Chapter 12

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Amy's POV

"Aren't you going to ask me about it?" Chloe questioned quite confused. I shrugged my shoulders. "What's there to know? He ran away when we kissed." I simply stated but Chloe just burst out laughing.

"Do you know why he ran?" I shook my head and she whispered in my ear so my dads couldn't hear. "He was feeling...excited."

My mouth hung open and my face went red. "What?!" I screeched. "And he's on his way over now!" I froze and gave her a glare. "What?" I said less excitedly.

Chloe dragged me downstairs so we came face to face with my dads. "What did Chloe whisper in your ear Amy?"

Calum asked, I looked at Chloe and she nudged me. "Why do I have to say it? You're the one who whispered it to me!" Chloe sighed and told them what she told me making them start jumping around.

"Our little girl made a guy get an erection from a kiss!" Michael shouted making me blush and look down.

Whilst they kept teasing me the doorbell rang and I groaned. Everyone ran to the sofa knowing I would take Cam upstairs to talk in private.

I opened the door and welcomed Cam in. I introduced him to everyone and we walked upstairs. We sat on my bed and remaind silent for a few moments.

"I guess we need to talk about what happened earlier." I said, Cam just looked at me confused. "You don't know?" I looked around and giggle slightly. "Know what?"

He moved closer to me and held my hands. "I really, really like you Amy." I blushed. "I only ran away earlier because I had to...sort something."

I nodded going along with it. "Chloe told you didn't she?" I nodded my head smiling like crazy.

"Others guys you've been with must've realised what magic lips you have." I giggled and he looked confused.

"What?" I leaned closer to him. "You're the first guy I've kissed." I leaned back and he looked shocked. "I was your first kiss." I nodded and looked down. "16 and I just got my first kiss."

"Well Amy, I guess it's time you know how I feel about you." I crossed my legs nervously. "And how will I know what you feel for me?"

Cam smirked and pressed his lips to mine, I didn't hesitate to kiss back. The kiss got a little more heated until Cam pulled away.

"I best stop now before I can't stop at all." I giggled at what he said. Cam and I just chilled up in my room until he said it was time he got going, I looked at the clock and it read 9:30pm, holy shit he's been here for hours.

He got to my bedroom door before turning to me. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I blushed and nodded my head.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you like Jacob did to Chloe." I smiled, but then I started to worry. Jacob made Chloe feel loved then he took advantage of her and broke up with her.

For all I know Cam will do just the same. I shook the thought out of my head as I walked him to the front door. "I'll see you at school, bye beautiful." I smiled and waved goodbye before closing the door.

I opened my eyes to see my family and Chloe looking at me excitedly. "What?" I giggled. "You do know I just witnessed all of that, right?" Chloe said jumping around.

When she stopped jumping she turned to face me, her face showing she was now serious. "When you guys have dance! Your dances will be so sexual now!" I practically choked on my own saliva.

"Wow calm down, we've been dating 5 minutes and you're already too excited." I stated trying to get her to calm down.

"How can I not be? Your family and I just witnessed you guys make out on your bed and he said 'I best stop now before I can't!' That means he's really attracted to you!" Chloe screamed once more before putting her shoes on.

"I best get going. Thank you for having me Amy and thank you for trying to cheer me up, I really appreciate it."

I smiled and gave her a hug. "I'm always here for you. You know that." Chloe hugged me back. "I do know that, you're right." I giggled and Chloe said goodbye to my dads and walked out and headed home.

"Amy's got a boyfriend! Amy's got a boyfriend!" They all chanted I looked at them confused. "You guys aren't mad?"

They looked at me confused. "Mad? Why would we be mad?" I shrugged my shoulders. "When Chloe got with Jacob her parents freaked, I just thought it was natural."

"Well we're not mad because we get to tease you about it." Michael said smirking, I groaned and went upstairs and got on with homework.

Around about an hour later all my dads came running in. "What?" Calum started pointing at the TV. I grabbed the remote and tossed it to him.

He turned it on to Channel 2 and I watched closely. "There has just been a big car crash on Westminster Road and it involved a poor girl walking home from somewhere."

I gave my dads a worried look. "Seems her name was Chloe Rodgers, she's being rushed to Sunny Coast Hospital."

I threw my work to the floor grabbed my shoes and started running to the hospital. The dads weren't ready when I was so I started off without them.

Turns out I got to the hospital and they still hadn't left the house. I ran to the desk. "I'm here to see Chloe Rodgers."

The woman typed her name in I assumed and sent me to the waiting room where I greeted her family.

I walked over to Mr and Mrs Rodgers, gave them big hugs and said 'I'm so sorry' repetitively. After sitting in the waiting room for an hour just watching doctors and nurses running in and out of her room a doctor finally came up to us.

That's when my dads all turned up, they saw the doctor and all held some part of my body showing they were listening and we're going to support me.

"I'm afraid she has Amnesia." Her parents started to cry and I felt the grips on my arms weaken. "Amy, are you ok?"

Calum asked, the doctor cleared his throat. "She only remembers her parents because she's known them her whole life."

Everything stopped. She doesn't know me. My best friend can't remember who I am. I felt the tears running down my face I ran into Chloe's room to see her awake and crying.

My fathers all followed me in. "OMG you're 5SOS!" She cried. Then she looked at me. "Who are you?" I felt my mouth go dry.

"I'm your best friend." I said quietly looking her in the eyes. She looked away. "No, my best friend is called Anna, I have no idea who you are."

That's when I lost it, I marched up to her bed and grabbed the side of it. "I've helped you through so much! My names Amy Heart, you know who I am, just admit it!"

I shouted and that's when I felt arms around my waist, I looked and saw security picking me up to get me out of the hospital.

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