Chapter 34

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Amy's POV

"Now remember Amy, if your disorder takes action whilst you're at school, what do you do?" Questioned Calum.

I rolled my eyes. "I go to the bathroom and call or text one of you." Calum patted my back. "Good girl." I glared at him before getting down on my knees and petting Max, saying goodbye for the majority of the day.

"I'll see you when I get home Max. Keep an eye on the guys for me." Max barked and I smiled. I gave him a peck on the head before standing up and placing my bag on my back.

"Have a good day pumpkin." Michael sang making me groan. "It's school dad, there's no such thing as a good day!"

I heard four deep chuckles and I smiled as I walked out of the door, closing it behind me. The guys know I hate school and they have no idea what it's going to be like if people realise I have this stupid disorder.

As I was walking to school I saw her, she was giving me an evil smirk and was holding something in her hand.

I couldn't quite make out what it was but I ignored it and ignored her and carried on walking to school.

After English it was break and I walked towards the bathroom before I met up with the crew under our tree.

I looked at myself in the mirror and realised what a mess I am. I looked awful, how could the guys let me go to school like this?

I put my bag down onto the counter by the sink and pulled out my make up bag. I only wear make up in situations like this and I need something to make me look more...alive.

As I was putting my make up bag back into my rucksack I heard a door slam. I looked in the mirror and regretted it immediately, I turned around and backed up against the wall.

She kept coming closer to me holding a knife at my wrists. "You're a pathetic piece of shit." She hissed at me making me wince.

And that's when it happened, she tackled me to the ground and started cutting my wrists with the knife, once she was done she disappeared. I stood up as quickly as I could and I fumbled for my phone.

I called Ashton and he picked up on the fifth ring. "Amy are you ok?" I felt something weird going on. "Come and get me you bastard." I dropped the phone in shock, it's happening again.

Ashton's POV

"Come and get me you bastard." My eyes widened as I heard the line go dead. "Shit!" I shouted getting everyone's attention.

I grabbed my shoes and my car keys and ran out of the house driving to school to collect Amy before she hurts anyone.

As soon as I got to school I saw her sitting on the stairs by the enterance. She looked scared, but at the same time, she looked powerful.

I ran up to her and grabbed her wrist making her scream, I looked at her confused and she was basically fighting herself to pull up her sleeve.

She couldn't do it herself so I did it and I gasped at the sight. Her lower arm was covered in blood, the sight made me want to cry.

But I knew Amy didn't have any self control over it, she was attacked by her mind. I dragged her to the car because she was fighting me trying to make me let go so she can run.

I put her into the passenger seat and ran to the other side of the car so I could drive us home. The whole car journey was silent, it wasn't a pleasant silent either.

It was super awkward, some reason there was tension in the air.

As soon as we got home Amy ran straight into the house, I chased after her and she locked herself in her room.

I started jumping at the door trying to knock it down, she's not stable on her own. Not at the second when she just fought herself.

The guys all came upstairs and looked nervous, I nodded my head and we all started banging on the door trying to break it down.

It wouldn't budge, not at all. "This is no use." Calum sighed running his hand through his hair frustrated. I groaned and hit my head on the wall.

"Careful mate, don't want to have to take you to the hospital." Luke said whilst holding me up. I had my head in my hands and I started sobbing.

That's when we all heard an ear-piecing shriek. "AMY!" The guys and I shouted. I ran downstairs Luke following me confused.

I could see Amy's bedroom light was on, and her window was open. I groaned to myself and saw a tree. I did the first thing I could think of and climbed it, I climbed until I was level with her window.

I looked in to see Amy on her bed rocking back and forth, Max sitting on the end of her bed not sure what to do.

Once she pulled out the knife and held it at her wrist Max went wild and snatched it from her running to the toilet.

I doubt Max could flush it so I had no worries that the toilet would get blocked. But man was I wrong. Max ran back into the room covered in water and Amy ran up to him giving him a bone crushing hug.

I sighed happily but still jumped into her room through her window. Amy looked at me shocked, then anger came across her face.

"What are you doing in my room?!" She bellowed. Is it wrong to be scared of your daughter? Because if so, this situation is all wrong.

"The guys and I tried to break down the door but it was no use. I climbed the tree outside thinking it was the only thing I could do before you hurt yourself!"

I shouted back, but I then looked at Max and smiled. "But he saved you." My voice softened. I looked over at the door and saw Amy had moved her dresser so it was directly in front and nothing would be able to break it down. "Clever." I mumbled to myself.

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