Chapter 21 The Curse of Power

Start from the beginning

“Tristan! Tristan stop! It’s not the clones! I already check!” Kylee started screaming. God, when is he going to stop? Soon crazy grey dots dance around my eyes. Tristan was pulled off of me. I see Darren to start punching him. He got a few good hits but we all can see that Tristan will win. Kylee jumped onto his back, knocking him to the floor. Darren walked over to me and helped me up. Yea…I’m not a fighter as you see.

“Look at his face Tristan. He’s the original Dimitrius. He has a godamn third-degree handprint on his face.” Kylee said.

“What about the other one” he spat blood on the floor. Which reminds me, I went to the bathroom and put my cloth under cold water again and put it on my face again and walk out to see Tristan highfiving Darren.

“Dude you need to learn to fight, you suck at it” Tristan said to me.

“I know, it’s always been my sister who has been the fighter, I just been the athletic sports playing, while she gets in fights with other boys”

He just nodded.

“So how you guys get here?” Tristan asked.

“Uh…at the time we didn’t know but Sage Millers rat us out” Darren said.

“Really? You guys met the Sage Miller? Consider that you guys to be lucky, that you are alive. Sage Miller or so I heard was sent to kill you guys, especially Brianna.”

“Yea, that made me loads better,” I muttered. Darren smirked while Kylee and Tristan went into a laughing fit. Once they calmed down we all went into an awkward silence.

“So,” Tristan clapped his hands together, “What’s the plan?”


I headed down the path. I’m partially sad that we had to leave Schuyler, but I was so glad that we made it here. I don’t know how, but we did. I smiled to myself. Gah! Austin is going to ask so many questions. I turned east heading towards the forest. Last time I was here I found the coldest and cleanest stream. I followed the path I made. Sheesh. Things grew! I was knocking myself over roots and plants, even rocks. Finally I started to the water crashing into rocks from the stream. I followed that noise and found the most peaceful area. I sat down on the rock and sat for a bit. Thinking. What am I going to tell Austin? That I teleported us here, I know I did since Austin for sure knew he didn’t do it. What are my powers? Please don’t tell it’s something rare! I can’t handle any more drama. Finally my 15th year is becoming a disaster, crushing my life into tiny piece and destroying everything I once knew. I put my head into my hands and sobbed. I don’t want this life. I read this life in so many books. I always wanted to be the girl cause they always fell in love took care of the drama and live a peaceful life. Well when’s my drama going to be over! I fell in love! Where’s my happy ending? Is my happy ending by adding more drama to my life? Clary got her happy ending! She got Jace and still had Simon as a best friend! Why couldn’t I be her! (A/N: These Characters are from the Mortal Instruments, I love these Books) How long would I have to wait? Is this just the start of my life? I finally notice that it was getting chilly. I lift my face to notice the sun setting. Shit! Austin will be worried. I grabbed the canteen and filled it up with water and headed back. I got there when the last of the rays were shining. I see Austin started a fire and was sitting near it. He looks up, stares at me.

“Were you crying?” he asked.

I looked away, “no”

He stared at me for a long time. He got up and walked towards me. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head and hugged me. I leaned in and stood like that.

“You’re not going to tell me why you were crying”

“I told you, I wasn’t crying”

He pulled away from me, stared me in the eyes. I sighed.

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