Chapter 37

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Amy's POV

The next seven months went by too quickly. It all seemed so surreal, every night after a show I'd say thanks to the guys for getting me the tour, then I'd go straight to bed with Max snuggling up to me.

Now that we're home, I admit, I missed home...a lot. Since we got home I've been unpacking and Michael keeps coming into my room saying I need to get back onto the computer and do my classes because I'm far behind.

I haven't had the chance to yet though, Luke told me the other day, with Ashton by his side, saying I need to get a job.

I've been filling out multiple cv's so I can hand them out to different places I'd like to consider working at.

I've now got six completed cv's and I'm getting Ash to take me in his car to drop off each one. "Ash?" I called out as I skipped downstairs, I saw he was on the sofa with Luke, they were making out and Luke was shirtless.

"Guys!" I shouted making them jump apart. "Sorry Amy." I heard come from both the boys, I looked at each of them and they were both blushing big time.

"It's cool, anyways, Ash can you take me out so I can drop off my cv's?" Ash looked at Luke then me. "Go and walk, you could use the excerise."

He spat at me before going back to making out with Luke. Ok so what Ash said hurt, it really hurt. I just got my shoes on, grabbed my phone putting it in my jean pockets and headed out of the house slamming the door behind me.

I quickly checked the time on my phone 6:48pm, great it was going to be dark soon. I decided I'll just drop off as many as I could and once it becomes pitch black I'll call for someone to pick me up.

I firstly arrived at Greengrove School, it's a Primary school and I'd like to teach music to the students. I placed my cv in the post box at the front of the school and made my way off of the school grounds.

Next was being a dance teacher at the dance school I used to go to, I walked to where it used to be, but once I got there I noticed the building was burnt down. "Guess this job isn't going to work." I said still analysing the building.

I groaned and made my way to Tesco, they always have room for more. I just have to make sure my cv is good enough.

I should hope it is, each cv took me a day to write, I had to make sure each one was perfect in my eyes.

When I arrived at Tesco I realised I was at the one that's open 24 hours everyday. I sighed and walked in, I walked up to someone who was working on an empty till.

"Hi." I spoke quietly. The young boy eventually looked up at me. "Hi, how may I help?" I think I froze, he looked perfect.

He looked like a God sent from above. "I was wondering if you could hand this to the manager." The boy took it from my hands, his eyes wide.

"You're not placing a bomb on me, are you?" Panic in his voice that made me laugh slightly, I shook my head.

"No, it's a cv, I'd like to work here." The boy looked me up and down more closely before slapping his hand to his mouth.

"Holy fucking cheese you're Amy Heart!" I slapped my hand to his mouth. "Please don't shout so the whole world can hear." I felt him mumble a sorry against my hand and I pulled it away.

"Why would you, Amy Heart, want to work here?" I shrugged my shoulders. "My dads, Ashton and Luke, think I should get a job. I don't see why though, I mean, all the guys do is what I do. Why am I the one that needs a job and not them?"

The boy shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, but I'd love it if the big man would allow you to work here. I'd love to get to know you better."

I smiled. "You got a pen and paper?" I asked, he looked at me confused when he was handing it to me. I took the pen and wrote my number on the paper and signed it for him too.

I handed it back to him and winked. "Call me." Then I walked away, I still had another three cv's to get rid of.

The next one was at a café. Café Nero to be precise. I also had one for Costa Coffee and Starbucks. The three cafés were on the same road so I made my way down to Duncan's Street.

I slid my Starbucks cv under the door and made my way next to Café Nero where I did the same. When I got to Costa Coffee I put my cv in the little post box on the side of the door.

I looked around me and saw that it was now really dark. I didn't think it was dark enough to call up someone but it was getting breezy.

I was starting to debate with myself thinking that I should call up one of the guys, but I knew deep down I shouldn't because Ash and Luke were getting it on, so most likely Michael and Calum were too.

I groaned to myself but felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket to see I have a text message from an unknown number.

'Hey it's Olly from Tesco xxx' I smiled to myself and before I knew it I was clicking send. 'Hey Olly, when does your shift end? Xxx' after a moment I got another response.

'When my last costumer leaves I guess xxx' I smiled. 'By any chance can you give me a lift home? Xxx' I put my phone in my pocket and started to walk to Tesco again.

'It would be pretty rude of me to turn down a celebrity being in my shitty excuse of a car xxx' I started laughing.

As soon as I walked into Tesco I walked straight into Olly. "Oh sorry, I was just coming in to meet you." I said slightly blushing.

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