Chapter Eighteen: There Is No Love Without Hate

Start from the beginning

Leon and I exchanged looks.

"We have been camping near this forest for a while now and we were infact attacked by Forsaken but we haven't had any contact with the main group for a while now. Are you sure this is where their signal came from?" I queried.

"I am sure."

"Then that means," I turned to Leon who was already nodding.

"It means they're around here somewhere." He finished for me and Miles gave us a questioning look.

"Roger was supposed to go a different way, the fact that they're here somewhere means that something went wrong." Leon went on, running a hand through his blonde mass of hair.

"Our camp is not far from here, we should go back and get more people to search for them." Miles suggested.

"Why aren't they already doing that?" Leon snapped and my eyes turned to Miles, panic rising inside me. He saw the fear on my face and clenched his jaw before answering in a deadly calm tone.

"We were ordered to wait for the go sign by Roger. Sending our men out there on a wild goose chase with God knows what kind of creatures going around is not how we operate." Miles informed trying to keep it down although I could see the anger flashing in his eyes. More than anything he hated people telling him what to do or what he or his people should have been doing, especially coming from a stranger.

"Get up." Leon ordered and I flashed him a confused look. He didn't look so good, I finally realized how there were hollows under his eyes and his clothes were just as ruined as mine. Compared to Miles, both of us looked like savages that broke out of prison after a hundred years. I suddenly felt very self-concious.

"I said get up." He said again and there was no anger or rudeness in the his voice, just urgency. I folded my legs under me and rose to get up on my feet. Miles gently pushed me back down.

"Since when do you listen to what people tell you to do." He said and my muscles went loose. An internal dispute rose inside me as I looked between the two of them.

"I don't," I clarified and then turned to Leon, "and I won't."

Miles smirked at me but it was short lived.

"Not until you tell me why you want me to get up." I said.

"We need to go."


Leon bent beside me and held my gaze.

"I like you so much better when you don't ask so many questions." He admitted.

"That's never the case." I reminded him.


I didn't even have it in me to glare at him because I knew I had dug that hole for myself. His eyes were still on me and for some reason they weighed so much more than the blue ones analyzing us from beside me. I rose up quickly and turned towards the setting sun. It was really a wonder how we prayed and looked for miracles when they were all around us. I guess we were so used to seeing them all the time that we took them for granted. I didn't need a lesson to teach me how we always find out how important things are once they are gone. Not anymore. I had learnt that one more times than I'd like to count. First my parents, my home, then my sister, my friends and unfortunately my powers were also included in the list. Atleast temporarily.

"How far is your camp from here?" Leon inquired.

"About five miles."

Leon shook his head in frustration.

"We will never make it before dark."

"Doesn't mean we shouldn't try." I said, finally turning to face them. Miles got to his feet, not offering any resistance while Leon gave me an unsure look.

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