Chapter 22

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Chloe's POV

Amy explained everything to me last night when she came over before she went to bed. She couldn't handle the thought of me being mad at something she didn't do.

My parents weren't happy though, they wanted to hear what happened and they gave Amy a really hard time.

I woke up at 6:30am and sent Amy a text. 'Are you going to school today?' Amy replied shortly with a 'yes'.

I smiled and got changed ready for school. Once I was changed and had breakfast I grabbed my phone and sent Amy another text.

'I'll pick you up and we'll go to the bus together.' Amy replied with a thumbs up which made me smile. I dropped my phone onto my bed and walked into my bathroom brushing my teeth and hair then applied a little bit of make up.

I grabbed my bag after giving a 'goodbye' hug to my parents and ran out of the door and headed to Amy's house.

It was hard, it's a school day, early in the morning. The roads were packed with students waiting for the bus or walking with friends. They all took up the path, it was awful. It held me back from getting to Amy's.

Once I finally got to Amy's I rung the doorbell and waited a minute before Michael answered the door. "Morning Chloe, Amy's just getting her bag."

I smiled politely and waited for Amy. "When can you actually start to talk again? I remember you told Amy 'sometime next week'."

I smiled and pulled out my phone showing Michael when I can start to talk again. He smiled. "I won't tell anyone."

I smiled and put my phone back in my pocket. After just letting Michael ask me questions I can just nod or shake my head to, Amy arrived at the door.

She gave Michael a kiss on the cheek and said bye before she grabbed my hand and we started running to school.

It was funny for the two of us because we both fell over at least twice. People would look at us and think we're the weirdest people that have ever walked on earth.

Well, that's what we thought by looking at their facial expressions. When we got to school I quickly pecked Amy's lips before we had to split and go to form room.

"Chloe where have you been?" Ms Harrison asked as soon as I walked into the classroom. I groaned to myself and pulled out my phone and showed her 'Traffic was awful' Ms Harrison gave me an unconvinced glance and I knew she was suspicious.


Finally it was lunch! I walked out and saw Cameron trying to get closer to Amy but she kept pushing him away which made me smile.

I saw him grab Amy's hand and pull her so they were chest to chest, I wanted to scream so badly. I ran up to Cameron and punched him in the back of the head, he fell to the floor and I gave Amy a worried look.

Amy noticed and she grabbed our bags and my hand and we just left school. We tend to do that a lot, leave school midday.

We pretty much ran back to Amy's house and we were greeted with not so happy looking well known faces.

Amy bit her lip. "Ok, so I know you guys saw what happened at school. We just wanted to get away from it." She simply stated, all eyes were moved onto me.

"Is this true Chloe? Or did you just want an excuse to spend time together?" I nervously coughed, Amy was waiting for me to get my phone out.

"It's true, we wanted to get away from the drama." Amy gasped at hearing me talk. "Chloe shut up! You can't talk for the rest of the week!" I giggled and pecked her lips.

"I'm aloud to talk now." Amy let out a sigh and picked me up spinning me around making me laugh hysterically.

When Amy put me down we looked at her dads. Michael and Calum were holding hands leaning against each other and Luke and Ashton were wrapped around each other's arms in a warm embrace.

I dragged Amy upstairs with me hearing her dads start to laugh and ran to the sofa. They were going to watch us...great.

I practically threw Amy onto her bed and I jumped on too making Amy fly off and land on the floor. We heard howls of laughter coming from downstairs.

Amy stood up and I heard a loud crack come from her back. Amy let out a quiet scream and fell onto the bed on her stomach.

"Turn over I'll massage it for you." Amy groaned and rolled over, whilst I went to get the special oil she likes.

I walk back in to see she'd basically fallen asleep. I pulled her top off and undid her bra so her back was bare and I started massaging the oil onto her back. Amy let out small moans and I admit that did turn me on a little bit.

Once I finished massaging her back I did up her bra but left her shirt off. "You not going to put it back on for me?"

Amy pouted making me laugh. "I like it better when you don't have it on." I admitted making Amy smile and hold my hand.

"Now, I'm no sidekick, but I have a feeling you wanted to talk about something." Amy said looking me dead in the eyes.

I gulped and nodded. "What's wrong?" She asked laying her head down on my lap. "I'm still suicidal." Amy sighed and kissed my leg.

"I know." I took in a deep breath letting it out shakily. "I've been cutting again, and I tried to commit s-" "-Don't say it Chloe." I started crying and Amy pulled me onto her lap cradling me in her arms.

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