The boys have been out every day and that leaves us girl's home all day but at the moment it's nice just to be with the girls as we have time to catch up and talk gossip with one another. After about 3 hours Belle and Em walk in they look really pale and Tonia asked them "Are you two ok? you both don't look well" "Yeah we're fine I think we have food poisoning because we both have been vomiting for about a week now" said Belle "Wait you said you both have been sick for a week, when do you both feel sick is it all the time or just in the morning when you wake up" asked Kelley "Well I feel sick throughout the whole day" said Em "I only feel sick in the morning and lately I also feel sick really late at night" said Belle. I feel really sorry for Em and Belle but I ask them a really odd question that best friends don't really ask best friends but I want to help so I ask it, "Are you late?" "What's the date?" asked Em "Umm the 4th" Tonia answered, "Shit I'm 3 days late" said Belle looking really concerned, "What about you Em?" asked Niki "I'm not late yet but I will be if it doesn't come in the next 2 days" answered Em. Belle looks really concerned and she runs to the bathroom, we all follow her, once she had cleaned up we told her to lay on her bed and to sleep it off and let everything sink in but she asked us all to stay with her.

Belles P.O.V.

I'm lying on my bed and think at what I have been hearing and saying for a while my friends are all looking at me. I wanted to break the awkward silence so I ask "How am I going to be curtain that I am you know pregnant and how am I even pregnant if Cal and I do it we have protection" I look around seeing my friends with blank faces trying to be comforting. "How am I going to tell Cal, Ash Mum the rest of the boys and also all their fans" I ask again so many questions are floating around my mind like "Is he going to leave me once I tell him" "Will Ash hate me and never talk to me again or will he do something to Cal" I am so nervous but then I realise that Niki and Kelley aren't here "Hey were is Niki and Kelley?" I ask the girls and they are looking around. The next minuet they walk back into my bedroom saying "We're back and we have something for you Belle" I look at the plastic bag they have handed me, and in it I see that there is one pregnancy test, I look up at them and I feel sick to my stomach. "Ok go and take the test now" said Kelley. "Ok fine I'll be back" I said while walking into the bathroom. "I do what I have to do and walk out of the bathroom and all my friends are looking at me like well tell us. "I hold the test up and say "Well it looks like I'm going to be a mum" once I finished my sentence I see the Em runs into the bathroom and she is vomiting her guts up. "We'll be back said Niki and Kelley and I think I know where they are going soon enough Em comes out of the bathroom and she lies on her bed. A few minutes later Kelley and Niki arrive back and they hand Em a bag, Em walks into the bathroom and she comes out with a big smile on her face and she yells that it says negative at that point I wish I was in Ems position. We all walked back to the multipurpose room when we heard the front door open and I hear "Hey girls were all home where are you?" said Ashton, just the voice I want to hear "We're in the multipurpose room" said Em, once the boys were in the same room as us Em ran to Luke and gave him a hug and whispered something in his ear and by the look on his face he was happy with whatever she said. I looked around and saw Cal holding his arms open so I got up and hugged him but I wasn't really in the mood but I wanted to try and act normal. After a while of just talking to everyone I asked Cal if he wanted to go for a walk he said yes and we left

During the Walk

Ok so Cal and I are just walking through the town I found a seat and I asked Cal to sit down because I needed to tell him something but he was being stubborn and not sitting down I started to beg him to sit but then he asked "why should I sit down" and I said "If you won't sit down for me then sit down for your baby" Cal looked at me like what the heck are you talking but then he said "What are you trying to tell me that I am going to be a DAD" "yes Cal you are going to be a DAD" "So that means you are going to be a MUM" "Yes Cal" Cal looked really happy and I had a straight face "What's wrong babe I though you would be happy that we are going to be parents" said Cal "I am happy I just don't want you to leave me" I said looking at the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOU I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW" Cal said and I thought it was very cute. Cal and I walked back to the house and when I opened the door all the family were there Cal's and mine. What is going on I said and Cal just looked at me and he looks really confused. "Alise called us all to come over and because she says that you have something to tell us" my mum said "Well thanks Alise but I will tell you then umm well umm" I said but being cut off my Cal saying "Babe its ok just tell them" "Ok well I found out today and I just told Cal but we are expecting" "You are what" my mum said looking at Joy (Cal's mum) they both look really happy and they come running towards Cal and I and they are scramming yelling "WE ARE GOING TO BE GRANDPARENTS" I look around and everyone is scramming and they all look really happy so I hug Cal and we all celebrate at home by watching movies and all mum and Joy can talk about is names cloths and everything do to with babies.

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