Chapter 25

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Ashton's POV

As the guys and I walked downstairs we saw Amy on the sofa watching a movie. "What movie you watching honey?"

I asked as I leaned over her, she tilted her head back until she could see me. "Jurassic Park." She said whilst smiling, all the Jurassic films were definitely her favourite movie saga of all time.

"Do you want to watch it and meet us at the beach?" Luke asked sitting down next to her on the sofa. Amy gave a smirk.

"Sure, I'll send a text when I'm close and one of you lead me to the rest of you." The guys and I nodded and we all gave Amy a kiss on the forehead or cheek before walking out and getting in the car.

"She's a lot more calm about her and Chloe than I expected." Calum stated, the rest of us agreed. "I guess we'll have to hold out on the love and effection in front of her, it may just hurt her."

I said, I got strange looks from the guys but once they thought about it they all shrugged and agreed.

"Before we left and she had that smirk on her face, what do you guys think she's planning?" Michael asked whilst looking out of the window.

That made us all shut up, Amy is...unpredictable. She'll act fine in front of us but now that we've gone she may just be breaking down.

She may be planning revenge against Chloe. None of us know. And that's what we're worried about.

Amy's POV

Now that the guys have gone I went into the kitchen and made myself a drink and I made a phone call to book an appointment for 2pm it's now 1:30pm so I'll have to leave soon.

As I finished my drink the doorbell rang, I groaned thinking I knew who was at the door. I walked to the door and looked through the peep hole, I was right.

Chloe's parents. I opened the door putting on a fake smile. "Hiya, would you like to come in?" I asked trying to be polite.

Mr and Mrs Rodgers were just glaring at me until Mr Rodgers just punched me in the face making me fall back.

"Look it was nice of you to stop by, but I have an appointment I must attend to." I said pushing them out the door. They tried to fight back but I'd already ran past them and headed to the place.

"Hi, I made an appointment for 2pm, Amy Heart?" The receptionist smiled reading my name. "Yes, of course Ms Heart. But before you go, my daughters a fan and I was wondering if you could sign something for her?"

I smiled when she handed me a piece if paper. "Who do I make it out too?" "Amy." I smiled. "How old is your Amy?"

The lady smiled thinking of her daughter, obviously. "She's 9 next week." I smiled and wrote on the paper.

'Dear Amy, I'm so thankful to have a fan like you, thank you for staying you my side on this crazy roller coaster called life~ Amy Heart xxx' and I handed the paper back to the lady.

"Thank you." She smiled I nodded my head and walked into the office. "Ms Heart, where would you like them?"

I walked out of the office and called Calum. "Hey cupcake!" He shouted making me wince. "No need to shout dad, look I'm on my way now to the beach, meet me in the car park and lead me back to the others?"

I asked, I could tell Calum was smiling. "Of course cupcake, I'll be there in 10." I smiled and said goodbye before hanging up and started my walk.

I was nearly there when I started to hear screaming, I turned to look behind me and saw a large group of girls and boys running towards me.

I groaned and started to run, I loved running just not when I'm having to run for my life because the fans will try to steal from me.

As I was running I jumped over a hedge and landed in the beach car park which was convenient. I looked around and saw Calum, I motioned for him to be quiet and I walked over to him.

Once he could see me properly his eyes widened. "What?" I asked looking at myself. "Do you not like it?"

Calum shook his head. "I think you're a bit young for it, but you've got it now. Nothing I can do." I smiled and we headed for everyone else.

"Hey dads!" I shouted as I plopped myself down on a sunbed. I heard 'hi's' then everything went silent I opened my eyes to see my dads all crowding around me.

"What?" I asked. Michael poked my eyebrow and Luke poked at my lip. Ashton and Calum looking down on my ankle.

"You have piercings." Michael said whilst smiling. "And a tattoo." Ashton said, I couldn't tell if he was happy or not.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'. Ashton glared at me. "Why?" I gave him a look of confusion. "Because I can." I sassed back.

"Amy, drop the act." Ashton said trying to keep calm when I can see his face going red. "What act?" I asked innocently.

"If you don't drop this act, I'll take you back to the orphanage." He threatened. I burst out laughing. "Because you'll do that."

I shook my head. "You'd miss me after a couple hours knowing I'm not going back to you." Ashton growled and walked away.

Luke and Calum glared at me and ran after Ashton, Michael sat down on the sunbed beside me. "You're doing this to hide your hurt, aren't you?"

I sighed and looked him in the eyes. "Is it that obvious?" Michael nodded and I groaned. "Then I guess it's a good job it's all fake."

Michael started laughing at me and I chuckled. He pulled me into a hug and I felt happy, not hurt, happy that he cares for me.

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