Chapter 33

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Amy's POV

By the time I had shown Max around and unpacked all his stuff in my room it was 9pm. I ran downstairs with Max and sat on the sofa, Max quickly jumping up onto my lap.

"We should take Max out for a walk." Calum said. "Don't want him doing his business in the house." I laughed and stood up.

"Anyone wanting to walk Max with me?" All the guys hands shot up and I giggled. "We don't want you walking the dog on your own, in the dark."

Michael stated, I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I have a dog that worked on an army base. I'm sure he alone could protect me."

I stated confidently. "So? We're still going with you." I sighed and went to put on my wellies. "You guys best hurry up before we leave without you."

Almost instantly the guys all ran in and had their wellies on and had poo bags in their pockets. "You guys don't need to take poo bags too."

I said whilst giggling slightly. "We know, but considering its Max's first walk with us we need to know how many poos he does each walk." Ashton stated.

I nodded my head knowing they had a point and I attached Max's lead to his collar and opened the door.

"Where are we walking too?" Michael asked, I shrugged my shoulders. "Until we think we've walked far enough I guess."

Nobody else said anything so I guess we were just going to walk for the sake of walking as far as we can.

When Max stopped we were right in front of a dodgy alley, just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine, but now we're here...I'm shitting myself.

I started pulling on Max's lead. "Come on Max, time to head home." The guys stopped by a tree down the road, they didn't want to go near the alley.

As I started walking away Max started barking. I looked in the direction he was looking in and screamed. I did the first thing I could think of and I took Max's lead off letting him run free.

The guys ran up to me and we're looking down the alley too, they each screamed. I heard groaning and Max came strutting back over to me and sat down waiting for his lead to be put back on him.

I put it on and petted him. "Good boy." I handed the lead to Calum and I walked down the alley.

"There's no need to be scared of me." I said as I crouched down by the poor girl who was covered in blood stains.

She was shaking. "H-he was going to r-rape me." I sighed, she was right. If we didn't turn up when we did, she'd have been raped.

"Thank you, for saving me." I smiled. "Anytime, now, where are you from? I'll take you home." I pulled the girl up and realised she had not clothes.

I sighed and pulled off my hoodie handing it to her, she put it on and it went down to her knees. "Now, let's get you home."

As we were heading out of the alley I noticed she was limping, I bent down and she looked at me confused.

"Get on my back, I'll carry you." The girl backed away from me. "B-but I weigh a ton!" I scoffed. "You won't be as heavy as me, I promise you. Now get on my back."

The girl sighed and jumped on, I walked out of the alley to see the guys looking at us shocked. "You guys head home, I'm going to take this one back to her house."

Calum walked up to me and handed me Max's lead. "You take Max."

I nodded and took Max's lead from him and headed in the directions the girl gave to me. "So, where do you come from?"

I asked, trying to make conversation. The girl sighed. "I come from an orphanage." I froze. "I used to come from an orphanage too."

The girl laughed. "I know, you went to the one I go to. I've been there since before you even arrived to it." I sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But I guarantee you that you'll get adopted before you're thrown onto the streets."

The girl softly laughed. "I doubt it." I shook my head, once we arrived at the orphanage I dropped her off and made sure she was safe before heading home with Max.

When we finally made it home I crashed onto the sofa and Max jumped on top of me making the guys laugh. "What time is it?"

I groaned shielding my eyes from the light. I heard movement and then there was silence. "It's now 11:37." Michael announced making me yawn. I sat up making Max stand up on my stomach.

"I'm going to head off to bed. I'll go and get ready for school and everything then I'll come back down and say goodnight."

The guys nodded with approval before I headed upstairs alone. I stopped midway on the stairs and turned around. "Max come."

Seconds later, Max was by my side. I smiled as we both walked up to our room. I laid down on the bed and Max jumped up onto my bed and scrambled to his bed.

I smiled slightly at the sight and put his blanket over him to keep him warm. I groaned and moved over to my school books and my school bag.

I pulled my timetable out of my bag pocket and looked at what I have tomorrow. Just the sight of my timetable made me groan.

I had Maths, English, Break, Double Drama, Lunch and Double Music...great day. After I organised my outfit for tomorrow, I got into my pyjamas and walked back downstairs to say goodnight to the guys.

"Night all." I sang as I gave each of them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Night kiddo." The guys chorused back making me smile.

I walked back upstairs and fell back onto my bed, covering myself with the covers before turning off my light and calling it a day.

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