8. R E V O L U T I O N

Start from the beginning

She smiled, not one imperfection or flaw present on her face.

"Seth Rollins of course."

My jaw dropped in shock as I glanced at Seth. His eyes glistened with tears.

"Stephanie, I can't do that."

I could hear the emotion in his tone.

"Oh yes, you can. And you will. Paige will join the Authority, almost like you two would be the prince and princess of the group. You'll start to fall for one another and events will lead up to the many kisses. Oh! And the engagement."

I knew Seth like the back of my hand. He was my best friend and if I knew anything about him, I knew he was going into shock and he would panic at any minute.

"Steph please! You know this. I don't even like women! Roman is my boyfriend and you are well aware of this, how could you do this to me!"

Nobody made my best friend cry. Especially not the likes of her.

"Yeah, and I have Dean as well. We can't do this."

"If you two don't do it..oh, what's those words I'm thinking of? If you don't do it, YOU'RE FIRED."

We sunk into our chairs and fought the urge to burst into tears.

Stephanie dismissed us from her office and Seth and I separated.

My heart lifted slightly when I saw Dean. His face dropped from a smile to a frown.

"Paige, what's wrong?"

"Stephanie's making Seth and I an onscreen couple."

As soon as I said the words, I wanted to take them back. I knew how Dean would react. He doesn't handle things very well.


The sadness was evident in his voice.

"A-are you going t-to leave me?"

My heart broke as he stuttered over his words. I needed to calm down before his breathing increased.

I immediately pressed my lips to his and I heard him sigh.

Not one man had ever made me feel like Dean Ambrose made me feel. Not even my ex, CM Punk. A relationship that I regretted from the get go.

"Hey Dean?"

He was panting heavily, not because of having a panic attack but the kiss.


"Be my boyfriend?"


I laughed at his answer as he twirled me around, lifting me off the ground.

I was set to wrestle my partner in crime, Carmella, and I couldn't be more excited. She had finally been brought up to the main roster.

This match was for a chance at the Divas Championship. When I got that title, I was going to do something that was very daring and I could possibly get fired for it. But what's the thrill without the risk?

"Good luck 'Raya."

Carmella's thick Brooklyn accent made me laugh everytime. I loved it so much.

A producer quickly handed me a paper and the words jumped out at me immediately.

'I'm not asking, this is an order. Turn heel tonight. Seth will interrupt your match and I want you to improvise your turn since you're so damn good. ;) Good luck Paige. - Stephanie McMahon Helmsley'

She wants a heel turn, I'll give her a heel turn. This bitch didn't know who she was messing with.

I will fight until I DIE.

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