From Good To Bad

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I wake up and see that Cal isn't there lying next to me. I get up and make my way down the stairs I see that someone is in the kitchen, I walk to the kitchen as see everyone there. "Did I not get invited hey" I say walking into the kitchen, "Sorry babe you looked to cute to wake up" said Cal walking over and giving me a hug and a kiss good morning. "Hey Belle how did you sleep" asked Tonia "Good but I would of slept better if someone wasn't snoring" I say looking directly at Cal he just smirks and hands me some toast with vegemite on it. "So what are we going to be doing today?" asked Alise "Well funny you should ask that us boys talked and we are going to teach you how to play an instrument but if you don't want to learn an instrument then some of the boys that don't know how to play they will take you out and spend the day with you" said Ash. "So who wants to learn an instrument?" asked Michael. We would love to learn an instrument said all the girls apart from Alise and Niki. Niki left the house after she said goodbye to Michael, it looked like she was up to something and Michael wasn't too happy with her. Alise and Harry left and they were going out together. Louis and Liam went out for the day. Us girls went into the multi-purpose room while the boys went and got their instruments. Once the boys got back we had to decide what instrument/s we wanted to play. Em chose guitar, Kelley chose guitar, Tonia chose guitar and I chose the bass. "Fine I guess you all think that drums are to heard then do you?" said Ash looking a bit upset that no one chose the drums. "Fine I'll learn the drums then" I said looking at Ash who had a smile on his face, "What about me then" said Cal looking at me with puppy dog eyes and a pout which was to cute to say no to. "Ok fine I will try and learn both the bass and the drums then if you both want to teach people". I said looking at the floor. I'll learn the drums as well" said Tonia.

Alises P.O.V.

Ok so Harry and I are walking when I get a phone call from a friend from school. I answer it and we had a conversation that didn't even last 5 minutes, once I hung up Harry asked who it was, I replied it doesn't matter it was just a friend. "I'm your boyfriend I need to know who was on the end of that phone call" said Harry "Harry just because you are my boyfriend doesn't mean you need to know everything, and I'm telling you that it was just a friend and he's from school". I said looking Harry in the eyes. "Oh so it was a boy and are you close to this boy?" Said Harry looking at me "No I'm only a friend so if you don't believe me I guess we don't have trust in the relationship" I said trying not to cry while looking into Harrys eyes. "I don't think we have a relationship" said Harry "What are you saying Harry" I say looking down at my feet "We are done" said Harry as soon as he said the last word I ran off crying and I headed home not caring who was there. I was running home not looking back till I bumped into someone but I don't know who.

Liams P.O.V.

I was turning the corner to walk to the front door of the girl's house when Alise runs into me she didn't look up just kept running and she went into the house and I followed her to her room, she slammed the door on my face. I knock on her door she opens it without looking at me. She sits on her bed when I noticed that she has been crying, I asked if she was ok and she told me the whole story the next minuet there was a knock at her door. Alise got up and answered it, it was Kelley at the door telling us that dinner was ready. The three of us headed towards the kitchen when Alise whispered into my ear "Please sit with me I need you Liam" I have to admit it was a bit weird having her saying that but I went along with it and walked in with her. All the girls were shocked to see that Alise had been crying and over dinner Alise explained everything to everyone. After dinner everyone split up and went to different rooms, Em and Luke went to Ems room doing I don't know but it was very quiet in there, the same for Belle and Cal they were in Belles room and it was even quieter in there but every now and then you would hear a bang I don't even want to think what might be happening in there. Ashton was watching Pursuit Of Happiness, Michael was looking at his phone I think he was trying to get in contact with Niki as she wasn't at dinner and none of us have seen her since this morning. I was with Alise in her room just listening to talk about whatever she wanted to. Kelley was with Harry which I thought Alise would be a bit jealous but she wasn't but Louis was.

Reality  *Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें