Chapter 20

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Amy's POV

So whilst Chloe was here we stayed in my room. She still can't talk so she had to text me her answers to the questions I asked her.

One of the questions was 'When can you talk again?' She replied with 'next week' which made me groan.

This is going to be a long week then. But we also shared our first kiss together and it was better than the kisses I had with Cameron.

She knew that too. Her parents came to pick her up at midnight and then I stayed up, on my own, until 3am. That's when Ashton carried me to bed because I kept refusing.

I woke up to my alarm, school. Yay. I got out of bed and nearly fell to the floor, my head was spinning.

I then got changed into my skater skirt with some black and white leggings on underneath. My top was white and said 'Nirvana' across it and I wore my black beanie with a little bit of make up.

And I never wear make up. I walked downstairs to be greeted by everyone, including Chloe who threw herself on me making me fall to the floor.

Everyone suddenly surrounded me. "Amy are you ok?" I looked around and my eyesight went blurry.

I shook my head and let tears fall because the pain was unbearable. "Right she's staying home and if she gets any worse, we'll take her to the hospital." Michael stated as he picked me up and carried me back to my room.

"Dad?" Michael sat down on my bed and felt my forehead. "Yea sweetie?" He asked leaning down to me.

"I'm ok, right?" He nodded his head and kissed my forehead. "You are ok, and you will be ok." I slightly nodded my head before he walked out.

Moments later, Chloe walked in and sat on the bed with me. "I'm ok Chloe, don't worry about me." Chloe let a tear fall.

"Go to school, I'll message you and if I can't then I'll get the guys to message you, ok?" Chloe nodded her head and kissed my lips lightly before walking out and heading to school.


I woke up to see Calum on laying on the end of my bed. I felt something wet and cold on my forehead, I placed my hand on my head and felt a damp tea towel, I must've been burning up.

I sat up slowly and felt my stomach churn. I ran to the bathroom as quickly as I could before I emptied the contents within. After I'd emptied myself I felt my body hit the bathroom floor.

I woke up to be carried back to my bed. I looked up and saw Calum. "D-dad?" Calum placed me on the bed and I saw my other three dads hovering above me too.

"What happened princess?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I woke up to find a damp tea towel on my forehead, I saw Calum on the end of my bed. I sat up slowly and I had the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and emptied my stomach contents."

Luke ran his hand through his hair with frustration. "We need to get a doctor here, she won't be fit enough to be traveling." He said, panic struck everyone's face almost immediately.

"Hi Amy, I'm Nurse Nikki." I smiled and gave a small wave to the stranger before me. My dads all standing on one side of the bed, Nurse Nikki on the other.

"Someone call Chloe." Ashton pulled out my phone, all my dads knew my password in case of emergencies.

We all knew each other's. He walked out of the room to call Chloe and Nurse Nikki started talking. "Best friend?" I shook my head.

"She's my girlfriend." Nurse Nikki smiled. "That's cute." I smiled. "Alright Amy, this may hurt." She did something, but I couldn't feel anything.

"How was that?" She asked me trying to find some sort of expression on my face. "I didn't feel anything."

Nurse Nikki smiled then pulled out a handful of needles. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to do some tests." I froze, the last time someone had tests done on them was Chloe and she became pale and emotionless, it was frightening.

I shuddered and pulled my arm away from her. She grabbed my arm and brought it closer to her. "Relax, it'll all be ok, I won't hurt you."

I pulled my arm away again. "I've heard that many times in my life." I spat at her, I climbed out of my bed being really careful not to fall down.

"Amy without my help you won't last a week." I scoffed. "Guess we'll find out, won't we?" Nurse Nikki sighed and packed up her stuff.

"I hope you die in hell." She headed for my bedroom door. "Aren't you nice? Note the sarcasm." Nurse Nikki faced me once more, she spat on my floor before slamming my door on her way out.

Just as Nurse Nikki closed the door, Chloe came running in along with Ashton. She came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine Chloe, no need to worry." I insisted, but Chloe thought something else. She pushed me back onto the bed and motioned for me to stay there.

"Chloe what are you doing?" I asked her with confusion. She pulled out her phone and sent me a text. 'I'm training medicines and stuff like that, I could maybe find out what's wrong with you.' I sighed.

"Fine, go and get what you need then come back." Chloe nodded and walked out of the house.

I remained sat on my bed the guys keep giving me worried expressions. "Guys I'm fine, why is everyone overreacting? I've just been dizzy and thrown up, nothing major."

Michael actually started to sob and I threw my head back onto the head board. "My god, nothing's wrong with me!" I shouted, then Chloe walked back in.

"Chloe show them I'm perfectly fine." Chloe put her medical kit onto the bottom of my bed and put on the rubber gloves and shook her head.

I groaned and she got out some needles. "Chloe you know how I feel about tests." I warned her, she took no acknowledgment from me and stuck the needle into my arm.

"Fine, just stick the needle in me then." I muttered but Chloe heard me and gently hit my arm making me stick my tongue out at her.

She smiled at my childish actions and stuck two more needles into my arm. "How many things are you testing me for?" I whined she gave me a glare and I shut up.

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