Chapter 29

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Amy's POV

Ok so within the next few minutes I'd made out with at least three different guys which is definitely not me.

I'm starting to feel really scared, what'll happen when my dads find out about this? They'll obviously kill me.

I was currently walking towards the bar again but walked into something rock hard that sent me flying down, to the floor landing on my butt.

I let out a small groan and picked myself up rubbing my butt trying to soothe the pain that made it hard for me to sit down.

"Sorry pretty girl." I looked up and it was the guy I'd bumped into...he was kinda hot. I'll give him that.

"Nah don't worry about me." I said smiling, the guy grabbed my hand and led me too the dance floor.

I guess you could say our dancing got heated quickly. Within a matter of time we were grinding against each other.

And it all ended so quickly when I was dragged away from him and led outside to my dads car. "Shit." I mumbled to myself.

"Damn right 'shit'" Calum snapped. He pushed me into the car and locked it, he was standing outside of the car and pulled out his phone.

I moved closer to the window so I could see, he was sending a message to Michael, Ashton and Luke.

Minutes later they all came out of the club looking angry, the most angry I've ever seen them to be. It was quite scary.

"Hey guys." I said cheerily once they all got into the car. All but Luke turned to me and gave me a death glare, Luke would've but he's driving.

"Where we going now?" I questioned happily, seriously, what's going on with me? "Home, which is where you'll be everyday before and after school for the next two months!"

Luke snapped, still concentrating on the road. I groaned and threw my head back onto the head rest. I turned my head so I was face to face with Calum.

"Hey Cal-Pal." In return I got a death glare and got hit in the back of the head, I turned to my left to see Michael looking out of the window, his hands clenched into fists.

By the time we got home, I felt like I was myself again. I was happy, the guys weren't. We all headed into the living room and the guys all sat on the sofa and I had to stand in front of them.

"Explain." Ordered Ashton, I looked at him, sighed and nodded. "Ok so, I have a theory that something or someone, has posed me."

The guys exchanged glances and burst out laughing. "That's funny Amy. You're still grounded though." I threw my hands in the air.

"But this isn't my fault! I'm telling the truth! This, isn't who I am!" I shouted motioning to the clothes I was wearing.

"Me dancing with that guy in the club before Calum got me, that wasn't me!" I shouted, my voice getting louder and louder each second.

All the guys looked at Calum. "What kind of dancing?" Michael asked, trying to keep calm. "They were grinding against each other."

He said looking directly in my eyes. "Go to your room and you can't leave it unless you're going to school, bathroom, or for food." I sighed and dragged myself up the stairs.

Ashton's POV

Ok, I'm starting to believe Amy's theory. Everything we've seen isn't who she really is. The way she was dressed, the way she was speaking, her actions.

I mean who tells their dad to spank them?! Seriously? "Guys I think we should get Amy a doctors appointment, we all know that what's happened today isn't the really Amy Heart we know and love."

The guys all sighed and exchanged glances. "I think that would be for the best." Calum stated standing up. The others agreed and Calum walked to the phone to call the doctors I presume.


"Amy come downstairs!" I called loud enough so she'd be able to hear me. The guys and I were standing by the front door ready to go, but then Amy came downstairs looking like a fucking stripper.

"Amy go and get changed." Luke said looking like he was going to explode. "No." And she walked out of the door.

Once we turned up at the doctors Amy froze to her seat. "Come on Amy, we want to see what's up with you. It's scaring us."

Amy groaned and Calum pulled her out of the car and carried her into the doctors. After waiting for an hour they finally called Amy's name.

"Do you want us to go in with you?" Amy shook her head and walked into the doctors office with the doctor following her.

"Do you guys think she's ok?" Michael asked, his eyes filling with tears. "She'll be fine." I said. "She has to be."

Amy's POV

"Ok, so Ms Heart, what's the problem?" I sighed. "Where to begin? Im not who I really am anymore. It's like I've been possed, something or someone has taken over my body making me do things I wouldn't normally do."

The doctor started to type things into the computer. "Can you give me an example?" I sighed. "My dad was telling me off the other day and I said for a punishment he should...he should spank me."

The doctor stopped typing and came up to me. "Have you been having weird mood swings?" I sighed. "I've been getting more moody I guess."

The doctor sighed. "I'm afraid you have Schizoaffective Disorder." I looked at her wide eyed. "What's that?"

The doctor sighed and explained everything out to me. "Oh." I said, realisation hitting me straight in the face.

"Do you want me to get your dads?" I shook my head and the doctor sighed and handed me a slip. "This is your prescription, make sure you get it. You don't want it to get any worse." I nodded my head showing I understood.

I shook the doctors hand and walked out of the room. When I walked out all my dads stood up and watched me, I handed Ashton the prescription slip and walked out into the car.

I pulled out my earphones and put on 5sos 'Broken Home'. I turned up the volume so it was on full blast, I closed my eyes and listened to the lyrics, usually they made me cry.

But today I'm feeling stronger than that. I was interrupted at the chorus when one of my earphones were pulled out of my ear, I opened my eyes to see four pairs of eyes on me.

I sighed. "What?" I felt Calum put his hand on my knee. "Amy we're so sorry for everything. You really weren't yourself, were you?"

I shook my head, my eyesight becoming blurry due to the amount of tears in my eyes. "It's just a matter of time until the rest of the symptoms kick in, isn't it?"

I asked looking around them, and they had all looked down. "We'll all stay by your side though Amy, you have nothing to worry about." I sighed. 'Yea nothing at all.' I thought to myself.

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