Chapter 16

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Amy's POV

I changed my mind, today I'm going to see Chloe and I'm going to sing her the song. This is how I want the guys to make me feel better, they seemed confused at first but went with it because they said they'd do anything.

The five of us climbed into the car and Calum was driving. I don't know why but whenever we're in the car I always sit with Michael, I have to admit. I personally think I'm closest to him.

We arrived at the hospital and we all walked in. I remember where Chloe's room was and I just marched straight in. Her parents were in there talking to the doctor. I only heard one thing. "Close to death."

Everything stopped, I walked out of the room my eyes so wide. My dads saw me and chased me out of the building, I headed straight for the car. Once I was there and it was still locked, I slid down the side and sat on the floor.

Michael and Ashton sat on either side of me and Calum and Luke crouched in front. "Baby, what happened?" Tears were falling, the waterworks had just begun.

"I-I walked in a-and the d-doctor said 'c-close to d-death.'" My sobs grew louder as I knew my best friend was going to die.

Once I caught my breath I ran. I left the car and I kept running, the wind in my hair and tears running down my face. I ran and ran until I came across a bridge.

I couldn't see anything anymore, it was pitch black outside and it's only 6pm. I sat on the edge of the bridge under the street lamp and rested my head against it.

"Come on Chloe, fight it, for me." I wiped the tears from my face. "Prove my dad you're stronger than he thinks." I started gasping for air as I was choking on my tears.

I was thinking about my whole life until I got snapped back into reality. "What do you think you're doing?!" Luke shouted at me. "I'm just...thinking." I said whilst jumping back onto the road.

"No need to worry, I'm perfectly fine." I said whilst deep down I knew I really wasn't. I was just bottling everything up and one day, I'll explode. I felt Luke wrap his arm around me and he led me back to the car.

"Are you ok, Amy?" Michael asked whilst I leaned on him, snuggling closer to absorb his body heat. I shook my head and he sighed giving me his jumper to keep me warm. "You need it more than I do, Munchkin." I smiled at the new nickname and put the jumper on.

"Chloe's ok, she's awake." I looked at Ashton confused. "W-what? But the doctor said-" Calum put his hand over my mouth.

"The doctor was talking about your dad. He got into another accident and he's close to death. Chloe's awake and wants to see you."

I started to cry. "Well what are you doing? Drive to the hospital!" I shouted. Ashton turned the car around and headed for the hospital.

When we got there I ran in and ran to Chloe's room. I opened the door and saw her laying on the bed crying.

I walked up to her and held her hand. "What you crying for?" She looked up at me and burst out crying again.

"I thought you were going to do something reckless Amy!" I chuckled. "All I did was sit on the side of a bridge, I wasn't going to jump."

Chloe sighed and pulled me onto the bed so we could hug. "I missed you Amy." I smiled. "I missed you too boo."

After a few minutes I started to sob too, whenever she cries I cry. Once we both stopped crying we looked st each other and chuckled. "We're so weird!" Chloe exclaimed and I gave her a high-five. "You're telling me."

After talking for a little bit the guys all came in and saw us laughing which made them all smile. "What's so funny?"

Calum asked, Chloe and I exchanged looks and neither of us could bring ourselves to talk we both just laughed harder making each other clutch our stomachs.

Chloe grabbed my hand and took it to her face and she licked it which made us laugh harder. "W-what the hell?" I cried out sorta disgusted by her actions.

She just laughed harder and started waving her arms everywhere. But something caught my eye.

I grabbed her arm and she knew what I had seen. "Amy it's not what it looks like!" She said grabbing onto me.

My best friend, is suicidal. "Why?" Chloe gave me a look of confusion. "Why?" I repeated holding her visible cuts to her face.

Chloe gulped and I bit my lip. I got off the bed and walked out with a small 'goodbye'.

The guys all ran out after me as I ran back towards the car. I realised it was locked and sat on the car bonnet, letting the tears fall down my face.

"Baby what's wrong...again?" Asked Luke as he sat down next to me. I cried harder and let my head fall onto his shoulder.

"Let's get you home." Luke picked me up and placed me in the back seat with Michael and he slipped in next to me.

The guys kept giving me looks of concern, I kept shrugging it off until Calum pulled the car over and turned to face me too.

I sighed. "Chloe's suicidal." Some eyes widened others had their mouths hanging open, whereas I? I just had tears running non stop.

"H-how do you know?" Ashton asked. I gave him a cold stare without meaning too. "She had cuts all up her arm, they seemed fresh."

"Well maybe they're from the accident." Calum stated. "Then why was she so scared when I saw them?" I asked confused. I grabbed my head in frustration. "This is so flipping confusing!" I shouted.

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