Chapter 13

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This chapter changes POV a few times, be careful of that.

Ashton's POV

It's been a month since Chloe's accident, the guys and I have gone everyday to see her but Amy refuses too. Amy stays here and cries. Since Chloe told Amy she doesn't know who she is.

Amy hasn't been eating properly, mind you, she just isn't eating. We've tried talking to Chloe about her but she really doesn't remember. We talked to the doctor and they said her Amnesia could for years.

When we told Amy that Chloe might not be able to remember her for years she broke down even more. I have a feeling that when the guys and I go to the hospital and see Chloe, Amy does something she doesn't want us to know about.

The guys and I are currently driving to the hospital. "Aren't you guys worried about Amy?" I questioned, looking at them all.

"Of course we are, we know she's hiding something from us." Luke said whilst keeping his eyes on the road.

"I say next time we go to the hospital one of us stays at home and watches the footage of her in her room and see what she does when she thinks we've all gone." Calum said.

"That's a good idea." Michael stated. "So who's going to stay home when we come back tomorrow?" I asked.

Michael was the first to raise his hand, I can't help but feel that he is the closet of all of us to Amy. We all agreed that Michael will stay home tomorrow to keep an eye on Amy.


Michael's POV

"We'll be back in a few hours." Calum whispered to me, I nodded my head and pushed the guys out of the door rushing to the TV to put it on silent and I stared straight at the screen.

She was doing work until she heard the car start to drive away, she looked out of her window just to make sure.

She climbed back onto her bed and pulled something out from under her pillow. A knife. Holy shit, my princess has become suicidal.

I gasped as I saw her roll up her sleeve and I just saw cuts. I brought my hand to my mouth to try and keep me quiet but once I saw her draw blood onto her arm I ran upstairs and into her room. She screamed when she saw me and tried to hide the knife.

"Don't hide it, I've just seen everything." Amy looked down and started to cry. I ran over to her and cradled her, being careful of her body in case there's more recent cuts. "Why?" She started to sob harder. "Why must she not remember me?!" She shouted.

I shrugged and tried to keep her calm. "Everything happens for a reason, baby." She sniffed and dug her head into my neck.

"So, is this why you've been hiding in your room and if you leave you wear long sleeves and jeans?" Amy nodded starting to feel ashamed.

"You do know I'm going to have to tell the others, right?" She nodded and more tears fell. "Or, you could tell them."

I quietly suggested, I could tell she cringed at the idea because I felt her body quickly shake for only a moment.

"Why don't we write a song and the guys and I will sing it to Chloe tomorrow?" Amy pulled away from my neck and you could see that her make up had ran. I hate to say it, but she looked like a creepy clown.

"I'd like that." Was all I heard before I heard the slamming from car doors. "Shall we go and see them now?" Amy nodded slowly and I carried her downstairs.

Ashton's POV

As we walked in we saw on the TV that Michael was cradling Amy and we faintly heard. "I'd like that." Coming from Amy, the guys and I smiled. It's nice to know that she didn't do anything reckless.

We heard Michael walking down the stairs cooing Amy until they reached the bottom where Amy looked petrified. "Let's all sit down." Michael said, leading us all into the living room.

"Amy, are you going to explain or shall I?" Amy looked up and gulped. "I think it'd be best if I did." Amy said before looking back at the ground.

She slowly stood up so we could all see her. She kept looking at Michael and he ushered her to start.

"Since Chloe's accident. I haven't been eating." Everyone, even Michael gasped at that part yet we already knew that. I think we're just trying to help her realise how easy it is to talk to us.

"I've also been cutting." I screamed and ran up to her pulling the sleeves up on her arms and her jeans up from her legs.

All we could see was pretty much dried blood and cuts that will scar. "Why?" Luke asked, I could tell from his voice he was choking on tears.

"Because I felt lost without Chloe. And I felt like it helped me, it took away some of the pain whenever I thought of Chloe and how she doesn't remember who I am."

The guys and I all exchanged glances and we all gave Amy a big hug. "You'll never have to go through anything alone Amy, please remember we're always here for you."

Amy sat down and smiled. "When we were talking we also thought that she could write a song and we'd perform it to Chloe." Michael said on a more cheery note.

But Amy hushed him. "I have a better idea." We all gave her mysterious looks while she grinned to herself thinking of an idea.

"I'm going to write a song, maybe two. And you guys will perform one to Chloe in the hospital and I will sing one at my next show."

Calum ran up to Amy first and gave her a big hug. "I like that idea." And then he pulled out his phone. "Now, I best call our manager and book you a show." With that Calum walked outside and started talking.

After waiting for 20 minutes Calum walked back in. "He'll only give us a show and only give Amy the opening act."

Amy smiled. "That gives me enough time though to sing a song." She cheered. "You guys could always sing it with me because I'll need more than one instrument. I can't play everything." She giggled.

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