Chapter 39

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Calum's POV

It's been a few hours since we arrived at the hospital. We haven't heard from the doctors yet. We're starting to worry.

Amy's strong though, she'll be ok. I know it. It's just scared us all how she would go so far to actually slice her stomach.

"Amy Heart?" The guys and I shot up. "Follow me." The doctor said, he didn't seem that nice, he looked more like an a aggressive type of person.

That just made me fear more about Amy, what if he hurt her? I'd kill him! We followed the doctor to his office which coincidentally was next door to Amy's room.

The doctor walked through the room and sat himself down onto his leather recliner. Michael and Ashton got the seats first so I sat on Michael's lap and Luke sat on Ashton's.

"So I understand that Amy was adopted by the four of you, correct?" The guys and I nodded our heads and the doctor proceeded.

"Since she moved in with you she's been in this hospital a number of times, isn't that so?" Michael, Luke and Ashton hung their heads and I kept mine held high.

"Yes she has, but we've been improving, we got her a dog and that dog is even protecting her! We're doing everything we possibly can!"

The doctor sighed and stood up. "Well I'm afraid your best isn't good enough. I'm sorry but Amy's been in so much pain. I think the only thing best for her is to go back to the orphanage."

All four of us stood up shouting different things. "You can't take her away from us!" Michael shouted.

"Please keep calm, it's only for her safety." The doctor assured us, but it didn't work. We were all red faced.

"She's staying with us and that's final." Ashton stated before leading Luke, Michael and I out of the room, slamming the door behind us.

"I can't believe he tried to take Amy away from us!" I shouted, my face going more red than it already was.

"We're just going to have to protect her from anything that gets in our way." Luke stated running a hand through his hair.

"She'll always stay with us, right?" Ashton asked, his hands slightly shaking. I nodded my head along with Michael. "She's our princess, we'll never loose her." He said whilst grabbing my hand.


"The doctor said WHAT?!" Amy shouted once we were able to go and see her. I sighed. "The doctor thinks you should go back to the orphanage, but we won't let them do that. You're our child now. And you always will be."

Amy smiled and leaned on my shoulder. "You guys can be idiots, but I love you all the same. And I always will, you guys are my world."

The guys and I all 'awe'd' at Amy's statement and she giggled. "We love you too Amy. So much, we would do anything and everything for you. Even if it meant we had to risk our lives. We just want you to be the happiest person you can possibly be."

Michael said, I was watching him the whole time he said his mini speech. I had tears in my eyes. "That was beautiful Mikey."

Michael smiled and blushed a little bit, the guys chuckled and we all faced Amy to see her crying whilst wearing a smile. "Without you, we're just a band." Amy giggled. "A pretty punk-rock band if you ask me."

Sorry for the short chapter.

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